"No, it must have been caused by him taking a bath and not wearing clothes, which disturbed the morals of the social apartment." Bojing Yiping said, "It's not just you agreeing, what is the intention of the person involved?"

"Don't worry, I will fight for you once in a while."

"Then trouble you."

Chapter 120 Eighth

at last.

After the theatrical version of the animated film and serial series, I received the most important broadcasting work. Although it was only a trivial substituting, it was also a memorable first time.

Compared with the professional dubbing with a layer of character cloak, the broadcast is basically the voice actor's true colors.

The behind-the-scenes staff maintained a basic distance, just like those great film documentaries about behind-the-scenes stories I watched when I was a child, laughing and talking about interesting productions outside the screen, the director explained the core of the theme, the producer poured out bitterness, and the actors shared laughter and difficulties... ...profoundly analyze the creative process from zero to something for the audience, which itself is another story hidden in the shadows.

I'm so happy, a kind of longing turned into reality, and the dream come true within reach, just like the outdoor lovers got the invitation to share the pure natural protein meal in the rainforest of Costa Rica with Mr. Bei.

Sakura Mio is a professional voice actor with an upright professional attitude. With the encouragement of her friends, she has just come out of the bottleneck and confusion. It is the moment when she is full of energy and motivation.After receiving the news from the manager, I went to listen to the previous broadcast without stopping to prepare.

Strictly speaking, this should be regarded as reviewing the past to learn the new, because she has listened to every episode, but this time it is not from the perspective of the audience but from the perspective of power training. The identity is different and the understanding is different.

For example, I just listened to some music before, and watched a comic performance by two relatives and friends to cool off the heat and decompress.Now that I think about it a little, I can feel that the high-speed and smooth dialogue between the host and the assistant is actually full of foreshadowing and turning points, just like American wrestling, under the seemingly fierce collision, there is a perfect cooperation, and the bond between the two is obviously very good, rough After hearing it, most people would think it was just a simple bickering, but looking back afterwards, you will find that their ability to pick each other's small braids in each other's words is very superb, and each sentence has a corresponding backhand, so the level of communication can be so rich .

It's all details.

It's no accident that the pair have done two broadcasts with good results.

If it is a stranger, Sakura Mio may be a little flustered because of the lack of rank, but forcibly fills in the host. Rao has a fiery aggressive Buff, and his mentality is probably tactful and there is room for it.It is probably Cang Lanying who often dives in Yinquan. Looking at it, the full-level tauren chief sighed and said, "Oh, that's what a man should do!"

But now it is taking over from a relative or friend and cooperating with another relative or friend, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and the attitude is also positive and even ambitious.Probably the chief was ill, his temples were rustling, and he was lying on the bed, enjoying the cherry blossoms and vegetables.Ying said: He can be replaced!

There are many good things in life, and with hope, the whole person will become very angry and brimming with happiness.The old father at home also felt very happy to see his daughter's lively smile.

She finally came out of introversion, and it seemed that her careful care and efforts were not in vain.

"Are you going to start a radio station with your friends?" Eiji Sakura sat on the sofa and smiled, with his legs crossed reading the newspaper in a very elegant and handsome posture, consciously satisfying all the fantasies that ordinary women have for a good middle-aged man, "Don't be too nervous, Dad, I will support you too."

On the business card, my information is that I am also the head of the company. It is really inconvenient in the company to watch the animation that my daughter starred in in the office, but I can broadcast the program and just plug in a headset, so I don’t have to worry about showing my feet.And if you are chatting with your friends, you will probably say something that you are embarrassed to say in front of your parents, things about your peers, woohoo!

Sakura Mio sound packed up and went out. With a good mood, she took the tram and walked some distance to the recording place.

It’s different from someone who only knows how to take friends to the video game city to play hacks, but shakes his head and sighs how the operation can’t keep up with him. Two girls of similar age can talk about more topics, from work to gossip to beauty and fashion to The secrets of preparing for higher education to the quilt, almost everything is talked about, and the speed of the relationship warms up like a rocket, and even called him by his first name.

"Aicai!" Sakura's eyes lit up when she saw her relatives and friends, and trotted over.

"You're really here." Hidaka, who arrived more than ten minutes earlier, also took the other's little hand and kept shaking it, "I heard the host asked for leave yesterday, so I thought I was going to broadcast alone this time."

"What happened to that guy?" Sakura Mio asked.

"It seems to be a cold and fever." Hidaka Mana thought for a while.

"Could it be pretending to be sick?" Sakura Mioyin was suspicious.

"Although it sounds like something he would do, it's definitely not possible." Hidaka Mana smiled, "Want to eat biscuits? After many improvements, this one has reached its final form!"

"Can you teach me? I also want to try making handmade biscuits." Sakura Mio, who can only cook quick-frozen dumplings, humbly asked for advice. With a mother with top housekeeping skills by her side, she felt that she was not trying to catch up, but At least you should make a small patch to your cooking level.

"Okay, I can tell you about the process when it is broadcast later." Hidaka Mana readily agreed.

"Is this kind of trivial matter okay? Doesn't it count as time?" Sakura Mio sound was taken aback.

"Of course, it's the type that is close to life. It's still a good thing. You listened to the previous episodes. The host guided me to say things that didn't make sense from the beginning to the end. Don't you also get paid with peace of mind. "Hidaka Mana said calmly, "You don't have to have such great determination to make a 'famous scene' and 'God's return', you are just here to wipe the ass of the disqualified host, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, everyone will not blame you of."

"I will keep up with Mana's rhythm." Sakura Mio nodded vigorously.

The phone in his pocket rang twice, it was a chat message from the person he was paying special attention to.

"Tauren Chief: Are you taking my place today?"

"Chief Tauren: Are you confused and panicked? It's okay. For the sake of our relationship, you can say something nice. Brother, I will teach you a few tricks to suppress the bottom of the box."

Now that the outdoor temperature is soaring, Yin Ze is still wearing a quilt in order to sweat.Holding a digital pen in his hand, he was writing furiously at the laptop screen, with two balls of tissue stuffed in his nostrils to block his nose. He was catching up with Yoshida-san's manuscript, and his left thumb was in charge of typing on the phone.

"Mature and stable adults: No need, I have a general by my side."

"The tauren chief: Junior senior? Just her?"

"Mature and stable adults: This host is much more dedicated than you."

"The tauren chief: - I became a double?!"

"The tauren chief: Don't be fooled by that person's purity and frankness. You listened to the previous episodes, she was talking with me about things that didn't make sense from the beginning to the end, but she still got paid with peace of mind. No fault, you can tell at a glance that you are an old professional, and you are always scheming."

It was displayed on the opposite side that it was typing, and it was sent after a few seconds.

"Mature and stable lord: Then, you understand, junior-kun?"

"Chief Tauren: Have you ever met a cheater while playing cards? Even if that kind of people don't know each other, as long as they meet their eyes on the table, they know each other well, and they play together to play two ghosts and carry the sedan chair. It's a lie to you." Such a good old man who just entered the society. Alas, after all, I was a bit unlucky. I have done two broadcasts with her. Next time, I must find a partner with weak defensive ability. If I want to show a little offensive, I will blush and slap the table. .”

"Mature and stable adults: It turns out that the younger generation likes to bully the disadvantaged. You are really domineering. Then next time I will only be responsible for being beaten."

"The tauren chief: Why do you speak so strangely, just like the younger seniors?"

"Mature and stable adults: because I am the senior himself."

"Chief Tauren: Haha, little comrade, you are not good, how can you lie? You are still pretending so reluctantly?"

"A mature and stable adult sent you a photo"

Yin Ze clicked on it, shifted his gaze, glanced at it, and suddenly his heart and lungs stopped.

Captured by the front-facing camera, Senior Nianxia is getting together with Mrs. Sakura, and Zhang Datou came to take a group photo.

Yin Ze put the pen away and held the phone in both hands.

"Chief Tauren: ...This comrade is very bad, how can he play with other people's mobile phones casually, spy on other people's chat privacy, and even meddle in it?"

"Mature and stable adults: This gentleman's behavior is also very bad. How can you speak ill of others behind others' backs and friends?"

"The tauren chief: ... Burning incense taboos two shorts and one short, and being a human being is the most worrying about three shorts and two shorts. Whoever does not talk about people behind his back, and whoever is behind his back, no one speaks. Reviewing in failure, rebirth in the ashes, each of us is like this, Stumbling from incompleteness to perfection, for this, I need you."

"The Tauren Chieftain has sent you an audio message"

"The tauren chief: I need you to give me direction~ Even if I have to go through the vast sea of ​​people alone~? For you to taste the wind and frost~I wander far away~? I need you to give me strength~I will be strong no matter what~As long as you give me strength ~?"

"This is the first time I've heard him sing. It's not bad, but it's a bit old-fashioned, with thick eyebrows and big eyes that were popular in the last century." Sakura Mio sounded close to Hidaka Mana, feeling very interested.

Hidaka Mana turned her mouth up, and replied a word symbolically and loftily.

"Mature and stable adults: Heh."

The producer passed by at this time and waved to the two.

"The recording is about to start."

"Okay, here we come."

The two stopped talking to someone who was surviving behind the Internet, and walked towards the recording studio.

Hiroshi Mori, who was walking in the front, was a little bit embarrassed. Since the start of this broadcast, the results have been excellent every time. It is obvious that he has gained a large number of loyal and loyal fans.However, this time the host failed to play with his hips stretched, maybe the audience rating will drop a bit, right?

Chapter 120 Nine

Everything is ready inside and outside the studio.

Hidaka Mana was wearing earphones that were a little too big for her, and she was sitting in the host's seat, next to a power leveler who was just getting started and was sitting upright.The staff outside counted down with hand gestures, and when the count reached zero, a burst of lively opening music came from the earphones.

'Nightmare girls won't eat the radio~ Let's go together! ’—this is a chorus recorded by someone and an assistant a long time ago.

Hidaka Mana cleared her throat slightly, and then spoke crisply.

"It is said that the earth was dark and yellow and the universe was muddy. One year, it was spring on August [-]th. The golden mountains chased the shadows for thousands of years, and the clouds flew high and the water flowed. , The sun and the moon are moving like a boy! Hello, listeners and friends, alas, time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, "The Nightmare Girl Will Not Eat the Radio" is already the sixth issue, and the animation is also here In the closing stage, we also have to work hard..."

"So this opening is not a personal feature, but a fixed link?" Sakura Mio murmured in surprise, but the quality of the microphone was so good that it was picked up.However, according to the script, she should appear on the stage after the wonderful introduction, which was missed in advance, and she quickly covered her mouth and pretended to be transparent.

"I don't want to, but the script writer likes it and insists that this is a unique label and must not be broken."

Hidaka Mana laughed because of the cute little accident, and answered the words.

"So why didn't the slick and authentic card read it, but he sent me the lines through the chat software? That's because he was an independent adult at an early age, but because he neglected to take care of himself, he got into trouble. Caught a cold, sick in bed. Obviously, as a voice actor, the most important thing to prevent is a cold and sore throat, what a big disqualification!"

"So this time I was temporarily promoted from an assistant to a host. Of course, the lineup will not be reduced because the original host is slack, and the new assistant also has other people..." Hidaka Mana followed the script and began to slow down speed of speech.

"'Sure enough, I can't be your favorite gentleness, let me be self-willed again this time'!" The new assistant has been preparing for a long time, pinpointed the timing, recited the character's lines, and made a dashing debut, " Hello everyone, I'm the batterer, Sakura Mio from Ichimatsu yakuza."

"Uh, I still haven't finished reading two sentences." Hidaka Mana was slightly stunned, and then couldn't laugh or cry.

"Ahhh, I'm sorry." The new assistant exited nervously and embarrassed, fiddled with his fingers, bit his mouth and looked at the staff guilty, "I'm sorry, cut this trouble."

"Small things! Don't worry, leave it to me!" The producer raised his thumb, as bright and talkative as ever.

But don't wait for the new assistant to relax.

"Don't have too many illusions, no matter what kind of accident this person is, he has never cut it." Hidaka Mana muttered beside her.

"Why? Isn't that the difficulty of hell, there is no chance of recovery... Ah, sorry, I spoke in advance again." Sakura Mio covered her mouth with her hands, kicked her legs, and the pulley chair she was sitting on was driven by power, away from the table and the microphone. far away.

"Hmph! Have you been exposed? But it doesn't matter! Because life can never be repeated!" Mori Hiroshi said, and the background sound was filled with the laughter of the staff.

"Every word and deed must be interpreted, isn't it cruel? We are struggling to move forward in such an occasion! Then we will never stop because of the slackness of the original host, and the new assistant also has other people." Day Gao Aicai is strong, and in a few words she brought the topic back to the script, "She is a childhood sweetheart who has a mysterious origin in the animation and is always by the protagonist's side, but will eventually fly to the other side like a migratory bird. Only then did he reveal his true colors—”

All eyes.

There was a peaceful silence.

Hidaka Mana quietly looked to the side, and couldn't help but gestured to come quickly.

"Yes, can you say it? Hello everyone, I'm Mio Sakura, Ichimatsu's clerk." The new assistant's energy was blunted, and he paused for a second, looking at everyone's attitudes. "'Sure enough, I can't be the gentleness you like most, let me be willful again this time'?"

"It seems that this broadcast will be a bit bad, in every sense." The new host couldn't help but learn from his predecessor, scratching his head in the same way.

The staff are never absent at this time, and bursts of laughter came again.

"I'm sorry, I will definitely work harder in the future to make up for my mistakes!" Sakura Mioyin vigorously admitted her mistake.

"Actually, it's nothing. After all, it's Mio's first broadcast, and it's just a temporary firefight. It's normal to make mistakes, so don't take it to heart." Hidaka Mana relieved her partner's emotions.

"But the performance of this program is very good, right? Mana and Takizawa-san must have put in a lot of effort. I really don't want to tarnish your efforts." Sakura Mio sounded very serious.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, no matter how good or bad the performance is, the program team still has to pay the salary that should be paid. Oh, these are the original words of the former host, I just paraphrase, hope everyone knows." Hidaka Mana said naturally.

"I-Is it really okay to say something like this? Doesn't it mean that it can't be edited in post?" Sakura Mio's expression was serious.

"Who doesn't talk about people behind their backs, and no one talks about them behind their backs." Hidaka Aina was righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Did you bring your little emotions into your work...?" Sakura Mio's eyes became strange.

"No, no, and the producer knows about it." Hidaka Aina spread her hands.

"Ah? Really?" Sakura Mio sound looked outside subconsciously.

"It's too arrogant. Let's find a reason to withhold his salary and give it to my brothers to drink in style!" Mori Muhong nodded and participated in the interaction with affection.

"Yes." The Staff responded.

"I still have to remove his position, so I can replace the fixed lineup with you!" Mori Hiroshi added.

"Yes!" Hidaka Mana raised her hand in agreement.

"..." Mio Sakura suddenly felt that this program might be more free than she thought.

"Let's go back to the work. The animation is now coming to an end and it will end soon. Mio, have you watched it every week?" Hidaka Mana asked.

"I haven't missed it every week. Even if I don't see it occasionally, my father will help me record it." Sakura Mio nodded and said.

"Will the family watch it together?" Hidaka Mana was surprised, "Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"I'm fine, but Dad is really embarrassed." Sakura Mio hesitated.The father said that this was a voice he had never heard before, and a gesture he had never seen before, and then he swayed on the sofa in various ways, which aroused the disgust of his mother.

"It sounds like Mio-on has a good relationship with her father." Hidaka Mana smiled, "So how do you feel about participating in the work so far?"

"The biggest feeling is that I have improved." Sakura Mio replied solemnly, "After I really entered the industry, I realized that what I have learned is just getting started. Both efficiency and expressiveness are still immature. Serialization You can cooperate with various seniors on the set of the fan drama, and the intensity and requirements are also professional-level, which sharpens your skills. The progress during this period is the greatest. I will never forget this role in the future.”

"Have you participated in an animated film before? It seems that that work won an award." Hidaka Mana asked again.

"Yeah, that was also a very beautiful work, and it was also my starting point as a voice actor. It was even worse then than it is now. It was purely a drag on everyone's blessing. I was just a member of the excellent team." Sakura Mio recalled that unforgettable beautiful experience and smiled.

"It's too modest. I've seen it too. From the beginning to the end, you are playing Mio. On the contrary, the male protagonist didn't say a few words. He should be ashamed to be able to enjoy the same achievement in the end." Hidaka Mana hummed softly.

"Oh, who is the voice actor of the male lead?" Sakura Mio frowned, pretending to forget, racking her brains to recall her teammates from her debut work.

"I don't have any impression, wait a minute, it seems to be the original host? He is also the voice actor of the Nightmare Girl!" Hidaka Aina realized it later, and then said very disgusted, "It's good luck, it has been so bad all the time , have always been so lucky, and have been able to meet a senior team with you and me."

"Yeah, yeah." Sakura Mio sound also agreed in a serious way.

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