From vegetable prices to human immigration to Mars...

"I'm full!" Sakura Mio sound cleaned the bowl, went upstairs and put on her coat and ran to the door to put on her shoes.

"Mioyin, don't play too crazy, didn't you leave your phone and wallet?" Mom hurriedly reminded.

"Don't worry!" The girl went out like a breeze.

After collective calculation and detailed calculation by study committee members, publicity committee members, labor committee members and other cadres, the dining place was set near the bustling Omotesando.After eating and drinking here, there are also many entertainment and play places nearby for two games and three games.

As a street photography street as famous as Harajuku, Shibuya, Daikanyama and Ginza, trendy people gather here. The long-legged ladies in trench coats and sunglasses look like catwalks, and hip-hop men with dreadlocks walk swaying to the beat of headphones.

Sakura Mio sound also looks cute and eye-catching in this lively atmosphere.In fact, she often comes here with her mother to shop with her father's bank card. There are three long streets for girls' fashion stores here.

Familiarly found the western restaurant with a high overall score, the girl pushed the door and entered, playing classical piano music as always.She was well-dressed and immediately attracted the reception of the waiter.

"A light sweatshirt with a large color block yellow-green, which is eye-catching and breathable and comfortable. The specially large size is not too cumbersome but sets off the slender and delicate upper body of a woman. Black work shorts and dark sneakers squeeze together Extruding the delicate calf curve, the dark rose belt is the finishing touch, as a supplementary embellishment color, it makes the overall image more solid." The waiter bowed slightly and praised repeatedly, "The neat short hair is full of vitality, full of youthful flavor, high-end The transparency makes people yearn for it, and can't help but want to touch it."

She didn't listen carefully to what the waiter said, she just felt that it was a bit long-winded like Gulu Gulu reciting a jingle.After looking around, I didn't see my classmate, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me, how many people?" The waiter returned to the bank and asked.

"My friends are having dinner, I'll be there first, and I'll meet them later." Saying the word 'friend' made Sakura Mio's mood even happier.

"Then I'll find a quieter seat, you rest first." The waiter led her to sit down, "Have something to drink, black tea is free."

The girl just waved her hand, and the waiter retreated knowingly when he saw this.

It is not easy to be awkward if you come to the party first, and you can follow the atmosphere of the topic from beginning to end. It is very difficult for marginalized people to intervene in the discussion when they are late, and if they are not careful, they will drink tea alone in the corner to accompany them.Today she made a plan, she must show a different self, and even made a list in her mind of what to sing at KTV after dinner.

Famous idols, popular TV dramas and variety shows, and interesting stories about astrology and divination on the back pages of magazines, she knows all of these, so she has nothing to say!

Which classmate will be the first to arrive? I hope he is talkative, so that we can get off to a good start.

Will it be the monitor?As the leader of the party, he must be there first, and then he will be alone... Boys like games more than stars, right?

What if we discuss math problems, my academic ability is only average.

Leaning in the seat, thinking about gains and losses, the quiet and elegant environment combined with the melodious piano sound played gradually reduced her excitement, replaced by the drowsiness of going to bed late and waking up early.

After being invited by the super-grass on Friday, she held onto the magazine and made plans all night long. She knew that there would be a shower of rain at three o'clock in the morning.

The eyelids became loose and fought with each other, Sakura Mio yawned, patted her face forcibly to break the sleepiness, her eyes became firm, and after a few seconds, her eyes became loose again.


The current is like a torch passing through the city streets at night, and the design-filled signboards are lit up one after another, and the lights of the cars are cutting the road, and the crows are parked on the windowsills of high-rise buildings waiting to return to their nests.On Saturday night, there are no adults in a hurry, couples who seldom have a rest pass by holding hands and licking ice cream, and children lie in front of the glass cabinets of the toy store to cling to their parents.

The remaining diners in the store gradually became rare, and the head chef was taking the time to teach the new chefs the habit of using the stove while checking the ingredients.

The waiter untied the tightly tied bow tie and walked to the silent girl who had been watching the night scene for a long time.

The vitality from the previous meeting was completely swallowed up, and now this one is like a puppet whose string has been drawn, or a kitten abandoned in an alley, lifeless and pitiful.

The waiter handed over a starfish-shaped strawberry cake on the table.

"I didn't order this." Sakura Mio moved and whispered.

"It's because you didn't order anything that I brought it here." The waiter said, "Don't worry, this is an employee's benefit, no money is required, but I'm not very good at eating sweets."

The girl didn't answer, and she didn't move the fork.

"Is your friend here yet?" the waiter asked softly, "I see you slept all afternoon."

The girl paused for a few seconds, grabbed the hem of her clothes, and murmured, "They changed the venue temporarily, but they forgot to notify me. The important thing is that no one has my contact information and email address. Forwarded."

"Then, do you want to rush there now?" the waiter asked with his hands behind his back.

"...I don't want to go anymore, and they have already finished eating."

"How about going home?"

"I told my parents that we will play later, and they will be worried if they go back early, and ask if there is anything." Sakura Mio slowly lowered her head, "So it's not possible now, you can't go back .”

The waiter kept quiet, then smiled, "So let's eat cake."

Sakura Mio raised her head in bewilderment, and looked at the waiter who seemed a little too dedicated.

"This is just the beginning. My staff meal of thick-cut sirloin steak is still being reheated, and I'll bring it to you later." The waiter gave a big thumbs up.

"That's too old to bite..." Sakura Mio complained, then thought the waiter was implying himself through such behavior, and said hesitantly, "Well, I'm sorry to take up the seat for so long, I will order some Food."

"It's all colleagues, why are you being polite to me?" The waiter didn't care.

"Colleague?" Sakura Mio sound became more and more confused.


"Uh, may I ask that, are you?" The girl faltered in embarrassment.

The waiter took a few steps helplessly and simply sat down opposite her, looking at her from a close distance and finally seeing the waiter clearly.

The girl opened her eyes slightly, it was a subconscious move of something beautiful breaking into her field of vision, and the hand that was holding onto the hem of the clothes inadvertently let go.

The boy was wearing a clean white shirt, and his collarbone was looming under the loose neckline after taking off the bow tie. His side face was facing the bustling and noisy night outside the window, covered with a layer of light orange twilight, and the shadow highlighted the straight and delicate bridge of the nose.The eyebrows and eyes are as slender as willow leaves sprouting in early spring, masculinity is blended with femininity, and the pupils are clear, gently turning like the ripples of the mirror lake, overflowing into someone's world.

Everything that was deeply entangled in my heart suddenly disappeared, especially the figure of the class leader who was extremely resentful, and was blown away to nowhere in an instant.

The two looked at each other quietly, as if they were waiting for the other to speak, only Beethoven on the stereo was still playing.

After a long while, Yin Ze was a little embarrassed, "Haven't you recognized me? Am I so invisible?"

"I remembered. The late high school senior who was humiliated and played by the social rules of adults." Sakura Mio immediately moved her eyes away.

"Don't say that I seem to have done male public relations before, and the clothes are still male clients." Yin Ze had a black hair, "Try the cake, it's very good."

This time he didn't refuse, but forked a piece into his mouth.

Fragrant cream, baked soft cake, and the fresh and moving strawberry flavor permeate the tongue.

"How?" Yin Ze raised his eyebrows.

"It's so sweet." Sakura Mio lightly licked the cream off her lips.

"That's right, I just said, wait, I'll get the steak." Yin Ze stood up and trotted back to the kitchen, and brought back a steaming sirloin after a while.

Carefully pouring black pepper sauce on it, Yin Ze gracefully wrapped a white scarf around his chest, held a knife and fork to rub against each other, and then cut gently with a corner... until cutting hard, then pressing the plate with his hands to cut, and finally I finally cut a piece and ate it, from chewing slowly, to showing my big teeth on the left and right, to swallowing the dates whole, to letting out a long sigh of relief when my face flushed.

Yin Ze wiped his mouth, coughed lightly, and commented in a tone of voice, "It's firewood."

Seeing his stupid look, Sakura Mio just covered her mouth as soon as she wanted to laugh, but the eyes that were crooked into thin moon still betrayed her.

"You have a whole piece too?" Yin Ze curled his lips and gestured generously, "It's very chewy."

"You can't take your dinner." Sakura Mio held back.

"It's okay, it's okay, good things are to be shared." Yin Ze held the knife and fork upside down and swiped it vigorously.

"I'd better order another one." The girl hurriedly took the menu.

"Dear guest, what do you need?" The boy entered the business state at the speed of light, stood up and bowed to wait.

“Thick cut sirloin steak.”

"Here's a copy." Yin Ze never forgets to share selflessly.

"It should be fresh and medium rare."

"Oh, okay, I'll go to the head chef right now, and help the new assistant chef who was scolded bloody for spilling the dishes with the spoon." Yin Ze felt a little disappointed.

"In addition, I want the high-level service that makes me feel at home." The girl patted the table and emphasized.

"As you wish, beautiful little lady." Yin Ze wiped his face with his hands, and was forced to put on a mask called "Eyes like shining stars, absolutely smiling" and walked away with a gentleman's salute.

"Hi." Sakura Mio shouted again.

When he was stopped halfway, the boy adjusted his facial expression and turned his head with a smile, "What's the matter, lovely little lady."

"Hurry up and come back to eat your steak." She pointed to the lump of dark diamonds.

"Prestige little lady, do you want to watch me perform until my big teeth crack and my gums bleed? Warmly remind the waiters that they are also human beings, who have the sadness and joy that ordinary people have. They will also secretly lose and cry after being injured~" Yin Zeya soured Smile.

"What." The girl ate the cake, pouted her lips in dissatisfaction, and paused, "Of course it's more interesting because eating together, it won't be boring."

Yin Ze was stunned for a moment, then smiled, turned around and made an OK gesture.

No.16 God will fail and fall

In a library full of rich wisdom, under the gentle gaze of the pictures of great men hanging on the walls.

"Among the monarchs of the Sasanian Empire, who was the one who defeated the Roman army and captured the Roman emperor?!" The teaching director propped his chin with his hands, his sharp eyes behind round-rimmed glasses, and the center of the Mediterranean Sea was also shining, and he spoke as fast as Unloaded bullets.

"Shapur I." Yin Ze didn't hesitate at all, and just opened his mouth.

"During the 30 Years' War, there was a Protestant country with a strong influence in the Baltic Sea, and then joined the war. Who is the king at this time?!"

"Gustav II Adolf."

"The Islamic forces that occupied the northern part of Spain crossed the Pyrenees and attacked the southwestern part of France. However, they were defeated by the Frankish Kingdom at the Battle of Poitiers in 732. What was the name of the Islamic dynasty and the Frankish Kingdom at that time?!"

"Umayyad, Merovingian."

"About India after the 15th century, establishing a kingdom in the Punjab region, and what is the religion founded by Nanak believed by the religious order at war with the British East India Company?!"


"In 508 BC, in ancient Rome, Athens, who was the politician who abolished the old 4-tribe system, created a new 10-tribe system, and established the foundation of democratic politics."


"Describe to me within 90 words the situation of the Polish country when it prospered from the second half of the 14th century to the 15th century and the background of its decline in the second half of the 18th century!" The director suddenly stood up and leaned forward like a tiger that devoured people.

"Poland, which prospered in the era of King Kazimierz, later combined with Lithuania to create the Jagiello Dynasty in order to resist the oppression of the German Knights. After the dynasty was cut off, it entered the election and caused political chaos. The struggle led to the intervention of neighboring countries." Yin Ze seemed to be reading dryly from a book, fluent and fluent but with no emotional ups and downs, like a robot.

"...All right." The dean lost his strength and sat back in his chair, his face filled with pride as an educator, "The world, human stories and the development of civilization have been engraved into your soul, and you are an encyclopedia of flesh and blood. In terms of accumulation of knowledge, you have surpassed me, and you are even qualified to watch in the boundless dark universe as a human narrator after the destruction of the earth."

"The earth is blown up, and I have already died in Two-dimensional. Don't you read geography?" Yin Ze took out a thick enough to kill people's "World Geography Detailed Explanation of Asia" from the pile of books, "Continue to study ?”

"No need, I already firmly believe that you ate memory bread." The director shook his head and waved his hands, "Chinese, world history, Japanese history, and geography have been taken, and foreign languages ​​and science are next."

"I can't speak English."

"The language of the test is optional. Choose from Chinese, Korean, German, English, and French." The director explained.

"Is there such a good thing?" Yin Ze's eyes glowed, as if seeing pies falling from the sky, "Is it random killing if I choose Chinese?"

"It is true that many people have chosen Chinese over the years, but you should not underestimate the difficulty. The whole article is pure Chinese characters, without pseudonyms but assisted by Chinese pinyin. Super difficult ancient prose, are you sure you can bear two systems in one paper?" the director kindly reminded.

"If you can answer this wrongly, I'll cut off my head and give you a hand-warming pillow in winter!" Yin Ze exuded an aura of absolute confidence that only the strong can have.

"Since you're so inflated, well, the sciences are the ones that haven't been settled yet." The dean clasped his hands together, "It's definitely too late to start cultivating logical thinking in solving problems, so just go ahead and use the sea of ​​questions tactics to win with quantitative experience! After brushing the questions to the state of trance, looking at the questions of any test paper, there will be a kind of wonderful inspiration that my sister has seen before! It’s just that the efficiency is not high in the early stage, and it will speed up after getting familiar with the framework of various test questions. The unified test is only one month away No, you have to work harder."

"Can it be done?" Yin Ze was skeptical.

"I was also known as a test bully back then, you have to trust my combat experience and life summary." The dean raised his head.

"The principal is an exam king, and you are a top exam...but your record is not solid and you still haven't passed the test of Dongda." Yin Ze's words were erratic.

"This dragon gate is really hard to pass, but, even though I hate that stinky headmaster, you still misunderstood him in this regard. It is no problem for him to call him the king of the exam." The dean sighed. said.

"Is there any inhumane secret?" Yin Ze became interested when he heard the gossip.

"Do you know how the deviation value is calculated? 50 is the national student average, which is the benchmark. If you exceed it, it means how much you surpass the average level of academic ability of all Japanese students. Otherwise, it means how stupid you are compared to them."

The director changed into a comfortable sitting position, stroking his beer belly and nodding.

"The scientific part of this concept is...for example, if you take a 90 in Chinese and a 50 in math, you will only get a conclusion that you are partial and math is not good, but if in a class, there are 100 people who get 40 in Chinese However, there are only 30 people who can pass 10 points in mathematics. In this way, your Chinese scores become ordinary, but 50 points in mathematics is a super-level performance."

"It is to combine the overall environment and give a more objective level standard." Yin Ze said.

"By default, 75 is the upper limit, and 30 is the lower limit. If you have an academic ability above 60, you can basically be admitted to a good university. By the way, Takizawa-kun, your value before you left school was 53. It's hard to say now, but it shouldn't be. Below 65."

The dean sighed, and the lone figure of that man seemed to flash in front of his eyes when he said this.

"Principal Koizumi Rensaburo's strength was 78 back then... It has exceeded the normal upper limit and is approaching the theoretical upper limit, gradually entering the inhuman level."


Yin Ze was astonished and puzzled.

"Then he's not good enough."

"It was stable at first, but his desire to win and lose is too strong. He obviously prefers to study literature and philosophy, but he only wrote a third category of science at the University of Tokyo in his volunteer."

"What do you mean?"

"Science III of Dongda University, which is also the Department of Medicine, is nicknamed the Cosmic People to get in. The entire university has an annual enrollment quota of 3000, but this department only takes 100 people, and even many academic gods don't even want to study medicine. Just because it is the most difficult and difficult exam in this country, the principal is one of these people."

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