"Fried rice with chopped green onion without eggs: this raid was well done."

"Zhongda who repaired the text: Hehe, it's just an ordinary letter, so there's no need to make a fuss about it."

"Why do I keep getting letters asking me about interpersonal relationships... Do I look like that kind of well-rounded person?" Yin Ze was very puzzled.

"Maybe your speech and opinions are very meaningful at first glance. Everyone trusts you, so you want to rely on them." Hidaka Aina raised her eyebrows slightly, "But what the audience said is also the truth, no matter whether you are a senior or not. Whether it is a newcomer or even a sound supervisor, he can get on well with everyone, and he can chat with everyone, which is a rare acquaintance."

"It's okay, on the contrary, I think you guys are too disciplined." Yin Ze held his chin in thought, "But I have to say, there are not many people who are both colleagues and friends, maybe five or six. That's not much. .”

"What surprises others is how quickly you make friends."

"But I'm just communicating normally?"

"Hey, is this the so-called lack of self-awareness? I have seen it." Hidaka Mana looked in disbelief.

"Then I'm going to ask you back, do you know how we became friends?" Yin Ze looked over and said.

"Of course, when we first met in the lounge in the early morning, you were the one who greeted me first. I wondered why this guy was so abrupt and direct. You must keep a distance of more than 124." Hidaka Aina said honestly.

"What value is this? Is it in feet or kilometers?" Yin Ze frowned.

"It's just a vague concept. Isn't it common to set intimate figures for others in your heart?" Hidaka Aina explained ambiguously.

"Then how far are we now?" Yin Ze asked.

"Hmm, 25?" Hidaka Mana wondered.

"...I don't understand your algorithm and mechanism. But it's obviously pulled in a lot, right?"


"Then how did you get in? Do you know exactly how you got in?" Yin Ze continued to ask.

"...Uh." Hidaka Mana thought about it for a while, "It seems that there is no particularly profound incident. I feel like I have recovered and started broadcasting."

"Look, you don't know either." Yin Ze had such an expression.

"What, this kind of attitude." Hidaka Mana snorted softly, "Then how did you get along with Mio Yin?"

"Haha, I don't want senior to be so confused, of course I understand." Yin Ze snapped his fingers, "I met her at the same time as joining the company. After that, I worked as a waiter in the restaurant where I worked. She was a customer for dinner. When work was over , go to the dental clinic together, and then go to other people's homes to make dumplings together..."

"Wait, why did you go to the dental clinic?" Hidaka Mana stretched out her hand to interrupt.

"...Uh, of course it's because the tooth was broken." Yin Ze's eyes wandered, and he didn't want to elaborate on this topic.

"This is the first time I know this. Although you took care of her on the set of the Nightmare Girl before, you never thought that the personal relationship would be so good." Hidaka Mana let out a long cry.

"It's okay. I would like to call it 'Nie Yuan'." Yin Ze said sadly.

"How can anyone call friendship like that." Hidaka Aina raised her forehead.

Although the chat had nothing to do with animation, it was a behind-the-scenes story after all, so everyone listened with gusto.

But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

"Urban Strange Phlegm: Qun'an next door dares to send such a letter? Mess up my grand ceremony?!"

"F1ve of the golden pickup: actually looking for candy in our home field, I am so angry!"

"Brother Dang: I am sworn to death with the enemy!"

"Kong Ming of Heisei: Don't be afraid, everyone. This is just a strategy to harass the enemy. There is not enough follow-up of the offensive, so it won't cause any trouble."

Hidaka Mana continued to open the letter.

"Let's take a look at the third letter. The audience of the broadcast titled 'The Devil of the Sixth Heaven'. Hello, host and assistant. I am a simple boy in adolescence, and I am very yearning for the demeanor shown by Takizawa-kun in previous issues. Let’s be blunt, I want to do relationship counseling, how can I catch up with the girl I like? Even if it’s just a simple talk, please! Ehe~”

"Hey?" Yin Ze repeated, "Why are you pretending to be cute all of a sudden?"

"Because there is such a tone at the end of the letter. By the way, it's this kind of question, the younger generation is really admired." Hidaka Mana teased.

"It's over." Yin Ze said indifferently.He couldn't help but think about the nickname of the audience.

"You are a radio host, how can you skip the letter and ask questions?" Hidaka Mana was helpless, and said in a strong tone, "This is the essence selected by the staff from the massive letters, you must be serious Answer, otherwise you will fail the audience and the staff."

Yes, yes, but you can't skip it.The auditor Hiroshi Mori, who had been watching, smiled and nodded.

Chapter 140 Eighth

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old green onion students are exactly the age of chasing fan chasing with relish, and similarly, it is also a restless period of interest in playing with friends.

People have always been full of stereotyped prejudices and unfounded fantasies about Chi Miannan's life.

——"What I usually do most is play games."

No one would believe this kind of heartfelt words, and no one cared how many game coins Chi Miannan put in. The three aunts and six aunts only wanted to hear the answers they wanted to hear the most, and only wanted to gossip about Longmenzhen.

"If you want to catch up with the girl you like, the prerequisite is that you must first attract others." Yin Ze said slowly.

"Well, that's true." Hidaka Mana pretended to be listening carefully, "But how can I become attractive to others?"

"There are still traces to follow. You can look for references and compare them to check for omissions." Yin Ze said, "I believe that there are a few brilliant classmates around you, right? They are talkative and have friends all over the grade. They are the teachers' eyes. The star of tomorrow is the unspeakable object of admiration for school girls, and the thorn in the flesh of competitors. You might as well try to learn from their strengths and change slowly."

"Do you want to work hard with such a utilitarian mind? It's not pure." Hidaka Aina said.

"Desire is the root of strength!" Yin Ze violently said.

"However, there are different types of popular people in each period." Hidaka Mana thought for a while.

"What do you mean? For example?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"I remember when I was in elementary school, the most popular classmates were often the ones who ran the fastest."

"What's this saying?"

"Really, every elementary school is like this. Especially in the sports meeting, the child who runs the last pole is very popular. In my year, the boys in my class overtook their opponents in the last ten meters and won the championship. Everyone Everyone was cheering, and I thought he was amazing." Hidaka Aina recalled.

"What about junior high school?" Yin Ze nodded.

"Play basketball and football, right? Those with strong athletic ability are often discussed. By the way, the conductor of my school's chorus team is also very popular." Hidaka Mana said again.

"So the runner is the real version of the protagonist of the Japanese campus?" Yin Ze frowned.

"It's not enough just to have speed, because since middle school, everyone has begun to pay attention to appearance." Hidaka Aina smiled wryly.

"What kind of ecological environment is the high school where the assistant is now?" Yin Ze raised the nonexistent glasses frame very academically.

"Interesting and fashionable people are very popular. My school is still relatively strict. If some schools are more relaxed about grooming, students will make their own clothes, or dye their hair, and imitate and communicate fashion. The one who knows how to dress up best, friends must not There will be less." Hidaka Mana replied.

"What about the good grades?" The host pointed out the missing point.

"Not welcome." The assistant replied.


"It's very rustic. I often wear glasses when I study well. I lack vitality. Sometimes the ranking and scores are not announced in the exam, and those students who do well in the exam will deliberately hide it, just because they are worried about other people's pointing... But Some delinquents will specifically ask them for homework."

"What's going on???"

"If you can't get into high school because of delinquency, you can't continue to be delinquent, and you have to find a job."

"...This is too strange. Students don't talk about grades, so what are they doing in school?" Yin Ze questioned.How can basic education be ignored?This society is gradually stretching the hips, I hope there is a reason for the lack of happiness!

"For club activities? When it comes to memories of student days, it's basically clubs. My school starts at 08:30 and ends at 03:30 pm, and then I start working. But because I used to have a job and now I'm a voice actress, so I have basically never participated in middle and high school, which is quite a pity, and I feel that there is a gap in youth compared with others. What club did Junior-kun belong to before?" Hidaka Mana asked very interestedly.

"No." Yin Ze shrugged.Whether it is the self who squatted through the pit, or the predecessor Takizawa brother, they have never been in the club.

"Isn't it? Have you been studying hard alone when everyone is pouring their blood?...It's this patience and perseverance that's why you were able to enter the first high school." Hidaka Mana praised, "Speaking of which, university What's the atmosphere like? Especially in an institution like Dongda, what kind of people are popular?"

Master Yin suddenly fell into thinking, he frowned and remained silent for a long time.After listening to the simple analysis of his seniors, he gradually understood the indignation of Dean Onishi. As a disciple of the Faculty of Letters, he may have the responsibility to reverse the "" The ancient cognition of "nerd" is arguing for scholars all over the world.

"Unfortunately, in our school, few people will study such a low-level appeal as 'popularity'." The man nodded gracefully, and his tone gradually rose, "The students who can pass the red gate are all human beings. Zhonglongfeng, at the age of youth, they have gone through a series of exercises such as logic training, knowledge intake, self-reflection, etc., and have beaten their souls to be tough and thick, stepping on the cusp of time and time, looking back and overlooking the long human civilization. The so-called fashion , rouge skin, these vulgar contents have long been ignored. There is a hot fire in everyone's heart. It may be the torch that lights up the new world, or it may be the thought that dispels the dark haze of the old age... Greater than love , is the truth, is the blooming and dying stars in No Man’s Sky, what they focus on is the new era. If you insist, this is also popular, but the magnitude is different, it is welcomed by civilization. Knowledgeable scholars, both The great pioneer is also the guardian of this planet. In comparison, what is so great about ordinary people who are superior in appearance, often have skinned fingers, and are good at grooming and grooming?"

Hidaka Mana seemed to be infected by these magnificent and passionate words, and it took a while to come back to her senses, "Can I understand these as the host's orthodox explanation for her popularity?"

"Even from a realistic point of view. People with outstanding academic ability, graduates from prestigious schools, and smart people are always more likely to succeed, right? Not to mention the higher probability of entering well-known companies. When you are in school, you can meet many equally talented people. Classmates, tutors and professors are also well-known big cows, and the circle of people has improved at once. With value, income and social status will naturally rise steadily. Back then, I looked down on your bad deeds and cash, and once again at the class reunion If you meet, you will only be ashamed in front of your success, and will only feel ashamed."

Yin Ze spoke to the camera emotionally.

"So, young people, don't be fooled by the world of flowers and flowers. Love is pale in the end. If you date today and break up because of bad photos tomorrow, what will you get in the end? And there are too many smart women, and the water is deep here. If you can't grasp it, listen to my brother's advice, don't waste your life and waste your time, please study hard and make progress every day! Puppy love is a scourge that harms the health of young people! Promise me! Learn to think and stop blindly following!"

"No, no, no, you are too absolute. Middle school is a sensitive and ambiguous stage. And this kind of pure love without any burden, blushing and shy, is it only at this time that you can come into contact with it? Wait until the mentality is old. , I will never be able to touch it again." Hidaka Mana shook her head.

"How do young couples generally get along?"

"Let's go home together after school, and then look at the surrounding situation. If the opportunity is good, we will hold hands."

"...how do you know?" Yin Ze hummed in an inexplicable tone.

"I was peeking at that time." Hidaka Mana clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkled, "Really, even though there are many people on the street, you can see them at a glance. The two only have the subtle look in each other's eyes. The feeling is too special, the eyes touch it, and the eyes are divided, and the hands are only dared to hook fingers tentatively, hehe."

Although the senior is excellent in business, he is still a young and silly girl who is very interested in romance comics and idol dramas.There is no common topic with a social animal like myself who exalts love and is dead.

"Seriously, has anyone confessed to the younger generation?" Hidaka Mana turned into a tabloid reporter.

"On the contrary, I confessed to others." Yin Ze shook his head.Whether it is oneself or the predecessor, they all belong to the party who took the initiative and died without a problem.

"Oh!" Hidaka Mana suddenly became emotional, "Then, what is the result?!"

"got rejected."

"How come? Is it true or not?"

"Oh, if you like it, you like it. If you don't love it, you don't love it. There's no reason." Yin Ze sighed old-fashioned.

"Hey, don't take it too seriously, as you said, as long as you enrich yourself, sooner or later, you will definitely be favored by the goods." Rigao Aina comforted a few times.

"I've already stated my position like this. Why is the senior's intention so low?" Yin Ze said seriously, "Improving oneself is an endless journey of chasing perfection, a ritual of upgrading a living body, and a boundless and lofty natural mission. It's not just a companion product for mere love!"

"Yeah, okay, I got it." Hidaka Mana nodded along with the meaning, "Then is this clearing up the confusion for the audience?"

"The feelings of those who come here are all in the words. How much they can understand depends on their aptitude." Yin Ze concluded.

Hiroshi Mori was dissatisfied when he saw this, he waved his hand, and took out the board to write and draw.

"Oh, the producer seems to have objections." Hidaka Mana looked at Mori Hiroshi outside the camera and said "I don't think so" board.

"How can it be considered complete? Give me a hint?" Yin Ze had no choice but to continue.

Hiroshi Mori hooked his index finger, and a Staff immediately handed over the microphone. He coughed twice, then spoke, and the voice-over sounded, "Although what I said was well-founded, it was too profound and not superficial enough. Just like creation, it is not enough to just teach ideas, it should be Let’s analyze a few paragraphs of evidence in detail.”

The host was noncommittal, silently waiting for the next embarrassment.

"Let me ask you on behalf of the audience of the letter. Suppose, suppose you and Hidaka-chan are having dinner. It's the first time you meet, and you plan to invite her to the movies later, but you don't know if she's full. After all, it's an abrupt question "Are you full?", the other party will basically reply with polite words such as "almost", "just right". May I ask, how to make a smart judgment in this situation?"

Stimulated by the producer's words, the barrage became active.

"Brother Dang: Does the military master have a good strategy?"

"Kong Ming from Heisei: I'm sorry, but I've always liked Yang Mou."

"Sweet Potato Stir-fried Potato: Isn't it a straight man? Still hiding it?"

"Simple." The host didn't even need to think about this topic, and immediately gave an explanation, "Just observe whether the seniors have refilled their lipsticks. If they have been refilled, it means that they have eaten enough, and no matter how delicious their elbows are, they can't eat it anymore."

"Why are you so sure?" The producer asked rhetorically.

"Women can deceive men at will, but they will never waste their cosmetics." Yin Ze said slowly, as if describing the iron rules of nature.

The barrage fluttered one after another.

"Dry goods dry goods"

"We will meet"

"One more! Please continue to guide me!"

"Look, this is what the masses need." Mori Hiroshi finally said with satisfaction, "According to this idea, let's design another scene to answer questions."

"Xiuwen's Zhong Da: It is worthy of being a top producer of popular animation broadcasts. Its operation depth and vision are immeasurable."

"Brother Dang: Does the military master have a good strategy?"

"Zhongda of Xiuwen: I beg you, can you pretend a little bit?"

"Chewing thick phlegm:?"

"It's over." Yin Ze smelled a hint of conspiracy and hurriedly shied away.

"Come on, it's so interesting. It's true that this kind of simulated battle is better for imparting the skills of the younger generation than talking about it." Hidaka Mana was in high spirits and was eager to try.

"...Then think of a topic." The host couldn't resist the assistant's enthusiasm, and said helplessly.

Holding the water bottle and biting the straw, Hidaka Mana pondered for a while, and after about ten seconds, she relaxed her brows, her eyes gleaming with persecution, "I thought about it."

"Read." Yin Ze reluctantly said after seeing the malicious expression.

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