Ridiculous, what else do I not understand?

Master Yin is good at running pictures, and he soon got in touch with important NPCs.

The animation of the main plot is naturally dubbed.

It is worth mentioning that... due to the protagonist, that is, the characters of the player, there are so many strange things that it is impossible to provide a matching voice.So the player's own lines are silent.

However, in the list of official voice actors, Warrior of Light, who represents the player group, also has voice actors.

This makes for a very awkward and humorous scene.

There is a CV, but there is no sound.

The first lip-speaking voice actor in history was born.

However, Brother Yoshida has everything in mind. He is already preparing for the official Yansheng small theater, using short dramas to interpret anecdotes in the game or supplement side stories. The protagonist must speak, and human resources cannot be wasted.

Yin Ze is watching a plot animation, and important partners gather to welcome him to the team.Among them was a demure girl with white hair and cat ears that caught his attention.

It's not that I'm attracted by this model and character design.


It's just... why is the voice of this important character so familiar?

"May I ask who is the voice actress of this elegant illusionist lady? She always gives me a kind of intimacy from a classmate?" Yin Ze asked in the voice channel.

Yoshida Satomi, who had been on-hook and listening to town music while writing documents, immediately replied, "Oh, she, of course you are familiar with it, that is the voice of Ms. Hidaka Mana."


Master Yin was stunned for a while, put on the earphones in disbelief, and stared at the slim model of the cat girl, as if studying the demo of a strong team, listening intently.

what the hell.

Didn't the younger senior go to the cute department?When will you be able to dub this elegant Yujie voice?And there is no sense of incongruity.

This emotion, this bass, this modulation, is too in place.It simply subverts men's cognition and imagination... It seems that the female boss played by the senior who pursued love to the Cowherd's shop back then actually still has room for energy.

I don't know if it's because it's fresh or what, Master Yin appreciates the cold and intellectual voice of the senior, and loves it very much.

A senior is a senior, look at this acting.

"She also participated in this game, I didn't know it yet." Yin Ze was amazed.Game dubbing is basically independent, and usually it is not face-to-face like a drama, and it is normal if you don’t pay attention.

"So are you happy or regretful?" Yoshida Tomoki asked abruptly.

"Uh, I'm just a very ordinary sigh."

"She also seems to be interested in playing this game." Yoshida Satomi said, "It happens that you are the protection, she is the treatment, and I am the output..."

"Hehe, you have a good idea. The salary recovery plan is right. I listen to your instructions outside the project, and I have to play support inside the project." Yin Zekan broke the conspiracy and immediately refused, "Impossible, seniors can play Tetris already is approachable How come you come to play such a time-consuming online game?"

"Of course it's up to you to come to Amway." Yoshida Tomoki persuasively.

"Let the imperially-appointed hard assistant go find the soft assistant again, the producer has such great authority." Yin Ze snorted softly.

"...Do as you please. I just mentioned this on a whim." Yoshida Satomi was silent for a few seconds, "By the way, Miss Hidaka seems to have caught a cold these days."

"How do you know?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Didn't she post her Twitter account? You don't even know?" Yoshida Satomi was very surprised by the ignorance of the surfer.

"I've been playing Final Fantasy 14 with you today, and I haven't turned on my phone," Yin Ze said.

Yoshida Tomoki didn't know for a while whether he was relieved or speechless.

But now that he was informed, Yin Ze still picked up his phone, logged into Twitter for the first time today, found the Q-version avatar of the senior Wang Wang team in the watch list, and clicked on her page.

The latest development is the forwarding of publicity, and there are still a few tweets about the cold.

"日高爱菜@hidaka_aina0615 four hours ago: The voice actor is most worried about the cold affecting the throat. Although he usually pays attention to it, it may be that the air conditioner is blowing too much. Today he started to sneeze uncontrollably, and his throat feels uncomfortable X_X, Everyone should pay more attention to your body (?ˊo?o)???.”

There is also a picture of a cold medicine box.

After Yin Ze read it, he replied under the tweet.

"I just got to know senior's brand-new acting skills today, and I'm full of admiration. I must recover as soon as possible!"

Unexpectedly, the other party responded quickly.

"This is really rare, junior-kun~"

"What do you mean? What is rare?"

"This is the first time you have interacted with me on Twitter~_~!"

"...I don't understand. Let's see each other every week, okay? How's the cold?"

"I don't sneeze anymore, but my throat is a little dry."

"Then I'll bring you a bottle of loquat paste the day after tomorrow. Drinking some will make you feel better, and the taste is still very sweet."


Yin Ze nodded self-consciously, put down his phone, and continued the upgrade journey.

Yoshida Satomi, who was at the office in the Shinjuku company building, suddenly turned his mouth up, and lightly clicked a thumbs up on the phone screen with his thumb.

Chapter No.19 The Chaos of Anthropomorphic Mobile Games

"I didn't expect that what you told me about winning the protagonist of the heavyweight IP was actually true..."

On the phone, Tomori Ippei's voice was full of confusion and inferiority.

"How on earth did you do it? There are always a few high-ranking masters in a big company. Even if you have superb boxing skills, you can't beat the temptation of HR, a mature woman in black silk. A kind of iron stomach, steel liver, blind flower tongue, still incognito? Still working behind the scenes? Why not be an agent of a performing arts company, specially aiming at training the new generation of beautiful actresses, living a rich life, being sought after and admired by the little flowers..."

"This kind of vulgar ambition, is this your pursuit?"

Yin Ze was speechless.

"Seeing who's ethanol intake is more, the era of negotiating business and signing orders is long over. Only you stubborn old men still stick to it, claiming to be the rules of the rivers and lakes. Now we rely on ability to speak. You know the 21st century What do you lack the most? Talent! I just need to go to the business department to show off my deadly skills, and the chief director can't restrain the urge to kidnap me, and the main role is naturally easy to catch."

"What's the stunt that crushes the dead line?"

"Commercial art, you don't even understand it."

"So, do you understand well? Can it make another glory?" Bo Jing Yiping has always been a very receptive person, and he immediately turned himself into an ambitious and said, "I don't have high requirements here, and the whole "Pocket" Offers from Elf, Monster Slayer, and The Legend of Zelda are enough..."

"Seriously speaking, it can be won." Yin Ze thought about it.

"True or not?!" Bojing Ippei was pleasantly surprised, his waist straightened a little on the tram.

"It's just that I may join the production team, not the recording studio..." Yin Ze added.


It is still too difficult for a traditional izakaya man like Boi to understand his advanced attainments in art.


A few days ago, Master Yin was invited to a game company to record a short prologue.

The game that has been promoting the beauty of the ship is still out, and the world view and background story will follow the setting of the previous Ignite Mecha series, "Admiral of Yunyan Mansion".However, the style has changed. Things like a hunk sitting in a tattered mech and wielding a big sword to kill the enemy do not meet the market demand, and this is not what the Heisei athletes want.

So the game is aimed at the collection and development of cute girls.

Although it is different, it is reasonable for someone to go to Lulusheng as the voice actor of the protagonist of the drama.

The producer of the game, Mr. Maesuke Tanaka, expressed his welcome and appreciation for his arrival.

When I saw Mr. Tanaka for the first time, I felt that he was an existence with unique personal taste and lofty pursuit.At that time, he was discussing something with the staff in a confident posture with his arms folded. When he saw Yin Ze coming, he greeted him warmly.

"I've heard it a long time ago, I've heard it a long time ago, and I saw him today, he really is a handsome guy."

"The spirit of the producer is also very good, and he is full of wealth."

Yin Ze shook hands with the other party.

"I already knew about Final Fantasy 14, and it really shocked us all." Tanaka Maesuke said with emotion and recalled, "To be honest, AQUAREENIX is my old employer. The coordination and publicity of End Fantasy 10, 11, and 13. The project of 14 is indeed too twists and turns. But what surprised me the most is that you actually took on a considerable part of the core art work, which is really amazing. At first I thought I thought it just happened to hit the name."

"Congratulations, congratulations, it's all because Mr. Yoshida Tomoki has done a good job." Yin Ze asked, "I don't know what I'm going to do today?"

"Well, it's mainly the voice recording of the novice guide."

Tanaka Maesuke smiled and invited him to the resting place.

"In terms of game settings, each player is a newly appointed admiral, who encountered a battle on the way to his post, and will be commanded by you, an 'old senior', to gradually become familiar with the operation. Of course, what you play here is not an animation The main character, but an old senior admiral who is walking with the player. In the prologue, you first talk on the endless ocean, and then encounter the enemy, you explain the combat mechanism and interface to the player, and then more powerful enemies appear, you lead by example The counterattack, although victorious, was also deeply wounded, and after giving the novice Governor the best lesson, he died in the deep sea..."

"Oh, I see."

The man was not surprised at what happened to him, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"It doesn't sound complicated, and it should be done today. By the way, can you introduce me to this game again? I am personally very interested in the game."

"of course."

Maesuke Tanaka explained enthusiastically after hearing the words.After all, he led most of the content creation in this game, and even wrote the lyrics for the illustration book himself, so of course he was very excited.

"The most important thing is naturally all kinds of anthropomorphic ships. We have prepared a lot of beautiful girls with distinctive styles. There is always one that suits you. For this reason, we strive to create a sense of bondage. The whole game is not complicated, it can be said to be very leisure. Most functions only need to press the button, and then wait. All resources will be regenerated by themselves, and the income will increase with the level. You can also actively send the team to go out to search for it. This does not require any operation. After setting up the team, Just wait. In battle, after a ship is injured, it needs to be maintained. If it is damaged and it is forced to fight, the tragedy of sinking the ship will happen. This is also to remind players to cherish their partners."

"If you're so casual, don't you have no motivation and goals?" Yin Ze asked.

"No, no, we will actively organize large-scale events, such as the Great Sun Wars in Summer and the Bitter Winter Wars. The difficulty of the event levels will naturally not be too simple. Without a high-quality fleet and a large resource reserve, it will be difficult to conquer. Those who successfully pass the level will Get the proof of the powerful as a reward." Maesuke Tanaka said, "In order to ensure the player's experience, we will even adjust the value of the level in real time for the best experience."

"Long-term leisure, and then suddenly give super difficulty, this is a test for level designers and numerical planning, too difficult and too easy are not good." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"We try our best to increase the difficulty." The producer waved his hand proudly.

"Then what if everyone gets stuck in the first few levels?" the man asked.

"Games, it has to be a bit challenging." Tanaka Maesuke said, waving his hands. He exudes a calm and unhurried charm, which belongs to the charm of a strong leader. , you have to enjoy the process."

"It's really powerful words." Yin Ze nodded, "It's impressive."

After that, the producer specially let the man try the beta version.

"Mr. has been in the business department of a first-tier company for a long time, so he must have a deep understanding of games. Why don't you tell us about your feelings?"

"I'm just an artist with little experience, so I don't dare to talk about it across the industry."

"Hey, sir, don't be humble, even if you haven't participated in various masterpieces, at least you have passed the level."

"Then talk about it, talk about it." Master Yin stroked his chin, feeling the touch of light stubble, and said lightly, "This construction function still needs to be perfected."

"Oh? Is there anything missing?" Maesuke Tanaka asked.

"Actually, first of all, we need to capture a bunch of unlucky players...to attract a group of players. Here we can launch 7-day continuous login, online rewards and other loss-making activities."

The man talked.

"It is indeed an interesting way to freely input various resources to draw cards. Before the players share information, there must be a lot of weeds? Most of the ships produced by the card pool are in the map rewards. There are also. I personally think that it is better to increase the resources required for drawing cards by 30%. In addition, when passing the map, instead of rewarding the finished ship with a probability, it will drop the fragments of the finished ship with a high probability. As long as you collect 100 fragments, can be combined into a ship"

"Low-star ship fragments will drop a lot at one time, while high-star ship fragments are rare. In this way, players are closer to getting the ship every time they go out than relying on luck to catch the ship aimlessly. , the enthusiasm for uploading pictures will be greater, the resources will be consumed steadily, and the number of online users will be guaranteed. By the way, it has been changed anyway, and there is no need to separate the construction of shipyards and construction of equipment factories. The two can be combined, 6 hours The flashing rainbow light may be an SSR ship, or it may be equipment, it is wonderful and unknown, and it will send more surprises to the players."

Man swipe game interface.

"The equipment system is very simple, there are only a few grids. It is recommended to add a few more columns, from the deck to the barrel to the engine. The equipment should also be distinguished from each other. For example, the PVE in the picture needs to One set, and one set for PVP with other players. Both sides set up a battle list, and the top players can get the official rare top 500 avatar frames, limited-time titles, and the qualification to enter the United Admirals chat channel. Our aim is to provide a multi-level payment gradient experience, where players get happiness as naturally as breathing."

Man touches Kanban girl.

"How can a ship not have new clothes? Do a popularity survey in advance! The most popular ones, hurry up and release limited costumes! Or arrange offline events, only a small number of players who buy tickets and special codes can get the bonus out-of-print costumes. The UI interface is a bit rigid and rough, but it doesn’t matter, this means that the upper limit is high, and it’s great to launch a few paid interface themes, strive to communicate with other works, and create a linkage model?”

"Do you have a plan for the ships unique to the event period? If not, put them on the agenda immediately. It's best to arrange a few high-cold villains in the plot first, and then hint that they can be used in the middle stage. Men, compared to meekness and tenderness, are more important. I like darkness and rebellion! Live2D, do you know? It should also be arranged, of course, in the limited card pool, you know."

"Although it is said that all resources will automatically restore output, there is no corresponding infrastructure area in the game, which is not convincing. If you can add some more such as dormitory buildings, trainers, steel factories, gendarmerie headquarters, etc. The building of the tutelary mansion would be fine. Doesn't this have business-oriented content?

"Of course, the interior decoration of the room must be designed by the players themselves. We must not intervene. We only need to provide furniture in the mall silently. Their imagination is endless. They can even create the best interior of the '晓のhorizontal line'." Designer Contest', it's better to have fun alone than to have fun together."

Master Yin spoke eloquently about one thing and one thing, pointing and pointing.

Tanaka Maesuke didn't take it seriously at first, but the more he listened, the more he broke out in a cold sweat and his back felt chilly. He only felt that the haze and mist that was faintly blocking him had dissipated.

"Where did you learn about these improvements?" The producer humbly asked for advice, his eyes brightened, "especially the fragmentation (1/100) mechanism, which can be called a stroke of genius. I thought about it, not only ships , even skins and equipment can be fragmented, which is very easy to use.”

"You're welcome, these are just superficial operations. I'm just going to go where I learned from." Master Yin clasped his fists, unrestrained and not complacent, and flirtatious alone.

On that day, an invader from a parallel world threw a seed of chaos into the krypton gold mobile game world, causing all kinds of waves.


"Hello? Is the signal bad? Why is there no sound?" Bojing Ippei's voice called all the evil in this world back to the present world from distraction.

"Listen, listen." Yin Ze yawned.

"I'm about to get out of the car now, and I will say it one last time. Although you may have a unique advantage in the field of games, in terms of popularity, you still have to watch the anime series every season." Ippei Bojing said in the crowded crowd. Li Li said with difficulty, "You are going to audition for a good work today, play it well. The production company is very famous, don't be lazy, get up!"

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