"Okay, oh, not too personal."

"Then I guess, although you are not engaged in the art industry, you are still continuing to create, right?" Yin Ze asked.

Zhongtian Lisha didn't answer right away, but looked at the boy in front of her in surprise, and she just said softly, "How do you know?"

"There are many reasons to give up, but there may be only one reason to persist, and that is love."

Yin Ze smiled and said in a soft whisper.

"Childhood fantasies may be vulnerable to growing up, but we are not purely rational animals, so dreams are just like love. You said that you abandoned art and turned to voice actors. I don't think it is right to say that. Not accurate...so keep going and don't give up."

Gengtian Lisha felt the other party's palm that was no longer cold, so she just said it very easily.

"you guessed right."

"Then do I have a reward?"



"However, I can finally be sure of one thing." Taneda Lisa said calmly and affirmatively, "Why did you easily accept the commission of those people and paint for them?"

It was the man's turn to be surprised.

"A person who has given birth to a dream in his heart is like the ashes that once burned. Under the black and inconspicuous dust is the fire that is ready to be rekindled at any time." Taneda Lisha said slowly, "Even if it has nothing to do with me , but the perseverance of those people has given you heat, even if it is just a little touch... it is difficult for people to restrain the throbbing that set off a grand firework."

The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"You guessed it right." Yin Ze said softly.

"Then do I have a reward?" Zhongtian Lisha chuckled.

"Neither!" Yin Ze responded with an eye for an eye.

"Alas~" Gengtian Lisha sighed pretending to be disappointed, and soon a bright smile appeared again, "There are many reasons to give up...but I will still look forward to it, and hope that there will be more people like that in the future, who can make you happy again The next bloom. What did Shimadzu-kun say before? I can only hope that the world will get better and better."

"I also think so from the bottom of my heart." Yin Ze smiled complicatedly.

The two stopped talking suddenly.

Maybe a topic is over.

So, what should you look for next?

After all, there is still a long time before the next person starts the third round.

Taneda's palm was indeed very warm.

At least much warmer than his own.

"Both players, you can go back to your seat." Haneda Yuma's voice came faintly.

"So fast?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Senior Sakura has stepped on the Shinkansen grid and moved a long distance, so he has reached the start grid." Haneda Yuma explained the game content, "So the cost is over, and you can return to the field."

"Sakura-san is so strong."

Yin Ze stepped on his feet to look at the map with emotion.

He parted from Zhongtian Lisha, not sloppy, as natural as flowing water.

No.90 Chapter turmoil of the times

At 2:[-] p.m., the contemporary helm of the Shimadzu family worked diligently to manage their fortunes, Donglian Matsuda defended the Kansai, and Nanhui Higaoyao resisted the demons outside the territory.With the Shinkansen grid as the boundary, the magnificent century-old situation of three-point world was opened.

Mr. Nobunaga was so powerful that he just passed by Kyoto University for a short rest, and even Mr. Matsuda, who was in charge of two top universities, came to accompany him.While the ally Hidaka regained the lost ground, Taneda, one of the opponents, shrank in an all-round way due to the continuous distribution of red envelopes.

At 3:[-] p.m., the combined forces of Shimadzu and Matsuda cornered the strongest gamblers in the Osaka metropolitan area and the Nagoya metropolitan area.

The Shimadzu family ushered in its heyday, and the situation was very good, and there were few people in the world who could fight against it.

But seeing that all of Japan was about to be unified by Lord Nobunaga, at 29 minutes at the same time, Nobunaga Shimadzu, who stayed overnight at the Honnoji Temple, was betrayed by his ally Matsuda with tears in his eyes.In the same round, he also encountered an ambush by the Sakura army in Tokyo, and was in immediate danger.

In the 25th year of Heisei, the Shimadzu family was ransacked by gamblers who made a comeback. The person who should have been eliminated in the round was rescued by Mr. Taneda, who had drawn a charity chance card, and supported the last dignity of the Shimadzu family with a little toll .

The rescued Lord Nobunaga did not choose to linger on, but returned to the site of the Honnoji Temple in a dignified manner, and by only drawing a single card of the most dangerous fate of "fire-fighting measures failed", he completed the revenge feat of exchanging one with the top tourist grid .


The wooden pillars painted with vermilion lacquer made a crackling sound like firewood, and the scene of Wushuang's battle between the barrel and narrow space was swaying like phantom foam in the shadow of the flames, and only the roar of the horse and the unsheathing of the long knife could be heard the front sound.

Big win!




Covering as far as the eye can see, it is no longer the city and the warriors, but the infinite, blazing flames, so hot that even the soul is roaring.

Without saying a word, Nobunaga slapped away the sparks on the Wu suit, and slowly climbed up the stairs. His demeanor was calm, as if he was stepping on the jade steps of the coronation of the highest seat.He came to the high place, and through the red flames and heat waves, he looked down at the owner of the temple here, Matsuda Daimyo standing in the distance.

The two had thousands of words, but they were both silent.

Do you think I will sell the land to beg for mercy, relying on the fixed subsidy from outside every reincarnation to survive in this troubled world?

you are wrong.

Big mistakes.

Even if I am penniless, even if I am dying, I am still invincible in the world, and I can still return like a meteor from the other side of my grievances.

Nobunaga stretched out his hand forward, wanting to touch the distant world, but he only held tightly the hot air.

It's a pity that the majestic people who can drive stud gamblers to a desperate situation have left the stage, but there is no wine here, let alone a singer.

Nobunaga shook his head, then laughed boldly, and saw him raising the non-existent wine cup to worship the sky, and singing in the raging fire.

"It's not a permanent place to come here!"

"Like dewdrops on grass leaves, the shadow of the moon hanging upside down in the water is fleeting!"

"To those who dance flowers and enjoy the moon, there must be a wind of impermanence at the front of the splendor to lure—!"

The louder the singing, the more intense the flames, and the dark blue twilight sky was reflected red, and the invisible clouds were burnt with bright red edges, and the Honnoji Temple was finally submerged in the true red.

The daimyos all over the place raised their heads and looked at the burning sky.

It is really a beautiful and beautiful scene that seems to be melting, as if a big sun is roaring and falling.


Yin Ze watched Shimadzu Nobunaga standing up with the happy water, walking like a stage actor, and the cadenced and sung and recited death poem, which was full of emotion without skill, and was immediately deeply moved.

Well, to play board games is to have this level of immersion and substitution!

In order to commemorate the spirit of this hero, the host stationed the pocket samurai representing Lord Nobunaga in the ruins of the Honnoji Temple after the fire. 1 grid each.

In addition, under the emotional performance of the Avengers and the release of the strong last words, the host was forced to decide to ask the destiny, and made a roll point, which turned out to be a great success. Therefore, according to the heroic spirit's wish, this place belongs to the great philanthropist All of Tanada's.

"Your wish, let me realize it." Zhongtian Lisha clenched her fists, solemnly inheriting the great cause.

"Okay, okay. Following the prime minister's behest, to be the rebel of pure love." Yin Ze nodded affirmatively.

"...Which Prime Minister are you succeeding?" Shimadzu Nobunaga glanced at someone.

"Of course Prime Minister Cao." Yin Ze said firmly.

It's a good thing that my father didn't give you the inheritance, otherwise wouldn't you be like a father like a dog?Shimadzu Nobunaga sighed deeply.

Haneda Yuuma didn't expect that this stream of consciousness would be the first to be eliminated, and after all, he was hit by the situation.But that's okay, as long as someone can play longer, it makes no difference to him.

"Nobunaga, your acting skills just now are really good." Matsuda said sincerely.

"That's natural." Nobunaga Shimadzu snorted softly, but he was a little annoyed, "I'm not like some people who secretly stabbed a knife."

"I can't help it. The validity of this contract card is limited. Even if I unilaterally wanted to renew the contract, I didn't get the card." Matsuda felt very helpless, "It was really an unintentional mistake. After all, you insist on destroying it." I am a scenic spot, so it is unreasonable..."

"He just wants to mess up the situation, so he can only be a traitor." Yin Ze waved his hand, "Stop paying attention to the losers, and continue the game quickly."

Hidaka Mana took the dice and threw it.

In the mid-term stage, following the demise of the Shimadzu family, the situation has undergone major changes.For example, the explosive sales of the younger generation has already achieved results. Although there are not many top-level grades, the victory lies in the large number, the many pitfalls, the steady stream of income, and the strongest ability to resist risks.

Truth or Dare style.

"I choose Great Adventure." Hidaka Mana thought for a few seconds, then showed her hand and drew a card.

"Great adventure: being grabbed by the cheek by your last player, which lasts for three player rounds, the strength depends on the conscience of the other player."

Nobunaga Shimadzu was the previous senior, but unfortunately, the latter has become part of the rules of the game, so it is executed by the player who controls the pocket cow.

Yin Ze was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly pleased.He has been on the line with the junior senior for a long time, and now he still has the advantage of being delivered to his door?

"Hehehe, if senior is willing to cede the land, I can also give up the punishment." The man said lightly.

"No need, no matter if it is pinched into bruises or paw prints, I will admit that it is impossible for me to let go." The girl's performance was exceptionally strong.

"...It's not like getting bruises, and it's not scraping, but pain is inevitable. Besides, is a principled person like senior willing to suffer the shame of this kind of trick? I advise you to spend money Get rid of the disaster." The man threatened.

"I won't let you succeed." The girl hummed softly.

"Okay, okay, let's feel the pain." The man smiled viciously, stretched out his fingers, and grabbed the girl's soft and pink face. The latter tilted his head slightly, frowning and squinting. It was very rare for him to look downwind.

"Oh, you're so hands-on, you're not a gentleman." Zhongtian Lisha complained while crossing her arms.

"Hmph, be scared, it's still too late to repent, this card doesn't say it can only be used with one hand." Yin Ze found a loophole in the rules.

This product has always been good at finding bugs.Shimadzu Nobunaga admires.

"Now your zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, laughing muscle, and masticatory muscles are all under my control..." Yin Ze began to describe everything in detail.

"I don't even have the strength to pull my face, but I still want to be a millionaire." Hidaka Mana said provocatively with a lot of integrity.

Master Yin was half annoyed at once, but he didn't stretch out the second dog paw, and didn't dare to use much force. After thinking for a while, he had an idea, and took out his mobile phone to take a precious picture. A powerful means.

Unexpectedly, the girl also stretched out her hand, grabbed the man's face with the same posture and strength, and then took out her mobile phone. It was too familiar, and it was a common way of star shifting before.

"Referee, she fouled!" Yin Ze hurriedly called the host.

"This..." Haneda Yuuma showed embarrassment.

"Look, she's already started!" Yin Ze said in a deep voice.

"But this card doesn't say that you can only be pulled and not resist. If you don't want to fall into a disadvantage, you can fight with both hands."


The two of them maintained a posture of pulling out their mobile phones with one hand and subduing each other with the other, falling into a strange balance.

Yin Ze tried to increase his strength, and then felt that his face was also squeezed tighter.

The mobile phone made a clicking sound, and the other party's mobile phone also made a clicking sound.


But having said that, girls' skin is much softer and smoother than men's.

"Hahaha." Zhongtian Lisha covered her mouth and chuckled, "Your interactions are really the same as in the radio. Now I really believe that those funny scenes don't have scripts."

Haneda Mari heard the words and took another look at this good-looking girl whom she met for the first time.

"How long are you two going to continue in this state like elementary school students..." Sakura Mio sounded dryly as she watched the two trustworthy people put on that weird mutual restraint.

"Isn't it after three rounds?" Shimadzu Nobunaga slumped on the back of his chair and said indifferently.

"Tang Tian, ​​Miss Taneda, it's your turn." Sakura Mio urged.

"This means, if I stop for a long time, how long will this have to go on?" Zhongtian Lisha blinked her eyes, eager to try.

"Host?" Haneda Mari looked at her brother.

"Er this? Dang, of course not, the malicious hang-up will force the next player to enter." Haneda Yuma had no choice but to say.It is impossible to stop the great adventure, how can such a precedent be set?

Zhongtian Lisha let out an "oops" and couldn't use her bad intentions. Unfortunately, she could only throw the dice.

Haneda Mari also passed a round smoothly.

Matsuda sincerely picked up the dice, looked at the map carefully, as if considering the current situation, and weighed the pocket car in his hand, anticipating which place to go would be more conducive to development...

"Hurry up." Sakura Mio said dully.

In Matsuda's perception, Sakura-kun has always been a very oppressive person, so he quickly threw the dice.

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