I don't know where it started, but the impression of Japan's Yamato Nadeko has been deeply rooted in the hearts of men. They can get up early and go to bed late for housework, have a gentle and virtuous personality, and their words and deeds are very considerate.When the husband goes out, he has a hearty bento and the affectionate "be careful on the road", and when he returns home, he has delicious steaming meals and bath water at a suitable temperature.

In short, classical, elegant, gentle and loyal are all the beautiful aggregates of traditional oriental women.

Of course, as the speed of information sharing skyrocketed, everyone realized that this was just like a Ukrainian blonde and long-legged beauty who fell in love with an honest and hardworking man who grows flowers. It was just a fantasy, a lie, and wishful thinking.

However, besides Yamato Nadeko, there is another kind of Japanese women who are also full of fantasy, that is, Japanese female high school students.

Unlike the male high school students whose seats are in the second-to-last row by the window, who can kill gods with one hand and destroy saints with one hand, the immature female high school students are endowed with all the beautiful haze of youth.

The word maiden represents the body and the sacred soul that are forbidden to be touched. It is innocent and pure, and it is the projection of fantasy and romance.Hundreds of years of Japanese culture have been in love with it.

They are the pure love in "Snow Country".

They are the emptiness and withering in "The Tale of Genji".

They are the waiting and shyness in "The Straw Pillow".

They are the oppression and rupture in "Childhood Sweetheart".

Yin Ze naturally dreamed of it too.

Nonsense, which young and lovely girl in a snow-white school uniform does not love?

And now, a real student girl is right in front of her eyes!

In fact, I have seen it so far... Not to mention those who came home from school drinking milk tea on the road, Sakura-san is one of them, but although this young colleague is shy when he sees strangers, he is a bit masculine when communicating with him in private .

This won't work, it won't work at all, women are not strong enough, and they are still too far away from those beautiful figures in literary works!

However, Hidaka Aina-senpai in the next year—let's put it this way, this is the most suitable person wearing a sailor suit that Yin Ze has seen in real life so far.


Very good, very good.

Just when a man looks back on thousands of youth literature and feels that his life is nothing but one thing.The girl on the other side of the table who was concentrating on the problem couldn't continue to concentrate.

She keenly felt that gaze.

Debuting as a child star, he has experienced the set and the stage, and he has long been used to the attention of others, but it is still a bit troublesome to be scrutinized by men alone.

It would be too rude.

So Hidaka Mana put down her pen, and that formulaic social smile appeared on her face again, "Well, did I bother you, you seem to care about it?"

This is a reminder and a defense.

"No, I'm just a little emotional." Yin Ze said with clear eyes and a clean smile, "You are very quiet when you do the questions, which reminds me a lot."

The elder brother's tone towards her younger sister made the girl a little unexpected...it was as dignified and upright as the bright moonlight.

Hidaka Mana was silent for a while, then guessed that the time was almost up, so she simply put away the textbooks and workbooks.

"Finished?" Yin Ze asked upon seeing this.

"It's about to be recorded, let's discuss the content and atmosphere of the broadcast in advance." The girl coughed and said, "Does Mr. Takizawa have any work experience in this field before?"

"No, it's the first time."

"What does that tell you about broadcasting? What do we mainly do?" the girl asked.

"Propaganda, increase the impact of IP, and expand revenue?"

"Will you participate in broadcasting again in the future? For example, come to Dark Reincarnation Fantasy again."

"As long as you invite me, I will come when you are free."

"Is there any special appeal here? What is your personal habit?" The girl clasped her hands.

"No, I just want to be more relaxed and happy."

"Are you ready to be the guest for the first time? Do you think you can do it?"

"I am willing to contribute, loyal to the team, and will definitely work hard to create value..." Yin Ze scratched his head while talking, "wait a minute, why do I feel like I am being interviewed by a project manager.

"In fact, the overall process is still very simple." Hidaka Mana wore gray-rimmed glasses on her small and delicate nose bridge, "Do you have any questions about the hot scene at the beginning, questions from the audience, sharing of behind-the-scenes highlights, dubbing in a small theater, and promotional advertisements? "

"No." Yin Ze shook his head, he didn't care.

"After all, I am also a resident host. If the first episode can produce results, there will be traces to follow in the follow-up." Hidaka Mana said quite seriously.

"I can do it." Yin Ze expressed his cooperation, and he didn't care.

"There is only free talk time for answering questions and behind-the-scenes sharing. There is no script. Shall we try it first?"

"Alright, let's start."

Hidaka Mana then began to think.

Letter to ask questions, not yet, because this is the first episode, behind-the-scenes, not yet, because the second episode was only half recorded, and the person in front of me only recorded the first episode...Suddenly, there was nothing to start.

Yin Ze waited to join him, but found that the project manager seemed to be a little stuck. The instinct of a social animal drove him to make a rescue for the leader, and asked, "Higakasang Mingming is still studying, but he has already taken the lead role. They are all my seniors, which is very unexpected. .”

The girl was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded, "I participated in some works and made my debut when I was a child, but it's not long before I turned to be a voice actress behind the scenes."

"It's hard work, isn't it?" Yin Ze suddenly said, "It takes energy to take care of many aspects."

"Well, and I gradually realized that I may not be suitable to develop as an actor or something." The girl paused and said softly.

"Adults are very envious of young people, and the ones they envy most are those who have already planned and implemented the route at a young age." Yin Ze couldn't help sighing when he thought of himself, "You are a great person."

"Ah...thank you." Hidaka Mana tilted her head, "Mr. Takizawa is not very old, is he?"

"Should be, should be, as the saying goes, the master is the teacher. I still have to ask you for advice when it comes to acting."

"My acting skills are nothing, I still have a lot of shortcomings. Takizawa-san is obviously making his debut, but he is able to do it with ease, and the results are not inferior to other seniors. This is amazing." Hidaka Mana said modestly.

"It's all the hard work of another person." The man said softly, "By the way, how does Higo-san balance studies and work?"

"Well, make the most of each day."

"It's actually no easier to concentrate on the exams than work." Yin Ze thought of the huge pile of books he had memorized, and he felt a little malnourished.

"That's right, there are a lot of things to memorize in liberal arts, and science is difficult." Hidaka Mana also complained in disgust.

"Just now I saw that you were very troubled. Do you usually go to private schools and cram schools?"

"We will meet every other week. The main thing is to sum up the problems and ask the teacher for advice. I will also keep the brain-burning problems. I couldn't solve them just now. I plan to ask them later."

"Really? Let me take a look?"

"Mr. Takizawa is a college student, right?"


"That should be no problem." Hidaka Mana was also straightforward, and handed him the exercise book.

"Oh, this is it." Yin Ze spent half a minute reading the title.

"Can you?" Hidaka Mana asked.

"You have to use this formula. It will be easier to find the condition for the vacancy first." Yin Ze muttered, took the pen and began to write.

10 minute later.

After finalizing other details, producers came to the studio to prepare for the announcement.

Those two have been praised by many people in the industry, and the agency is also sparing no effort to promote them, and they are also working hard. As a strong contender for the high-profile voice actors in the future, they must have communicated well and just waited for the inclusion.

The producer walked like a tiger and pushed open the door.

Then he saw the guests reciting words one by one with their legs up and their English books in their hands, while the dedicated host was silently writing.

No.13 Give me face

The staff sitting outside the glass door made an OK gesture silently.

Everything is ready and in place.

Suddenly an exciting song came from the earphones she was wearing. After the climax of a very recognizable TV animation OP, Hidaka Mana held up the script and made the opening remarks in a crisp and lively tone.

"Hello, listeners all over the country! This is the currently extremely popular animation, the radio drama of the dark reincarnation fantasy - the dark dream talk! This is the very commemorative first episode! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!"

The girl clapped her hands in celebration.

"I'm Mana Hidaka who played the role of Penis in the play. I would like to ask for your advice on the future broadcasts, ah, including the animation. Well, then, the first episode of the animation has been aired, and it has received rave reviews. , It’s been discussed everywhere, people who like it can find more information on the official website, especially if they want to communicate with us, just edit and send it on the website, looking forward to hearing from you!”

"In addition, the third generation of the board game of the same series, the Dark Gate of Oblivion, has been produced, and it is sold in major toy stores. In addition, from the next time, lucky winners will be selected from the mail audience to distribute special prize packages, please be enthusiastic Contribute now!"

Hidaka Mana paused.

"Then, from now on, I, the host, will accompany you all. I hope you can spend a happy 10 minutes."

"Your Highness, I will follow you for the rest of my life." A magnetic and gorgeous voice resounded faintly.

"I seem to have heard some important speech, but it may be a hallucination." The girl whispered.

"Your Highness, your knight is right here!" Someone shouted.

"Here, the sincerity and waiting for this mountain that never falls and the wind doesn't rush, could it be that you are here?!" The girl said in surprise.

"That's right, Oath Knight, the sword king of Shuangguo Yeluan, Elredo, come quickly!" The man raised his voice, as heroic and awe-inspiring as a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath.

"That's right, please welcome our first guest!" Hidaka Mana clapped her hands again and shouted.

"Hi everyone, I'm Takizawa Satoru, who voices El Redo. Since it's my first time participating in broadcasting work, please forgive me if I make a joke." Yin Ze also applauded, and switched back to the more ordinary Voice line, polite self-introduction.

"Actually, it's the first time for me to do this kind of task, not to mention that I'm still a resident. In fact, I was a little nervous from the very beginning." Hidaka Mana said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, because Higao-sang's words are very reliable. Although he is young, he is mature enough, so it is not a problem for mere broadcasting." Yin Ze encouraged.

"Takizawa-san said so, I feel a little bit more confident."

Here, the two looked at each other and confirmed each other's eyes.

Well, the rhythm of this one-song and one-chord conversation is not bad, and there are no accidents.

"By the way, this work of Darkness is also Takizawa-san's debut work, right?" Hidaka Mana asked.

"Yes, and it was the first audition, the first role I got, and I took this opportunity to participate in the broadcast for the first time. In a sense, it is very fateful and memorable." The man answered truthfully.

"But you're not very old, are you?"

"Of course, I am 20 years old, currently a college student, and I have just passed the entrance ceremony."

"Isn't it a little old-fashioned to call you 'sir'?" Hidaka Mana hesitated.

"It's fine to call him 'Jun'." Yin Ze followed good manners, "And Rigao-sang is still in middle school, which means that we are still part of the campus, so we don't have to pay so much attention to social etiquette."

"University students find it weird to use honorific titles on me."

"Well, after all, you are a senior, so you should still be like this in the workplace."

"Yeah, let's get into the mood right away. First, there's the letter from the audience. But the first round hasn't been recruited yet, so the staff prepared the questions in advance and let me have a look."

Hidaka Mana was not entangled, and opened the prepared envelope with a sense of ritual, and took out the copy paper inside.

"Well, the first question is, have you had any troubles in your life lately?"

"It's not about the work, it's so strange." The man didn't expect it.

"Does Takizawa-kun have any special understanding of the dark reincarnation fantasy?" Hidaka Mana asked without hesitation.

"Not at all!" The sonorous and firm answer.

"..." The girl paused for two seconds to recover, "What about the troubles?"

"No, although there will be small unsatisfactory things happening every day, such as trams full of men and crowded people, but the real troubles should be mentioned. If I have to say it, it is that the deposit is not enough. There is a sense of crisis." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"Is there any worry about personal property now? Is it too early?" Hidaka Mana was a little surprised. She took a few more glances before suddenly realizing that the boy's clothes seemed to be washed and faded.

"So-so, how about you, is there any trouble?" It was Yin Ze's turn to ask.

"Hmm, I don't think there is enough time. I always feel that there are many things waiting to be done."

"Oh, after all, you have to take care of your studies. The stage of middle school is still quite important, because it's audio, and everyone may not know it. Hidaka-san even came here in school uniform today, so he must be really busy."

"There's no need to talk about this kind of thing."

"Didn't it mean that we will take a photo at the end, and we will see it anyway." Yin Ze shrugged.

"Eh? Why haven't I heard of it at all!"

The producer smiled at the moment outside the glass wall.

"By the way, how is Hidaka-san's academic performance?" Yin Ze saw that the atmosphere was good, so he asked a question that was not too off topic.

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