"The weather is too hot, so I don't feel much appetite. It's just right to buy some street food." Zhongtian Lisha was struggling with the menu of the dining car, and she turned around and asked, "What flavor do you want?"

"For me, I want matcha red beans." Hidaka Mana thought for a while, "Where is your junior?"

"Don't worry about it, I've already eaten it." Yin Ze said.I saw him holding a piece of grilled corn in his right hand, and a grilled mackerel fish with salt in his left hand. There was also a slice of lemon next to the fish, and he took a sip when he ate it. It was very delicate and elegant.

"...Keep quiet, when did you buy these?" Hidaka Mana was speechless.

"Sneaking in while I'm busy shows that I have rich experience." Yin Ze chuckled, how could it be a waste of time to accompany you for so many years.

"Leave him alone, let's order ours." Zhongtian Lisha happily chose the ingredients.

Crepes occupy a high position in Japanese snacks. They are cheap and contain carbohydrates, protein, and cellulose. The most important thing is that they have a good appearance and are very suitable for filming.

Creamy and delicate whipped cream, refreshing sweet and sour fresh fruits, and rich ingredients such as ice cream, in addition to more diverse flavor choices, the appearance is gradually gorgeous.There is also a bouquet shape, with pink macarons, purple candied pansies, and pink cotton candy. The colorful and girly hearts explode.

Street photography, and then posted on Moments, with the text "It's a young lady who likes a sunny day and a good mood ~", can be considered complete.

Although Yin Ze is a person who doesn't even bother to take a group photo, he also understands, so he hides in the shade of a tree, nibbles on a bag of rice, and waits for the routine work over there.

However, to my surprise, the two girls ate the pancakes without any intention of taking pictures. They yelled for someone to follow while eating.

The sun is scorching, but the popularity of the business district is still hot, and there are many cashiers hanging out with umbrellas.Every shop is air-conditioned, which is very comfortable, and there are many pure passers-by who come here to enjoy the air-conditioning.

"Then what do you want to buy?" Yin Ze asked symbolically, without extravagantly expecting a result.After all, it is a woman's nature to just shop and not buy.

"Shoes." Hidaka Mana said.

"Vacuum cleaner." Taneda Risa said.


He came prepared!

Since household appliances such as vacuum cleaners are in another area, I went to the shoe store first.As soon as he entered the door, Master Yin walked through the crowd like a dragon, accurately and quickly occupied the last independent small folding stool in the store, and sat down, and another competitor came late.

The boy immediately showed an extremely regretful expression. Before he could say anything, he was dragged away by his girlfriend to make meaningless shopping references. The boy looked back as he walked, and his eyes were full of envy that the other party grabbed the seat. .

Yin Ze smiled lightly when he saw this, and the young man still needs to exercise more.The battleground has already been occupied, so he raised his head to look for the two junior seniors.

But found that Hidaka Mana was chatting happily with Taneda Risa with a smile on her face.One made a suggestion, the other nodded thoughtfully.

Obviously, the two girls are more able to agree on aesthetics and hobbies.In particular, Ms. Geng Tian was born as an art student with a bit of design vision, so she was the most desirable counselor. In contrast, she really didn't need the support of a boring straight man.

For no reason, Yin Ze frowned, a little disappointed.

10 minutes passed.

After being dragged away by his girlfriend, the sweaty male compatriot finally had the time to return after going through the aesthetic quiz and the test of favorability options, only to find out sadly and indignantly that the high ground was still occupied by that guy.

It's not scientific.

"Why weren't you dragged there to torture you?" the boy asked in a low voice, puzzled.

"Because I don't have a girlfriend." Yin Ze crossed his legs and hummed softly, "I don't have any weaknesses."

"Then you come to the women's shoe store, do you mean that my compatriots such as me have no place to rest?"

"Scrambling for a seat depends on strength."

What kind of revenge personality is this.The boy was angry.What is this single dog looking like!

"Mr. Chief, it's time for us to go." Zhongtian Lisha suddenly greeted her.Although she is a lady of every family, she is a nerd who rushes to the forefront of the Internet wave, and even needs to Neta Line's screen name to call people.

To be reasonable, Yin Zechu didn't realize that he was calling himself when he heard it. He saw that the seniors under the age were all paying, so he hurriedly got up and ran over.

The boy who stayed in place finally got the right to use the folding stool, but he saw that the despicable guy was sandwiched between two girls, and he didn't ask for a shopping bag, and he didn't take out his wallet when he checked out.There was a sudden thud in my heart.Eyes are another kind of regret that I missed with the expert.

"It's finished so soon?" Yin Ze threw the wooden sign and the box into the trash can.It's only a quarter of an hour.

"How long can a pair of shoes last?" Hidaka Aina didn't understand, "As long as the price, size, and shape are suitable, you can quickly finalize your idea."

"Having said that..." Yin Ze nodded deeply, "By the way, let me see what you bought."

Hidaka Mana opened the shoe box generously.In fact, they are just a pair of ordinary sneakers. The pink and white look very breathable, and the shape is relatively soft. They are cute and cute, and they look like they are used by ladies.

"It's a small pair." Yin Ze expressed the most intuitive opinion.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry for my short height and small feet." Hidaka Mana let out a calm but dangerous laugh.

"Uh, that's not what I meant." Yin Ze waved his hands again and again, "Senior Sang has a lot of experience but is young, so he will definitely grow up again in the future...it's absolutely fine to play ball, drink milk and so on. "

"Everyone is an adult, but you are talking like coaxing a child." Zhongtian Lisha clasped her hands and shook her head.

"That's right." Hidaka Mana hummed softly.

At some point, the two seemed to have formed a team and formed a united front.

But when he was told this, Yin Ze was stunned.Calculating the time, the younger generation is also 20 years old, and has begun to enter the most energetic and spiritual stage of life.

Ran Ran's time, I still remember the scene where I read English words and dictated to my senior Sang who was wearing a middle school uniform before the recording of the Dark Reincarnation Fantasy broadcast.

"Junior-kun has such an occasional old-fashioned attitude, which makes people unhappy." Hidaka Mana pointed out the fault.

"After all, my spirit is not only mature, but even overnight." Yin Ze sighed like a veteran cadre.

"But I think the other pair just now look better." Taneda Lisa returned to the theme of shopping.

"But those pairs are a bit expensive." Hidaka Mana said without hesitation, "Actually, shoes, as long as they fit properly, I will care about those that are too expensive, and I want to avoid dust when I encounter them, but they were invented with shoes Is the function upside down?"

"It's expensive, and there's a reason for it." Yin Ze murmured like an elder, "Actually, senior, you entered the industry so early, and you're a few versions ahead of your peers. It's okay to spend occasionally and enjoy the fruits of your labor."

"Frugal bookkeeping is an essential skill for people in Lipai society. If everyone is as sloppy as the younger generation, what should we do?" Hidaka Aina shook her head.

"...Although you were talking about me earlier. But your character is quite mature." Yin Ze couldn't help but say helplessly.

Generally speaking, being financially independent in your 20s is pretty good.Not to mention the existence of a child actor in the first grade of elementary school like Senior Junior, I am afraid that the amount in the private coffers is quite gratifying, right?But unfortunately, he showed restraint to all kinds of desires, not only working in advance, but also starting to calculate daily necessities in advance.

Behavior beyond age must be supported by a certain degree of self-discipline and mobility.

For people like this who have already invested a lot in their careers, looking forward to the future, the housewife route must be PASS, and they will definitely not accept career as a compromise for the family, even if their cooking age is about the same as that of the girl upstairs.

"It's good, feelings are all fake, only the money in your hands is real." Yin Ze sighed.

"... I always feel that you just thought about something very rude. Besides, you are showing the appearance of such a wimpy old cousin again. Don't look at the invincible youth now. When you are 40 years old, you will definitely become That kind of long-winded uncle." Hidaka Aina cross-eyed.

"Don't you want to buy a vacuum cleaner? Hurry up and choose. After all, there are many brands and functions." Yin Ze said immediately.

"Huh? It doesn't matter to me. I have already decided which one to buy. You can talk slowly." Zhongtian Lisha said with a smile that had nothing to do with her.


Ms. Geng Tian is good at everything, she is beautiful, kind-hearted, well-educated, and generous.

It was a coincidence that I came into contact with Nobunaga Shimadzu, who was despicable, evil, lacking in virtue, and ugly in heart. As a result, he was influenced by the devil clown, and he also liked to watch the fire from the other side. Is this okay? This is very bad.

However, it's not a day or two since Master Yin and the younger generation have been bickering, and several shows have made it to the Yinquan rankings, so this small fight is naturally nothing.The three of them happily headed towards the electric appliance area again.

What Taneda Lisa said was true, and it was indeed very purposeful. She asked the clerk directly and bought a special one.When paying, discounts, card rolls, etc. are also considered.After signing, wait until it is delivered to your door.

Master Yin never expected that when he came out one day to go shopping with two women, in the end, the three of them together only carried a small shopping bag.

The speed, mobility, and planning of the two people completely violated the hunting/gathering theory of shopping.

"Is that all done?" Yin Ze rubbed his chin and asked.

Both girls just looked at someone and didn't speak.

"Huh? I've bought all these things, why are you still not ready to leave?" Yin Ze was very confused.

"Yeah, our business is over, what about you?" Hidaka Mana pointed out.

"By the way, we just passed by a lot of interesting shops, there are food and entertainment." Zhongtian Lisha nodded seriously.

"This, isn't it right? How come there are extra plans today." Yin Ze finally felt a little bit of something wrong under the illusion of being vigorous and resolute.

"I think, this leader and the main character should show something." Taneda Lisha showed a wicked smile.

"Yes, yes." Hidaka Mana agreed.

The man completed the backtracking in a hurry, and found that none of the girls he knew around him was simple.



The man came to a shop full of mysterious decorations, where there are all kinds of weird figures, such as tentacle monsters squatting on the toilet and so on.And various symbolic props such as old clocks, hourglasses, and treasure maps with unknown meanings.

"Oh, welcome, is there any confusion for the guests? We can listen."

Behind the counter, the white-haired grandma smiled kindly, wearing several rings with complicated patterns on her fingers.In front of him is a crystal ball covered with linen. In short, it looks very professional.

"Anything is fine?" The two girls were very excited, and they cuddled together in front of the counter.

"Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's career, studies, or love luck." The old lady said quietly, and covered her mouth again, "Even the luck of the offspring can be counted."

"Hey, what method is used to calculate it?"

"Whether it's drawing lots, tarot cards, or constellations, I am proficient in everything, grandma."

"Wow, it's amazing. When I read it online, everyone said that this store is great."

"Haha, you're too polite, two beautiful ladies, who will come to the divination first? And this handsome young man, how about you?"

Yin Ze originally wanted to say that he was a firm materialist.But first, it is not suitable to say this in a fortune-telling shop, otherwise there will be a risk of fighting skills, and second, the incident of his adventures in the pit is still vivid, so he rolled his eyes, thinking about advancing as retreating, "I This man doesn't like Western-style magic systems. I like Eastern metaphysics."

"If that's the case, our deputy store manager is an expert in this field." The old lady said as if she was looking for a photo, "But he is not here today. If the customer needs it, I will call him to come over."

Yin Ze was handed a photo, to be precise, a photo of an employee.

In the photo, the deputy store manager, who is about 70 years old, is wearing a plain shirt, old Beijing cloth shoes, sunglasses, a few greasy walnuts in his hand, and his yellow teeth are showing when he smiles.That is to say, the times have changed. Instead of holding a stick of Ma Banan with Qian Kun gossip written on it, looking for the door and asking the way, but a large transparent hot water cup soaked with goji berries.

Otherwise, with this appearance, you have to be a half-celestial being high or low. If there are any weddings and funerals in the village, you will be invited to do it.

Yin Ze was numb.

This is called professionalism.

It's really nothing to do, like the warm male head teacher, he obediently paid the divination fee for two female colleagues who were as excited as elementary school students on a spring outing.

Chapter 180 Divination

When the blackout curtains are drawn, the indoor light becomes darker, and the sound of the heat in the business district outside the shop fades away, while the bell hanging on the wall and the sound of the hands moving give it a somewhat mysterious ritual atmosphere.The silver-haired grandma lifted the thin cloth from the crystal ball, and the translucent sphere emitted a glimmer of light.

"In the prehistoric Celtic tribes, Druid religious personnel used crystal balls for divination." The old woman's tone was soft and peaceful, "So, who will come first?"

"I'll come, I'll come." Zhongtian Lisha had always been gentle, and it was rare for her to scramble for the first time.However, considering that his screen name is "Tyrannosaurus rex and the Philosopher's Stone", he is interested in this kind of thing, and it seems understandable, "How should I cooperate?"

"Just tell me my birthday, and I will use it as a key to look at the river of time." The old woman said.

"It's so simple." Gengtian Lisha nodded, just about to say something, then paused, and suddenly asked someone like a good student asking for help with a math problem, "What's my birthday?"

"Your birthday, you ask me?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"It's rumored that you have a good memory, let's take a test." Zhongtian Lisha shrugged.

"Oh, then July 7th." Yin Ze replied casually.

"Where did you know that?" Hidaka Mana asked suspiciously.

"Her line information is filled in." Yin Ze said as a matter of course.

"Why did you click on someone else's profile page?" Hidaka Mana asked.

"Well, when I usually use the software, I always slip my hands, it's normal." Yin Ze said truthfully.

"Does it mean you can remember it at a glance?" Zhongtian Lisha was a little amused.

"You don't need to understand the memory of liberal arts students so clearly." Yin Ze waved his hand arrogantly.He is the king of exams who succeeded in cramming and preaching with his memory. He is the bearer of human reason, and his realm is really far behind.

"Well, congratulations, you got the answer right, it is indeed my birthday." Taneda Lisa smiled and continued to talk to the fortune teller behind the counter, "Please continue, manager."

"Okay." The kind-faced old lady just smiled and watched the interaction with the guests. She stroked the crystal ball a few times with her wrinkled hands wearing several rings, as if she was feeling something, "...well, it's very There is a flow of vitality. You must have worked hard for something in the past, and you have struggled for it. Judging from the changing cloud shadows and the sudden light in the crystal ball, after a lot of sacrifices, you are now reaping There are many, and they are getting closer to the expected living conditions.”

"Hmm." Taneda Lisa listened carefully.

"However, there are waves in the river, which means that something has happened around you recently, which has caused you to have different emotions and thoughts in your heart. Fortunately, the color is a touch of gold, which means that it is not a bad thing. It may be caused by your career. The breakthrough may be the arrival of wealth, of course, it may also be the meeting of a predestined person." The old lady narrated slowly.

"I see." Taneda Lisha continued to nod.

Hidaka Mana was also listening with great interest.

Only a certain boring straight man was scratching his head. As an excellent user of panacea speaking skills, he felt that these words were a bit familiar... He usually said this when he called the long-winded manager.

"Through the gurgling waves, I can see the 'tough' side of your life inside." The old woman said.

"Does it mean that I am more stubborn?" Taneda Risa asked.

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