"No, I still know the address." Yin Ze tried to defend himself.

"But you must have never been there." Matsuda said sincerely.

"Why do you make such a decisive assertion? Humiliate my dedication like a cow and a horse?" Yin Ze was indignant.

"Because that senior said that he has never seen you in the company."

"Which female senior cares so much about me?"

"It's not a woman, it's Nakajima Masan, the bandit leader who led people to attack the carriage and killed you."

"...It was the bandit leader who killed the knight I played." While correcting his tongue twister, Yin Ze recalled the glasses-wearing, friendly senior from the same company.

"After he knew we were in contact, he asked me to invite you too." Matsuda sincerely said again.

"Yes, after all, he is a good person who took care of me on the set, so of course I have to go!"

"Then I can reply to him too." Matsuda smiled sincerely, and then remembered something, "Oh, by the way, do you want to pull Sakura-kun?"

"Won't Nakajima-san be upset if you pull people again without authorization?" Yin Ze worried.

"He meant that the more people there were, the more lively it would be."

"Then can I go too?" Shimadzu Nobunaga suddenly asked with interest.

"You're not from EM."

"You're not from EM."

The two said in unison.

Triangle, is the strongest shape.

The three of them are the relationship chain that is most likely to collapse.

Nobunaga-kun seems to be in the midst of winter at this moment, a little sad.

No.30 Chapter Five

In the narrow room, the dull heating makes people drowsy, the incandescent lamp above the head is a bit dazzling, and there are silent observers in suits and black pants outside the glass wall.

The scene reminded him of a cold interrogation room in a police station.A bowl of pork chop rice with pickled vegetables and sauce, saying "your old mother in the country is crying now".Immediately, the heart was fragile and wept.

In fact, it is closer to the confessional in the church, where he has to go against his will, shrink his soul, put on a clown's coat, and cooperate with the stationed priest to fight seamlessly.

And all of this will be exposed in front of the demons, they greedily watch, they watch with joy, they listen with low smiles, and they feed on pleasure.

The interrogator and the priest came, but they were long overdue.

She was wearing a windbreaker-style women's school uniform in autumn and winter. Under the hem were warm black stockings with a high D number, and her boots were a nice brown color.Her hair was tied with youthful double ponytails, and her face was flushed as if she had applied blush.Because I was traveling in the cold wind, I was a little panting.

"Sorry for the delay on the way! Wait for a long time!"

The resident host was busy bowing, the cold outdoor air remaining on his body, the faint scent of perfume and the heating perfectly blended.

The sweet scent of a young girl tickles the nose.

"Nothing." However, the man replied indifferently.

"So indifferent...and said he wasn't angry." Seeing this, the middle school girl carefully took out a bag of handmade biscuits from her schoolbag, hoping to win her understanding.

"I'm just thinking about the meaning and value of being here." Yin Ze sighed and was not polite. He took the biscuits, opened them one by one and threw them into his mouth.

"Huh? Why?"

"How many times is this?"

"No. 12." The girl sat down, put away her schoolbag, took off her heavy windbreaker, revealing the pink knitted cotton coat inside, and the smell of the neighbor's house became stronger.

"That said, the first quarter is over, and it's a well-deserved first-round finish."


"Then why it's me again!" The boy grinned and slapped the table.

"Hibe Satoshi-san came here last time." The girl said as a matter of course, resting her chin with her hands.When she smiled, her eyes narrowed into lovely crescents.

"Then I'm just a sideshow. In the original work, the number of characters being whipped is more than that of being alive. A flawless stepping stone, an eternal back man. The end of the season, now as a turning point, shouldn't we find a real permanent Can the voice actors sum it up?!"

"I don't allow you to belittle yourself like this." Hidaka Mana said with a serious face, "Whether El Redo or Takizawa-kun is the core of this story."


"Counting the broadcasting time, you have actually been active for four or five episodes. And you have paid well, so how can you complain about slack? This is definitely not the work of a good professional, let alone this is a team task. You Your petty emotions might affect other people's performance, will you be able to bear the responsibility then?" Hidaka Mana frowned.

How could a dignified social animal of two generations be criticized and questioned by such underage middle school students?

"I'm just analyzing the plan reasonably. There should be someone who is more suitable and can produce more value for this position." Yin Ze shook his head.

"According to the online voting and statistics of the positive comments from previous broadcasts, it is finally determined that you are very qualified. Hard work is valuable, and your sincerity and true feelings really moved everyone."

Hidaka Mana suddenly lowered her tone as she spoke.

"But after making such excellent results and gaining everyone's support and recognition, I still don't care about the arrangement. Maybe the real source of your unhappiness is actually me? Did you offend the younger generation? I will definitely change it. , so please don't be so indifferent, or even self-deprecating awkwardly, I will be sad."


It must be emphasized that the existence of junior seniors who can switch between dual systems at any time according to the situation is a very special and tricky individual in the workplace, let alone this flashing limited edition junior senior senior.

Here, where respect and etiquette are emphasized, the seniors should not be disobedient, and the younger generations should be humble and lick their shoes.

It is true that here you can choose to use traditional arts to overcome the upper, but in real life, she is the real "lower" who is not yet an adult.

Then a shocking mutant hybrid appeared.

The girl in front of her took him as a target, enjoying the dual buffs of "undermining the upper" and "upper controlling the lower" at the same time.

This is called the sky has no eyes.

It was clear that she was late to catch the tram, but in just 2 minutes, she completed the shedding of the golden cicada, the shield turned into a spear, pressing each other step by step, and the offense and defense were reversed.

But it doesn't matter.

The strong are not afraid of challenges.

"Today, it's cloudy, drizzling, and slightly cold. At 19:3 in the morning, I was eating rice balls from a convenience store and drinking cheap milk in bags as usual. In the carriage, there was a bald man with glasses on the left who went to work. There was also a bald-headed office worker with glasses on the right. But when I arrived at the workplace on time, I didn’t see the haunted figure. I didn’t pay attention at first. 10 minutes passed, 8 minutes passed, and [-] minutes passed. The laver on the onigiri is still stuck to the front teeth, but the seat in front of him is still empty. Although it is unbelievable, Hidaka-san, who is strict with himself, is probably indeed late."

Yin Ze spoke softly as if reciting prose.

"How did this happen? I was picking my teeth, leaning against the window sill on the third floor and looking at the leaden world, thinking worriedly, what tarnished her perfection? Is it wind and frost, or is it mud? Gradually, this My worries turned into nervousness and self-doubt. Maybe it’s because I want to cooperate with me—I have to force a smile on this boring man, and I have to forcefully create a topic to create a harmonious atmosphere. It’s really distressing. I began to panic , The previous chat that sounded intimate was actually the result of gritted teeth secretly and endured tenaciously."

"I waited anxiously until you showed up. Sure enough, after the polite greetings, you began to pick out my unprofessionalism and self-motivation vaguely and forcefully. I have a lot to say, and I want to gush out like pearls. Pan Her Majesty Nisi, the knight loyal to you, the oath of the king, the soul will always follow... But I always feel like I am blocked by something, I can only whirl in my head, and I can't get it out."

"The gentle Higo-san showed a fake and pretended expression on his face, moved his lips, but didn't make a sound. He finally raised his attitude, and shouted clearly, junior—I seemed to shudder, and at the same time understood, we There is already a pathetically thick barrier between them."

The boy's face was full of sadness, he felt hard, but he couldn't express it, he just sighed.

"I still disappointed you in the end. I'm really sorry for letting you see the trash. I will leave immediately. I will see you again in the warm spring when the flowers bloom."


Hidaka Mana was stunned.

Heh, someone smiled evilly.

Precocious girl, haven't you seen this kind of matchmaking?

Unlike those people who are helpless against you, I am a higher-level existence, a completely different existence.Hmph, let's keep this strength that I first saw in my life firmly in my heart.

After about a few seconds, the girl turned around, her eyes flickering here and there.

"Ah, that's right. It turns out that we are all worried about each other. It would be nice if we said it like this earlier."

Starting to show weakness, are you planning to end this little episode?Wise choice.


"I didn't expect that Takizawa-kun, who looks bright and sunny, would be so delicate and sensitive. If I knew earlier that a title would cause so much anxiety and shadow, I would definitely be prepared."

The girl interrupted him and began to sing slowly.There is still a beautiful smile on the face, as sweet as if you can squeeze out honey juice.

"The younger generation will definitely not be able to use it. And as a proof of determination to get closer..."

The girl tilted her head slightly.

"Can I call you 'Wu Jun' from now on?"

These words are like the key to unlock the forbidden door, the infinitely ferocious demon god roared out, the sky tore and fell, thunder and lightning flashed and the black sea churned.The cold winter that froze all living beings swept across everything, and the roaring erosion drowned the man who was close at hand.

Even the silent observers outside the glass wall, the radio producers with high authority and killing authority in this world were shocked, and their gold-rimmed glasses almost slipped from the bridge of their noses.

It turned out to be this kind of nirvana? !

The man was silent for a few seconds, then scratched his head in half-bewilderment and half-casually to meet the cautious eyes.


I do not mind.

The miraculous words descended, the murderous aura was wiped out, the pale world was bright again, everything was revived, and the sky was high and the sea was wide.

reverse sweep.

"Eh?" the radio producer.

"Eh?" Hidaka Aina.

"But it must be a two-way street, right? So, can I also call you Aicai?" the man said again.

"Eh?!" the radio producer.

"Eh?!" Hidaka Aina.

It's just a name, any flower grower who is not familiar with each other will call him by his first name, even if it is a one-letter name like Zhang San, he can also make a reduplicate and call Sansan.

Alas, the Japanese are troublesome, red tape, and slightly common surnames are easy to bump into.I used to be annoyed by this when I was working on a Japanese project list. The whole article was full of scenes and three pages of documents, and the summary was "sorry" and "change it again".

I heard that calling people by their first names is a kind way.

That's kind.

The boss calls him kindly and kindly every day, "Aze, please leave after submitting."

——Where can this kindness go?

"Oh, uh, no, it's not impossible, but, eh?!" The girl fell into a panic after a long absence, trying to hide her guilty conscience with random words.

He's still too young, and the damage he just dealt is only triggered now. He should learn from other people who play professional Texas Hold'em. Everyone is a robot with an emotionless face.

"Okay, that's the end of the childish confrontation. From now on, we need to practice more. Producer, when will we start work?" Yin Ze turned around to greet him without doubting him.

The broadcast producer quickly fixed his glasses and regained the temperament of the social elite.

"To be honest, it has already begun."



"Haha, don't worry, this is not the scene, and the nonsense will be cut out later."

Anyone who says this can believe it.

He said, absolutely unbelievable.

No.30 Chapter [-]: The Ideal Ending Point

"Hello, audiences and fans all over the country, this is episode No. 12 of the Dark Fantasy Talk. I am the resident host, and I am also Mana Hidaka who plays Panis."

"Greetings from Jiushu, I'm Takizawa Satoru who gave voice to El Reido."

"It's already number 12 before I know it, and the first season of the well-received animation also ended brilliantly before. Does Takizawa-kun have any thoughts on this?"

"As a character that has been finalized very early, although it is not as seamless as Hidaka-san, I am still paying attention to the progress of the story. Let alone the excellent picture, the chain is intertwined, and the story that advances layer by layer makes people unable to extricate themselves , really looking forward to a more exciting second season."

"Which plot is Takizawa-kun's favorite so far?"

I don't know, never thought about it.

Yin Ze paused for a few seconds. After all, he didn't read it at all. It was all the polite words of the panacea template.

"...For me personally, it really is the first episode. The opening chapter is a battle scene with a lot of money. It can be called the top painting in the industry, and many non-original fans are also attracted by it."

"It's a reasonable choice, Takizawa-kun."

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