The national myths that have been passed down since ancient times have always been fighting against the sky and fighting against the gods.Houyi shoots the sun, Dayu controls the flood, Jingwei fills the sea, Yugong moves the mountain, etc., all talking about that although everyone has his own luck, fate is not predetermined.Even the naughty kid, Nezha, the ultimate bear individual exists.

So all ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, unbelievers and disdain, will disappear in smoke under the crimson materialist iron fist!

At least before transmigrating while taking off his pants and squatting in the pit... Yin really thought so.

No, not necessarily, it must be that the metabolism of the human body cleverly fits the trajectories of the stars in the sky, and is coherent with the original cosmic fluctuations hundreds of millions of years ago. In addition, nicotine is used as a medium, and the quantum force field stirs the boundaries of parallel worlds, accidentally breaking the boundaries of dimensions. barrier.

That being the case, the "Yin's Destiny" that emphasizes science still has no retreat.

In fact, destiny is genes!

Strong men who don't smoke and drink will suffer from cancer earlier than prodigal sons who gamble day and night.Good students who work hard are crushed by talented people.He drinks milk and plays horizontal bars every day, but he is still small and tall without lying down and fishing for fish.There are all kinds of high-priced skin care products in turn all day long, and there are no girlfriends and roommates who are fair and beautiful.

Even training the abs, how many pieces are asymmetrical, is innately agreed upon.

Case solved.

The tiny biological code is the map of fate.

For example, just picking out one of them with good looks is enough for you to enjoy many conveniences in life.Nonsense, who doesn't like beautiful boys and girls?

... Takizawa-kun may be an exception.

The bangs are used as goggles all day long, and the dark circles and pimples are used as tattoos. They always exude a decadent atmosphere of disqualification.Coupled with his thin body, mediocre grades, loneliness and introversion, and no relatives or friends, he is really the best choice for the class to tease and bully.

Looking beautiful actually means a lot.

You may even become that crucial piece of the puzzle in other people's good memories without even realizing it.

A girl pushing a bicycle home, simple daily life.

But in the mind of a certain boy, it may have been sublimated into a part of modern youth pain literature. At the class reunion many years later, his eyes were moist while drinking sake, and the aftertaste came out.

——"Xunzi walked in front, she was bathed in the setting sun, her warm red figure was as dazzling as a fire-dyed Tang red rose, which made me dare not chase. In the wind, the train whistled and the leaves and grass swayed. She took I have left my longing and nostalgia, riding a horse through the fleeting time like a flower, this river of love and hate has always lacked the courage to paddle and cannot swim across, I have been crazy for so long, why doesn’t God destroy me?”

But Xunzi really just pushed the bicycle home with a flat tire.

To sum up, for the beauties who are inherently superior to all living beings, men will open a memory box alone to hold them.

Haneda Mari, no matter how you look at it, is a beautiful person.

Especially the smile, which seems to be born with a little shyness.Pursing his lips and smiling, the feeling of being next door came to his face immediately, like running to the door of the classroom after class, waiting for someone to go home with him, a cute and charming childhood sweetheart.

Being watched by her like this, I really dreamed of the moment when I happened to meet the prettiest girl in my grade in the corridor when I went back to school.

Even if there is no Schrödinger's life corridor, he will never forget this kind of bright and upright girl.


"Can I sit?" Mari Haneda asked.

"Of course, please go ahead." Yin Ze said.

Since it was a horizontal bench, of course they could only sit side by side. The girl sat down with her arms crossed. The distance between the two of them was about half a body. They were neither far nor close, and it was convenient for them to talk.

"I've seen your debut work, and the performance is very mature." Mari Haneda spoke first.

"Where, I'm showing my ugliness." Yin Ze said modestly, "It was the other people on the set who took care of me and gave me so many opportunities and time for trial and error."

"I also listen to the radio drama every now and then, and now I am much more cheerful." Mari Haneda said softly, "I am really happy to see that everything is going in a good direction for you, and your hard work and persistence have paid off. "

Immediately afterwards, his tone changed and he joked.

"But it is precisely because the debut is a huge investment, as a popular role, the peripheral activities are received softly, and the scenery is boundless. It is so busy, so it is normal for an inconspicuous friend like me to not be able to remember the name for a while. "

"The idea of ​​a highly popular character needs to be studied... the derivative work is only a radio drama." Yin Ze retorted weakly, and then patted his chest again, "As for the name, isn't there often a similar situation, such as something that was still thinking about the last second, I suddenly wanted to lose it. But don’t worry, Haneda-san, after today, I will never forget you, no matter your name or appearance, they will be firmly engraved in my mind!"

"You've really become eloquent. I thought you were so good on the radio because you had a script." Mari Haneda whispered.

"No, every time I go, the script writers have nothing to do, and they are paid to fish, which is very disgusting." Yin Ze criticized.

"It's good, it's not so dull, but it's not good if it evolves into unlimited rhetoric."

"Words are my shield of protection, not a spear of aggressiveness, um... After all, you are here because of team building, right?" Yin Ze asked hesitantly.

"That's right." Mari Haneda couldn't help laughing, "Although it's still a step late, I've joined the club smoothly, and I will give you a lot of advice in the future, senior."

"You only cross the threshold with one foot, so don't be so polite." Yin Ze waved his hand, "Speaking of which, that, Haneda-san."

"Haneda-san?" the girl subconsciously repeated.

"Uh, shouldn't it be called that?" Yin Ze was a little embarrassed and uncertain.

"I just said that I don't need to be so polite, but I immediately called it so formal?"

"Haneda?" Yin Ze chose to take only half a step back.

"So-so." The girl was noncommittal, with her feet dangling.

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since I saw you." Yin Ze said tentatively, this wave was to collect information first.

"That's right, after I joined the company, I thought I would meet you a few times in the company." Mari Haneda raised her head.

"Oh, isn't this a diversion?"

"Don't deceive yourself, Nakajima-san has already told me that you have never been there at all." Haneda Mari looked at him with admiration, "You didn't dare to make such a fuss before, but now it is really amazing, with multiple aspects."

"Is that so, have I been 'remembered' by the old man and the leader?" Yin Ze sighed.

This reminded him of when he was working and asked the boss, if my contribution this month is far above the average, is there any extra reward?The boss said no, but I have already remembered you.

This is very cool.

After reviewing the memories of the social animals, the scene became inexplicably cold.

Suddenly there was nothing to say.

Haneda Mari's attitude towards him is very friendly, but it doesn't seem to be to the point of enthusiasm, even a little unnatural, her eyes drift away, and she will look at him for a short time.

Yin Ze himself was even more clueless... not sure what to say.

Seeing that the faint embarrassment that had just waved away gathered again.

"Today's weather is really nice, the temperature is suitable, it is very suitable for going out for a walk." Yin Ze smiled, and brought up a useful topic like a general-purpose shield.

"Well, it's not bad." Haneda Mari agreed.



Both of them opened their mouths, then closed them at a loss for words, and turned their heads in sync, pretending to look at the scenery together.

No.40 The whole family should be tidy

It's more like a scene from a bad youth movie with a low rating.

The plot seems to have reached the stage where the good-looking hero and heroine are being tested, and they are sitting side by side on the bench at this time.Across the subtle sense of distance, in front of you is the bustling sea of ​​people, here is the silence with special thoughts.

Do you shed tears and say goodbye to go abroad to heal your wounds, or let go of your defenses and hug and kiss?

……I do not know!

"Are you also invited by Senior Nakajima?" Yin Ze asked lightly.

"Yes, I was very flattered to receive an invitation when I went to the company for the second time. After all, I am just a completely immature newcomer." Mari Haneda said with her hands on her lap.

"A little nervous?"

"of course."

"This is leisure and entertainment outside of work, just let it go and have fun." Yin Ze said.

"I know. That's why I will be more nervous about the official recording..."

"Worried about screwing up?"

"Yes, especially the lack of experience, it is very likely to make mistakes that should not be made in the eyes of others. And on the set, everyone is in a hurry, right? What must be completed before each time period is planned in advance Yes, it would be too bad to slow down the tempo." Haneda Mari was worried.

"Everyone came here like this." Yin Ze comforted.

"Speaking of which, it's true that you have already come here?" Mari Haneda paused, then tilted her head to look at him slightly, "Senior, why don't you teach me some experience!"

"I also started staggeringly, if I insist on saying something, just ask if I don't understand?" Yin Zefeng waved his hands calmly.

"Then what if you don't understand too much?"

"Just ask."

"Is this going to annoy the audio supervisor?" Haneda Mari shook her head, "Others are already busy, but you still pester them. Asking some low-level questions will deduct impression points."

"In fact, it's quite the opposite. Many newcomers have just entered the industry, and they can only work hard, but after spending a lot of time, the results submitted are not good at all. When asked what's going on, they say that the level is really not enough, and then ask since It’s difficult to complete, why don’t you ask experienced veterans for help, and say that you are afraid of disturbing other busy staff.”

Yin Ze sighed very much.

"However, the result of this thoughtful consideration is that the old hand wipes his ass, the product needs to be redone, and the ability is also tested to fail to meet the standard. You have to recite all the faults. If you go through this process a few times, you have to be persuaded to quit. If you don't understand, just go Ask the supervisor and the team leader, even if the thing is not made in the end, they have to take some responsibility."

"It seems so cumbersome." Mari Haneda said weakly.

"Directly killing randomly, Party A was shocked by the heaven and man on the spot clapping his hands and bursting into tears, can he still be called a newcomer?" Yin Ze snorted softly, "And this will also improve your sense of existence, and you will be included in the sight of the seniors. Better than being unknown?"

"Then what if you are hated? What if you are reprimanded 'you have to figure out how to deal with such trivial matters'?"

"The mountains are high and the road is far away. Goodbye Jianghu. Let's change jobs, but this time you can write a sentence of 'work experience' on your resume." Yin Zehao summed it up.

"Isn't this completely unacceptable!"

"No, it's all based on experience."

"Takizawa-kun, you must have never joined a club." Haneda Mari became serious.

"Why mention this?"

"Junior juniors who have just joined the league can only do some simple tasks. If it is similar to the sports department that can participate in national competitions, the competition will be fierce. If they don't pick up the ball and clean up obediently, they will feel that they can join as soon as they come up. In their circle, if you ask questions, the seniors will definitely tell you to leave impatiently." Haneda Mari said.

"Campus and workplace are different," Yin Ze said.

"The workplace is more indifferent. When my father first joined the work, he also liked to ask others to gain experience, but he unknowingly carried the label of 'love to shirk' and began to feel a little uncomfortable getting along with his colleagues. It is not that simple to change jobs, other companies will I wonder if you left in a hurry because of your poor ability." Mari Haneda said slowly.

"Then what should we do?" Yin Ze was silent for a while.

"So I want to ask people who have been here for their thoughts." Mari Haneda said modestly.

"Ask if you don't understand."

"This has been denied."

"what is it now?"

"So I just want to know the thoughts of some people who have been here."


The closed loop of eternal calamity and eternal movement has been achieved unconsciously.

"Takizawa-kun, you must be able to understand, there is a monster named 'atmosphere' that exists in this society." Haneda Mari said in a low voice, "Once you are on the opposite side of everyone, even if you may be right It will sink in helplessly. There is an unspoken rule of 'don't trouble me' here. It seems that the etiquette of respect and inferiority is sound, but it is extremely cold and indifferent."

The extreme east island country has its own national conditions here.

"So, seeing the current Takizawa-kun escaped from the quagmire of 'atmosphere'." Haneda Mari smiled lightly, her eyes clear, "I feel very happy from the bottom of my heart."

It seems that there seems to be a warm thread between 'me' and her... The boy thought to himself.

"Want something to drink?" Gentleman Yin Ze asked, "I'll buy it for you."

"Let's go together." Seeing this, Haneda Mari smiled and stood up.

There are countless small shops in the amusement park, and the closest one is naturally the one that sells cotton candy.

But what is surprising is that the greedy little girl still stays where she was just now.

Good guy, you can't just take advantage of your innocence and cuteness to catch kind people passing by on purpose, right?

Women in Tokyo, it's scary!

Yin Ze walked over tentatively, "little sister, why don't you go play with adults?"

The solitary little girl was still holding the licked clean wooden stick in her hand. When she looked up, her eyes turned red quickly, and tears fell straight down.Yin Ze raised his hands and stepped back, indicating that he had done nothing.

"Oh, where did you get hurt?" Haneda Mari knelt down to check with concern.

The little girl pouted and tugged at Mari Haneda's sleeves, and said in a crying voice, "Woooo, mom!"

"What! Is it your child?!" Yin Ze was shocked.

"That's not true." Mari Haneda said angrily.

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