"It will give people the impression of 'not a girl', in other words, the lack of femininity. If you still eat alone, you will feel a little pitiful and sympathetic."

"Then are you going?" Yin Ze asked.

"Go, because the taste is really good, and it's quick and time-consuming." Sakura-san replied, and then she was a little embarrassed, and muttered, "Is it really not like a girl?"

"Whether it's a girl or not, this gender issue depends on physiological phenomena, and whether it's a normal person depends on the results of a psychological diagnosis."

Yin Ze drank water calmly.

"Anyway, it will never be judged by someone's subjective impression, or even prejudice. I think you are fine and great now, and you don't need to be swayed by the boring atmosphere here."

"...Hmph, it sounds nice, but you boys are actually not the type who like to be cute and act like a baby." The girl held the porcelain cup, her eyes flickering here and there.

"Everyone has the desire to be beautiful, but it's all about striving for a better self, and it shouldn't be something that caters to some group. Like the magazine's "Ten Ways to Become a Popular Urban Girl" It’s a great skill’, the intention and the target audience are totally confusing.” Yin Ze pointed to the magazine to express his thoughts.

"...You are the first person I have met who has such an idea."

The girl looked at him with some surprise, as if she was updating her knowledge.

"But didn't you go with the flow?"

Of course there are, for example, as a noble DOTA veteran, he downloaded Wang ○ Glory just to have something to chat with female workers.

"Worldly desires are shattered in the face of reality. What attracts people to a domineering president is not the domineering, but the president." Yin Ze said something incomprehensible.

"You've always wanted to eat cake, right? Alright, I'll give it to you." Sakura looked at him a few more times, suddenly generous.

"In fact, I also have longings, such as traveling around the world. After all, this kind of thing is very fulfilling after completion, right?"

Yin Ze finally grabbed the cake and happily continued chatting.

"Oh, speaking of it, I met a young senior named Rigao at work before, who shared my interests and had such insights at a young age. She is so precocious and excellent, which makes people enviable and distressed. Although she is good-looking, she can There is always a sense of alienation from life...it should be clearly unwilling to act, but also limited by the partiality of this society."


As soon as the dog's paw picked up the cake, it was shot off again.

"After talking about feelings so much, you just want to turn a corner and praise that senior high school student?" The girl sitting opposite laughed, her eyes were cold.


No.60 Chapter [-] The Biggest Secret

Sakura-san, who didn't use her brain at all and only used her hands, finished the high-end dessert set, supplemented with sugar, was full of energy, and planted the seeds of future obesity.

In order to satisfy her thirst for knowledge, Yin Ze, who drove the corridor of life to reminisce about the history of art for thousands of years, was only worthy of drinking three glasses of white water under the contemptuous gaze of the waiter.

This consumption is so high that he has watched seven or eight episodes of "The Great Song Mentions the Criminal" in a row, which is really a blood loss.

On the way to the top floor on the escalator, he secretly made up his mind, thinking that he couldn't get used to this guy anymore.Eradicating a delicate young lady is also a kind act of self-interest and society.

"There are so few people up here." Sakura Mio leaned her elbows carelessly on the boy's body, looking down.

The school exhibition on the bottom floor of the museum and the middle section including the restaurant are full of people coming and going like water, filled with the sense of spiritual collision of like-minded people, but there are only a few people walking around on the upper floor, and most of them are middle-aged people who are well-dressed and have outstanding temperament People, or a kind old man who is full of books and accompanied by a chaperone.

Audiences are vastly different.

"By the way, it's been a long time since you've been here, and you haven't said whose solo exhibition is on the roof." Yin Ze pushed away the little hand that regarded him as a tram rail in disgust, and asked by the way.

"I don't remember either." The girl scratched her head.

"Wow, you can't do this. It's like going to an Internet cafe. You don't start thinking about what games to play until you sit down, and only then start calling your friends."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the main purpose of today is not to really see art." The girl shrugged.

What a deviant!

Yin Ze hated iron and critiqued in his heart that in this sacred gathering place of pure art inheritors, he was so foolish.

Alas, no matter what, I shouldn't have high fantasies and expectations for this vulgar little girl in the first place. She has exhausted all her life's knowledge before she can tell the contrast between cold and warm.

Compared with the convivial and relaxed evaluation atmosphere of the conference hall below, the narrow circular top floor is almost silent and silent.

The glass on the wall is covered with blackout curtains, and the lights in the aisle are deliberately adjusted to be dark. There are small lights above each painting hanging on the wall, so if you look around, you can see the shining lights on the dark corridor. brilliant.

Like a group of flashing lighthouses in the black sea, it splits a route called audience.

The ground is covered with soft blankets, and the few guests step on it softly and silently. Their figures are slowly crossing each other in the blur and darkness, and they stop in front of the painting from time to time, staring silently, like moths circling the holy flame. If you are willing to retreat, you have to pay great determination and courage to go further.

Yin Ze shivered suddenly, because there seemed to be an invisible cold wind brushing his face, the ice flakes were as slender as a blade, and they passed by indifferently, cutting a small hole, which was slightly painful.

He touched his face subconsciously, but he was safe and sound, nothing.

Although it was a bit fantastical, he felt as if he had stepped into some "field", and the man couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

Even the clumsy and lively Sakura-san calmed down.

...The reason may be that she saw those burly guards who were big and thick, with chest muscles that were about to pop out of their uniforms.

The strong men with an average of 1 meters have the heroic and heroic spirit of the protagonists in Hollywood gunfight action movies.Wearing wireless earphones, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon, and he holds a standard short stick in his hand, exuding the aura of a strong man who can beat all bad guys with intentions.

To be reasonable, if it weren't for the logo of the art museum on their clothes, and the pink rabbit head hats around the art museum on their heads.Otherwise, it's like setting off at any time, and come to Fast and Furious.

"Hello, do you have tickets?"

A hunk came over and asked politely.The two braids of the bunny hat that were adjusted for tightness hang down from his forehead, drooping on the extremely strong pectoralis major muscle, which is a little less powerful and more tender.

Sakura Mio sound handed over two beautiful tickets.

Of course, for the convenience of the macho gentleman, he took it on one knee.Look down and check the information on the ticket carefully.

"Okay, please feel free to watch. You can take pictures and take pictures today, but please don't touch the exhibits." The hunk smiled heartily and moved away from the stalwart body.

The two passed smoothly, joined the circular corridor, disappeared in the shadow, turned into a small sailboat, and looked for the eye-catching lighthouse together.

"What does this painting... mean?"

Sakura-san raised his head, looking at the things in front of him, a little puzzled.

Although she is simple, she is not stupid. The humiliating experience just now has made her understand that there is a despicable person playing a pig here.But fortunately, I am magnanimous and don't care about it.

He just shoved the boy with his shoulder, signaling the tool man to start working quickly and popularize science.

"Weaving oil painting. A style that imitates the expressiveness of weaving. It is characterized by the composition of the main body and by-products almost all of which are made of weaving texture. At a glance, it seems to be filled with cotton threads. Painting is more like imitating women knitting scarves and sweaters.”

Yin Ze said slowly.

"He draws every cotton thread by hand and simulates 'weaving' at the same time, and finally uses a pen on the paper to 'type' a complete work with every detail."

"Is it great?"

"...It's rare in the world." Yin Ze let out a long breath, and he began to gradually understand where the tension and coldness came from.

Just the very first exhibit at the beginning of the show fully declares that this creator is not an ordinary creature living with mortals.The winter wind is sealed in the painting, and there are ice slags like needles and arrows hidden in the wind.No ideas, no themes, no uniqueness.Only pure and extreme, such as the thick and suffocating "technology" at the foot of Lianmai Mountain.No matter what kind of craftsmanship or unrestrained aura someone else has, they have to obediently bow their heads in front of them.

The man couldn't help turning his head, looking at the exhibits under the lights a little far away.

At this moment, in the eyes of Sakura, those are paintings, but in his eyes, they are clearly swords and spears with unparalleled sharpness and cold light.Captivating and dangerous.

Looking at them one by one, the styles are like a kaleidoscope, from Greek classical to oriental blank, from hyper-realism to Barbizon impression, from impasto to graphic, from rock color to ukiyo-e.The number of exhibits is small, but it can be called all-inclusive.

And the corners of each pair are signed by the same person.No wonder there was no discussion on this floor.In addition to admiration, there is also a sense of terror for the creator's inhuman talent.

Yin Ze rubbed his hands and let out a breath, trying to drive away the insubstantial coldness.What they are riding is clearly not an elevator, it is clearly a ladder.Because of this, we can step from the simple world of immature students to the residence of the true god on the cloud.

He couldn't help speeding up his pace and wandering with his head buried.After pacing for a long time, he finally stopped somewhere.

That is the psychedelic sky and clouds, which is another dimension's interpretation of loneliness.

'I must paint a picture of cypress trees under a starry night, and I already have this picture in mind.A starry night, Christ is blue and the angels are a mishmash of lemon yellow. ' - Van Gogh

""Starry Moon Night"." Looking at the thick and colorful picture in front of him, Yin Ze muttered its famous name.

Of course, this one is not the real work of the broken ear master, but a fake.

But it still affects the heart and soul in this way, like a whirlpool that pulls people's sight deeply.He stared at it for a while, then closed his eyes lightly. In addition to the residual image of his memory, he also vaguely heard the sound of paint splashing when he was writing. What came to his face was no longer coldness, but excited heat. With dizzying flashes.The heat wave of people's hearts never stops impacting.

"... How many beatings did it take to become such a character?" Yin Ze looked up at the dreamy sky in the painting in front of him, and couldn't help but whisper.

He didn't even dare to say the second half of the sentence, 'When can I become a character'.

Dream is really a magical thing. When I was a child, I not only regarded it as a treasure, but also told others about it to show off.After I grew up, I carefully hid it, and occasionally I felt that it was unrealistic and a joke, and I didn't even care if I threw it away inadvertently.

But it has never been lost, it is just covered with dust in the pile, buried deep in the dark.

Just waiting for a moment of light, to cut off the numbness of doing nothing and see the sun again.

It is that immortal.

Even events that distort the known truth like world travel, soul replacement, and the Ship of Theseus still haven't destroyed it.

Sometimes Yin Ze couldn't help but wonder what it would be like when his relatives and friends learned of his departure.

The most terrible thing is that he clearly remembers that before the memory fault, he was having a stomachache in the toilet because of a hangover.

So he would be discovered by his colleagues because he missed work and lost contact. He would put on his pants from the latrine and carry them into the ambulance, and then he would be covered with a white cloth by the doctor.Becoming the absolute protagonist of the mourning hall again, the family members greeted those who came to mourn with red eyes, and the brothers in the middle of the night kept vigil and sighed at someone while fighting the landlord. It was a pity.The ledger was opened, and it clearly recorded which family gave how much money, so that they could repay the debt in the future.Three days later, it was sent to the nearest fire site, purified by thousands of degrees of high temperature, and finally packed into a small wooden box, and buried after finding a suitable tomb.

After this trip, it will not be used for a month.

Yin Ze really wanted to laugh and cry.

In the end, all that remains are only the name and the insignificant, shallow and short-lived memories of life.


The girl stared at the boy from far behind.

Originally, she was still angry that she was suddenly ignored by the boy who turned into a fanatical fan, but looking at the figure from behind, she immediately dispelled the idea of ​​pestering her.

The thin light only shines on the shoulders, and the shadows are vain.

That look is really far away, as if it doesn't belong to this world, and it also carries a touch of sadness.

"You used to dream of becoming a painter, right?" Sakura Mio softly touched his side and whispered.

"Just barely."

"Actually, I have thought about it before." The girl emphasized after thinking about it.

"Huh? Then why did you give up?" Yin Ze asked

"I can't help it. In this industry, there are countless talents that I can't imagine, so I'm afraid."

"Indeed, it's like this." Yin Ze smiled, pointed at the painting in front of them and joked, "Look, this kind of person is really like a ghost, I really don't know how it was born."

"What about you? Did you give up too?" Sakura Mio asked again.

"It's complicated to say, maybe it doesn't matter whether you give up or not, you just choose to compromise on life."

Yin Ze said slowly.

"After we have seen the real high-rise buildings and even the Tower of Babel in the illusory fables, we will really feel confident that the self who only matches the building blocks can reach the end? I have, really, delusional... But it always fails."

"Didn't every dream of a high-rise building start from the moment I built blocks when I was a child?" Sakura Mio interrupted him, "So there is no need for self-doubt and guilt, you have done a very good job .”

"Hey, you have known each other for less than a year and a half, but you seem to know me very well?"

Yin Ze raised his eyebrows.

"Speaking of which, it's the same today. Of course, I'm just guessing. Are you worried that I'm in a bad mood because I'm hot, so you pretended to be bored, but in fact, you did a special survey and voted for me, and invited you to come to see the exhibition. Are you relaxing?"

"Huh?!" Sakura-san exaggeratedly snorted, "Daydreaming, paranoia, you have too much self-awareness, right?"

"Why are you embarrassed to admit to doing good deeds?" Yin Ze refused to let go.

"You are just a pendant I found out of boredom!"

"What! I'm actually a disposable equipment magic card... Woo." The boy lowered his head and pretended to cry.

"Oh, that's fine! I'm just worried about you! That's fine!" The girl stomped her feet fiercely, her face flushed slightly, and she gritted her teeth.

"Oh, that's right." Yin Ze nodded in satisfaction.

"Tsk." The somewhat embarrassing Sakura classmate was a little annoyed, and she said angrily, "Then why are you here as a voice actor again? Shouldn't you be fighting for a job in painting?"

"It starts with a hangover... The world is unpredictable."

After Yin Ze finished speaking, he turned his head and stared straight at the girl, as if he wanted to find out the truth.

"What, what are you doing?" The girl was a little hairy when he stared at her from beginning to end.

"To be honest, so far, all the people I have met are gentle and kind, and it is obviously such a strange world. This is probably the 'blessing' in the interdependence of good and bad.

Yin Ze sighed and smiled.

"It's really lucky, so cute and charming Miss Sakura Mio, thank you."

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