
"Of course not. The test is so low. If you are unlucky, you won't even be qualified to apply for the school test. According to the past, you can rest easy with a score of 820." The dean said.

"Isn't the full score 900?!" Yin Ze's expression twisted.

"Don't be afraid. I've heard about your ability. With such a shorthand ability, the two subjects of world history and Japanese history have already achieved full marks. Other subjects that require a lot of rote memorization are also directly killed. Logical questions are naturally assisted by sea tactics. You can find the weak point, and it doesn’t matter if you lose a few points, and finally, with the ultimate duck-feeding technique of me and Director Mediterranean, you will create a miracle!”

The headmaster smiled evilly, like a villain scientist whose evil plan is finally coming true.

"My Koizumi family's long-cherished wish has continued to spread even when I become the principal! I have buried half my life and now I finally see the light of day! The biggest shame and defeat in my first half of my life will finally be washed away! Hahahaha!"

The dean watched for a while, then suddenly came to his senses, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture.

"You can get this amount after the work is done, as a publicity reward and as a reward for saving the body odor principal."

"Who are you calling the principal of body odor?!"

"Who are you calling Mediterranean Director?!"

"Two customers." Yin Ze seriously restrained the internal strife of a wave of projects, and said slowly, "Which book to memorize first, give it to me quickly."

No.11 What is life

The bell for the end of get out of class rang leisurely, and the Chinese teacher behind the desk put down the chalk in time, patted the white ash on his hand and turned around.

"Although this semester is coming to an end soon, you can't slack off. The amount of homework for the holidays is determined by the results of the final exam. If you want to have fun during the holidays, remember to study hard when you go home, you know?"

"Yes~~" a group of students below replied in dragging voices.

"Okay, let's leave school." The Chinese teacher waved his hand and left first.

The classroom instantly became noisy.The person who passed the small note in class can finally speak loudly and passionately share yesterday's game strategy.The boys were in a hurry, and they rushed the books and pencil cases into their schoolbags like leftovers, and went to the club with their shoulders on their backs.The girls stretched their waists in a leisurely manner, chatting with each other to discuss Xiao Jiujiu and which coffee shop to go to.

There are always endless topics to talk about among peers, endless gossip and all kinds of gossip for eating melons.

Innumerable delicate and sensitive nerves touch each other, happy, confused, confused, sad... Gathered in this only one time period, sublimated into a thing of "youth".

Sakura Mio didn't join in the lively din.

The girl consciously came to the blackboard, picked up the eraser, stood on tiptoe, and wiped off the Chinese teacher's flamboyant writing on the blackboard one by one.She is on duty today.

The bustle behind him was also diminishing, and the students left in batches.When the blackboard was cleaned, the classroom looked empty.

This is also convenient for her to clean up the fine rubbish between the tables, chairs and aisles.

When she came back with a clean trash can, she was the only one left.

In fact, there are one male and one female student on duty, but it is normal for boys to be lazy in this kind of thing.

When literary and film works describe campus life, they like to focus on showing the students' hard work and innocence without regrets. That is indeed a golden bridge that will never go out of fashion.

Sakura Mio sound likes the school that gradually cools down after school.

The warm sunset, the teaching buildings dyed yellow and red, the reflections of street trees scattered on the stone road, and the deep sound of trams passing the rails not far away.

The busy and falling scenery has a lazy beauty, eliminating impatience and annoying, making people feel at ease.

She silently packed her schoolbag and walked through the glowing corridor covered by the halo of dusk, her white sailor suit was also dyed reddish, and her shadow was dragged very long.

Since when did you have no friends to go home from school with?

As a child she was a very boyish guy with very short hair who ran around the park with a bunch of kids.As a girl, she really likes to make trouble too much.

Once, when playing basketball in primary school, he suddenly fainted due to excessive excitement, and was sent to the children's hospital by ambulance. Only after waking up did he learn from the doctor that he was weak.

Sitting in a wheelchair for the first time has become the focus of others' eyes. Anyone who sees it will have to joke that next time, don't be so crazy.

After being criticized and educated by the family, the bear children no longer dare to take her to play for fear of taking responsibility, and the delicate and delicate girl group does not lack a woman like her at this time.

So the last period of elementary school was spent in a daze in a wheelchair.

Only then did she understand how much she disliked being stared at by many people, and then made a long comment.

She was promoted to middle school and came to a new environment. In order to face her physical disadvantages, she joined a theater troupe to study. As a result, she kept running back and forth, and in the end there was no middle school story worth remembering.

It must be said that there was a major discovery, maybe it was the strong discomfort of standing under the spotlight on the stage for the first time after training in the troupe.

No way, I definitely can't do this, I can't do it, I can't do this, I can't do it, I can't do it.She stepped back hastily.

It was only this day that he finally understood his inborn character.

Sacrificing the exercise of middle school life is just a useless work that is tasteless and discarded. When she was sad, the teacher comforted her and said that at least the sound conditions were not bad. If she hates the stage so much, she might as well do behind-the-scenes performances.

The depressed mood suddenly rekindled.

Compared with the exciting and ups and downs of the movie itself, she prefers to explore the production experience, and compared to the unconstrained special effects, she prefers to watch the funny tidbits of the actors performing without physical objects in front of the green cloth.

So he rushed into Riboyan to study dubbing courses.

The price of doing so is that the originally narrow social circle has shrunk to a pitiful point.

The middle school class group has been formed, and she has become a solo person by default after being absent from many team activities.The training center is also full of people with very different age groups, lack of common topics and interests, and they don't know how to make friends at all, or it's strange that college students and adults would be interested in making friends with female middle school students.

Still running at both ends, taking part in the firm selection exam, the first year of high school passed inadvertently like this.

Sakura Mione hasn't found her own small group yet.

In fact, the minds of high school students are more complicated than those in elementary and middle schools. They gradually come into contact with the atmosphere of society, and hatch their clumsy and immature sides at this most unpredictable age.

People who study hard will feel lazy and even doubt perseverance.Perverse people will rebel against the rules and bully others to establish a cool and domineering image in their minds.Will start puppy love, will have ulterior motives, will oppose the arrangement of parents...

Maybe it's because communication cognition has been broken since elementary school, and Sakura Mio felt that she couldn't play the rules of their high school version of the game.

Perhaps the world of adults is more mature and stable...?

Such a beautiful daydream has been suffocated to death in the garbage dump by the pungent smell of wine that day.

There are uncles who sing Noh plays at the top of their voices, weird people who ask her what life is like, and even poor male high school students who are similar to her but succumb to reality and greet her with a smile.

Many things run counter to my preferences and judgment

In this way, she accumulated depression and confusion and insisted on studying and exercising every day.The scope of living is getting smaller and smaller, and the unknown future has brought a little gloom and fear.

Sakura Mioyin waited for the train alone in front of the platform. Although there was a large flow of people around her, the sense of isolation was extremely heavy.

She has no friends to go home, no one to chat with, no girlfriends who hold study meetings, no seniors who go to the aquarium, no buddies who throw small balls of paper in class.

Is this my problem?

In fact, that is correct and common, but am I resisting because I feel uncomfortable doing it arbitrarily?

The train rumbled into the station, and the girl walked into the carriage silently thinking, once again intending to change the status quo.

Yes, again.

She has failed many times.

No.12 I am young and have no money in my pocket

Yin Ze took a thick copy of "Origins of Civilization: Modern History 3", and carefully turned from the first page to the back, scanning each page carefully to ensure that there would be no garbled or blurred historical records watermark.

It takes about 3 seconds to read each page. These books are thick and long, and it takes at least 5 minutes to read a book.

To be honest, this is quite boring, after all, even if you remember like a camera, you still have to take pictures one by one.

He has been shooting with his eyes here for three days, working hard from the Big Bang to the Renaissance.

Originally, I could double-play, and study hard while recalling childhood classic TV series, but the configuration can’t handle it. At most, I will play back ten episodes in my mind continuously, and the whole person will be pale, weak, with back pain and leg shaking, and hungry croaking.

This skill is too nutritious, can I bring a few meat buns with me during the exam?

Yin Ze rubbed his eyes, got up and moved around, lit a cigarette and looked at the scenery for a rest.

Originally, both the teaching director and the principal were burning with scarlet fighting spirit, and they were going to knead and forge him.But I can't get involved in the endorsement, so I just let him take the textbook home and memorize it slowly, and then come to check the test the next day.

After a break, I will sit down and twist my neck to continue watching.

My legs are not so soft anymore, let's watch the episode "Shuiyuedongtian", alas, this one is finished and the next one will be changed to geography.

I am a container of knowledge without emotion.

The opening song of the TV series in his mind had just finished playing when he heard a knock on the door, so he had to pause first, stand up to open the door, and first glanced at Maoyan.

"Hello, who is it?"

"207, right? I'm the landlord." Outside the door, a stocky man with a straight haircut stuffed a slip through the newspaper opening, "Next month, only water and electricity will be charged, and the rent will not be paid."

"Is there such a good thing?" Yin Ze was taken aback, picked up the doubtful letter, and opened the door.

"Because this building has been assigned to a nearby commercial street project, it has been decided to demolish it." Although the landlord had a steady face, he had a happy smile on his face when he mentioned the word demolition, "You are ready to move next month, next month You must leave before next month."

"...Then congratulations brother for getting rich." Wen Yan Yin Ze couldn't laugh anyway.

"That's right, I've been watching the 60-day global travel guide, don't be discouraged, little brother, you will be prosperous too!" The landlord smoked a cigarette before leaving, and then went up to the third floor to continue showing off his wealth.

Yin Ze closed the door, looked down at the notice, his heart was cold, he finally got used to sleeping here and refused to recognize the bed, but now the bedding has been lifted...Tokyo is not easy to find a suitable place to live.

Back at the desk again, everything was dull.

The sudden demolition made the landlord, who was already lying down and counting money, lose his last passion for struggle, and also made his life worse.

Takizawa used all the money he saved before, so he didn't dare to buy a big bento these days.

The project released by the principal will not go online for payment until three months later, which is not necessarily passable.

The office didn't even give him a phone call asking him to go and see the world of the industry.

I can’t find any outsourcing on the Internet. He is not well-known, and he has no time to make his works. The small number is pitifully unconvincing.

Yin Ze put down the book "Origin of Civilization", which symbolizes spiritual wealth, took out his wallet and looked at the few pitiful ones, which symbolized material wealth.

The reality is really skinny.

I don't know if the convenience store downstairs is short of tool people.

Yin Ze washed his face and combed his hair in the bathroom to sort out his mood, put on a blue and white plaid shirt, a classic battle outfit in the IT world, cut out the song "My Future Is Not a Dream" in his mind, and went out.


Matsuda sincerely dripped dish soap on the sponge, and used hot water to vigorously wash the oil stains on the porcelain plate. He washed it quickly and cleanly, and was in a hurry to deal with the next one after washing one plate.

The buzzing range hood, the hot stove, the chefs and waiters shoulder to shoulder, the kitchen is very busy.

Soon the pile of half-eaten dishes was back at his sink, and he wiped the hot sweat off his face with the towel draped around his neck, before continuing to work.

The location of this store is very expensive, and the business is booming, so by the way, even the hourly wages of the part-time employees are also gratifying.

After the peak dining period passed and the workload decreased, Matsuda Makoto had the time to stand up straight and rub his waist, taking breaks intermittently. Someone invited him to go out to smoke a cigarette and breathe the outdoor air, but he shook his head and apologized for refusing.

Pulled a chair and sat down, took out the phone and checked the text messages.

He is a simple person. After he came to Tokyo, he was busy all day and had no time to experience the fun of the big city.

But now that he has the hope of participating in the recording work, he can also face the current pace of life with a more peaceful mood.

The broker's statement is to wait for the phone call.

The industry's attitude towards newcomers is relatively tolerant, and it can tolerate your early immaturity and mistakes.Now it is as anticipation and anxiety as a meal that is about to be brought out of the kitchen, waiting for the review of the diners.

Let's go to the company later, Iwahira Suruga always reminded him to remember to show up from time to time to get acquainted.

In fact, his personality prefers simple work handovers, trying his best to complete the tasks assigned, interpreting roles, and trying to perform well.Not very good at communicating with strangers with eloquence, and even get good results with drinking and talking.

Matsuda sincerely understands his own shortcomings.

If the idea of ​​becoming a seiyuu hadn't suddenly sprouted, maybe I would still choose to work in an unknown job, such as a car mechanic or something.

There is a hobby that can concentrate on immersing in it, and some can discuss related interests, gain satisfaction in humble work, and even help others and pass on happiness.It was the most beautiful scene he could have imagined.

Matsuda sincerely began to clean the bowl sink, pinched some finely divided leftovers from the pipe to prevent clogging, and wiped off the oil stains on the countertop.

After finishing the work, he went to the staff room to change clothes. He would come back in the evening to cope with the evening peak. After the store closed, he also helped clean the tables, chairs and floors.

"You've worked hard." He put on his casual clothes and greeted the chef and store manager he met.

"Go home and rest in the afternoon?" the store manager greeted.

"Going to the company."

"That's it, let's work hard." The store manager didn't know what company it was, but he still cheered him up politely.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Matsuda replied sincerely.

"The changing room is in the front, pick one that fits you well." The store manager said to the young man behind him, "I'll talk about the points to pay attention to later."

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