Naruto Danzo

Page 1007

Soon, Danzo stood up from the ground.

Danzo, who was intact, patted the dust on his body, as if he had just been blown by a useless wind of dust.

"How is this possible!! My fist, even a slightly thicker steel plate, can punch through it with one punch. How could he be fine?!"

Even armor with ridiculously high defense.

It is impossible for the people inside to be unharmed at all.

At least the viscera would be shattered to death!

"This guy......"

this moment.

There was complete disbelief on his face.

The elite Jonin of Yunyin Village naturally wouldn't know.

The ninjutsu armor made by Tatsuko Kazekage III requires an S-level Fudun to cut it.

If you want to stab this armor with one punch, you need at least an S-rank Raikiri.


Danzo's body was empty.

Except for a head, there is only Di Yuanyu's body left.

And Earth Resentment itself is almost immune to blunt damage.

If it is an ordinary person, the internal organs will be shattered...

But when Danzo followed suit, Mr. Kakuto did to Mrs. Beard, after hollowing out the clone's brain...

This body is already completely immune to all kinds of beatings.

Feeling the power of the opponent's punch, Danzo had a judgment in his heart.

"Probably the power of that punch is at B level..."

Then, Danzo saw the disbelief-filled Yunyin Village Elite Jonin.

With a fierce face, he took the initiative to attack for the second time.

After Danzo pretends to be aggressive, he will naturally not continue to be beaten.

Danzo's figure flashed.

The moment the opponent punched, the right hand had already put away the radiant and sci-fi Dragon Sword.

Instead, he drew the Kodachi with his left hand.


Danzo shifted his head, dodging the punch to the head like a ghost.

Then, exert force with the left hand.

The attack speed is as fast as a ghost.


A flash of green light flashed across Kodachi.

This indicates that the power has at least surpassed the level of A level and is heading towards the level of S level!

Compared with the A-level Wind Escape·Wind Dragon Bullet.

This trick... the power is more concentrated, and the chakra is more compressed!

The beheading sword of the A-level Fengdun Chidori sword is made of steel, and the power of the ninjutsu armor is increased!

Its name is... "Cut"!


Danzo flicked his arm.

The elite Jonin of Yunyin Village flew straight into the air with his arm!


He looked at his broken palm in disbelief.

I can't believe that my right hand was cut off with a knife.

He is... wrapped in Thunder Dun armor!

Although Feng Dun restrained Thunder Dun.

But... the Thunder Dunk Armor is not afraid of ordinary wind dun!

How can this be? !

Consciousness is blank for a moment.

He couldn't accept this reality.

Naturally, Danzo will not waste time and let him continue to play.

It's time to wrap up, my dear.

Chapter 954. "Shadow", "Flash", "Roar"!

I saw Danzo's arm moving again, accompanied by the sound of air tearing.

The bright green blade has already been drawn.


With this bright green light knife, can it be called "Konoleaf Green Fang"?

Oh no.

It is overseas green teeth.

Feng Dun's cutting power, Feng Dun's attainments standing at the top of the ninja world.

Become an invincible force, tear the air, and rush directly to the neck of the enemy.

"Come and pick me up with a knife."

Seeing this simple cut with a knife.

The pupils of the elite Jonin of Yunyin Village have shrunk into a small dot.

Whether it's the horrible sound in the air, or the smell of blood from the tip of your nose.

The suffocating!

under the plight of death.

The elite of Yunyin Village let out a wild roar from his mouth.

Seeing the muscles all over his body swell, the Thunder Dun armor on his body became brighter for a moment.

at the same time.

His other remaining wrist, straightened.

Become a hand knife.

Infused with all the chakra and strength, with the momentum to cut everything, he slashed obliquely towards Danzo's neck.

Although he adjusted his moves and movements very correctly this time.

Respond with oblique hacks and thunderstorm horizontal hand knives.


He didn't know one thing.

Or get one thing wrong.

The correct usage of Thunder Dun is always "thrust".

Instead of "cutting".


There was a sound of flesh cutting.

Danzo's buzzing katana brushed past his hand.

Next is the waist.

It has been stretching obliquely, dividing his body into two halves!

It was cut off directly!

A large pile of blood and mosaics poured out from the fractured part of the body.

With his upper body slipping off, he was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

Footsteps sounded.

The ninja from Yunyin Village who rushed over saw this scene and was beyond shocked.

"The indestructible Thunder Dungeon armor was cut open?!"

They looked at each other in surprise, no one expected this to be the result.

Danzo didn't even think about it.

With one step, he swept across the passage like a blink of an eye.

All the way from the entrance of the cuboid passage, rush to the other end.



Add Asma's move has the same name as the weapon. It can extend the short flying swallow into a wind escape phantom to increase the attack range.

B-level · Feiyan booster → A-level · "Shadow"!

Hold the knife with one hand.

With the horizontal shaving method, a faint green glow blooms at the end of the katana.

The attack range suddenly increased!

After turning into a long-bladed weapon, with the help of the indestructible wind escape, he passed the crowd all the way!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!"

An astonishing burst of speed.

These cloud ninjas only saw Danzo's body flashing, and a green light lit up.

The blood in their bodies bloomed along with this green light!

In an instant.

More than 10 cloud ninjas were directly chopped into two halves by Danzo!

In the broken body, blood spurted out without any money, and the sound of half-body falling to the ground sounded one after another, instantly dyeing the cuboid channel red, turning it into a blood hell.

"kill him!"

"Weird~! Monster~!"

Some rushed towards Danzo, some trembled with fear, and even started to retreat strategically.


Whatever their choice is.

None of them can change Danzo's plan.

in this narrow environment.

A small amount of ninja miscellaneous fish is for food delivery.

Because of lack of strength, he will die.

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