Naruto Danzo

Page 1028

"This time...even the Second Kazekage Samana will die."

Danzo watched the second big bang.

The operation of the Thousand Hands Door is no less than triggering a dust escape on the spot.


Since the power of the detonating talisman is higher than that of the ten-tailed beast jade.

Then, the lethality is second only to Qiudao Yu and Chen Dun.

Although it can't be as powerful as Qiudao Yu and Chen Dun.

But in "ordinary arts", it is already number one in the world.

Mutual ride detonating talisman is a ninjutsu that can be learned without blood succession limit.

It's not the blood successor's snare, it's not the blood successor's elimination, and it's not the blood successor's limit.

It's just a simple "art".

The ultimate that ordinary ninjas can do.

The only weakness is "requires a dirty body".

Using the paper of the filthy body as a spell-casting material is equivalent to sacrificing the entire filthy body into countless detonating symbols.

It is even more brutal than Xiaonan's technique.

Danzo launched Ripple Qigong.

From the foot, the ripples are transmitted far away, and the perception is carried out.

I saw...

in the smoke.

A figure rose into the sky.

It's Dan Chenzi.

He was still holding the half-dead Second Kazekage Samana in his hands.

This big bald man with a blue dragon tattooed on his cheek and head is currently extremely miserable.

Both arms are gone.

Both legs are gone.

Even the front was severely injured, and the chest was bloody and bloody, and there was not much to live for.

Dan Chenzi, who had become ashamed, had a look of grief and indignation.

This kind of expression is like the rich expression that a normal teenager should have.

Second Daime Kazekage Samana's lips moved slightly, as if he was saying something to him.


The Second Kazekage Samana, who gave the last words, tilted his head...and died.

It's such a dramatic development.

The majestic wind and shadow.

He was blown to death by Thousand Hands.

In fact, if you review the Naruto manga carefully, you will find that Kazekage's death is very...dramatic.

In the first generation of Kazekage Rieto, it was not mentioned in the comics, but this world died of respiratory diseases.

The Second Generation Kazekage Samana is not mentioned in the manga, but this world was blown to death by Senju Tomonama using a detonating talisman.

The third generation of Kazekage... In the manga, it is only said that he was killed by a scorpion, but Naruto fans say that he was poisoned to death.

The fourth generation of Kazekage...... In the manga, it is only said that Orochimaru will be killed, and Naruto fans have made up their minds. Some say that Orochimaru kills Luo Sha alone, some say that it is added by Yakushidou, and some say that it is added. Jun Ma Lu, some people even say that Orochimaru poisoned or used dirty soil to reincarnate to summon two generations of Hokage.

Gaara, the fifth Kazekage, was trying to protect the village, but unfortunately he was seriously injured by the bombing.

in summary.

Kazekage's lucky not too high.

of course.

The shadows of other villages are not much better.

In short.

The profession of "shadow" is a high-risk profession, and the ways of death are various.

The second generation of Kazekage · Samana is also a human being, not a Superman, nor a Wolverine.


he died.

Death is justified.

Danzo's Ripple Qigong can only be sensed through the soles of the feet and the ground.

Since Dan Tatsuko was flying in the air, Danzo couldn't accurately perceive the death of Nidaime Kazekage.


Danzo is a little eager to try, do you want to go over and make up for it?

The idea never got off the ground.

Because Danzo will not fly for the time being.

And the third round of explosions in the distance began again.

Qianshou Feijian used the Mutual Riding Detonation Talisman for the third time.

This time, dozens of ninjas from Sand Hidden Village were killed and countless houses were destroyed.

"Stand back!!"

Sandaime Kazekage was covered in blood as he flew over Sand Hidden Village.

Obviously, the blood was not his, but that of his mentor Samana.

"Second Kazekage-sama has been killed by a Konoha ninja! From now on... I will follow Kazekage-sama's last words and lead Sand Hidden Village as the third Kazekage!"

Tan Tatsuko announced Nidaime Kazekage's death in a sad tone.

Sand Hidden Village fell into a brief silence and shock.

No one thought that the Second Generation Kazekage was actually dead? !

Too late to hurt.

Orders were issued by Dan Chenzi.

Evacuate civilians away from the blast core.

And after blasting the detonating talisman for the third time, Dan Chenzi has seen through the essence of this move.

Including the resurrection of the samurai controlled by Qianshoubanjian.

of course.

It is impossible to tell whether it is a living person or a puppet inside.

Danzo's plan is perfect.

Samurai armor can indeed seriously confuse the enemy.

But... given that Hidden Sand Village has sentient ninjas.

After putting the distance away and analyzing it with a perception ninja, Tan Tatsuko realizes that... there is a living person inside.

That's right.

Reincarnation of Dirty Earth can perfectly simulate everything about a living person.

Even tears and blood.

When needed, these characteristics will appear on the soil reincarnated body.

Such as the psychic art of Dirty Hanzo.

Needing "blood", Hanzo channeled his own psychic beast.

Dirty soil Namikaze Minato shed tears, and the tears flowed out.

Chapter 977. Kill yourself

Dirt Reincarnation is an S-rank ninjutsu.

Analyzing it requires not only "seeing", but the most important thing is the "intelligence quotient" that can be analyzed.

But things like life and death.

It is difficult to be accepted by ordinary people.

They can't possibly think of it.

Qianshou Feijian actually used living people as sacrifices, attracting the souls of dead people to attach to them.

It would never have occurred to him that... what he was facing was a real dead person.

This kind of art that transcends common sense, ethics, and insanity.

Only Qianshou Feijian can think of it.

Everything is to persecute the Uchiha clan.

There is no way to know when Qianshoubeijian invented the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

But there is one thing that can be speculated and imagined.

for example......

It is very possible that Senshou Feijian used the "early version" of the reincarnation of the dirt + mutual multiplication detonation talisman to fly past Uchiha Quanna.

When Susano was almost blown away, he took Uchiha Quanna away with a set of Thunder God Slash.


Later, the reincarnation of the dirty soil and the detonating talisman of mutual multiplication continued to improve, and finally formed today's big killer.

After the fourth use of the detonating talisman, the original site of the Kazekage Building in Sand Hidden Village has completely turned into a desert.

There is no trace of the original face in the crushed dust.

It's like Payne's oversized Shenluo Tianzheng.

The ground was terribly cracked, as if it had experienced a peace.

After confirming that he could not continue to receive better results, Senju Tomona raised his head and looked at Danzo in the distance.

In a flash, Danzo knew what Qianshou Feijian was going to do.

Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth...will be lifted.

Because under the arrangement of Dan Chenzi.

The ninjas of Sand Hidden Village have already left the Thousand Hands Gate far away, keeping within range with him.

Civilians were also evacuated in large numbers.

And after blowing up the Second Kazekage Samana, Senju Tomonen's goal has been achieved.


Unlock the seal between the thousand hands.

The dirt reincarnation dissipates instantly.

The dust covering the surface of the samurai's body collapsed with a crash.

It's like a collapsed beach castle.

After the soul of the dead departs, the body of dirt returns to the body of the living sacrifice.

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