For 5 years, the prince didn't know that Chakra should be called Chakra, not Chadora.

Not even Chatonla.

This intelligence is really not sure.

Of course, IQ and combat effectiveness are not completely linked.

The elite shinin Shimura Mitsuki in front of him is probably the kind... a stunned young man similar to a prince.

The fighting power is explosive, but there is a problem with the brain.

It may even be unclear how to write the three Chakras.

Mitsuki Shimura pinched his waist and opened up the chatter box: "What you just said touched my brother... Now the ninja world is peaceful... I just think, maybe in the future, ninjas like this Professions will also be eliminated... At that time, what should I do?"

Danzo thought to himself, are you thinking too far.

If you want a ninja to burp, at least you have to go to the finale of Bo Ren Chuan.

Anyway, you won't see it in your lifetime.

However, Danzo thought he was very funny, so he said: "When the time comes, I will open a small tricycle factory, and everyone will have a small tricycle, and you will squat at the gate of the ninja school to repair tricycles. ?”

"Oh~? That's a good idea."

Shimura Mitsuki nodded and laughed.

"Speaking of which... your little three-wheeled ride is quite smooth."

"It's all praises from others, praises from others..." Danzo waved his hand very modestly, seeing Mitsuki Shimura's intentions, he said: "In two days, you go to my place, and you can also get it." Let’s try the little tricycle.”

"it is good!"

Mitsuki Shimura pointed at Danzo very excitedly.

"That's the deal... let's go!"

Shimura Mitsuki turned around and left with Shimura Kazunari.

Of course, Shimura Kazusei never expected this kind of development, he was made into a fool!

Before leaving, Shimura Kasunari gave Danzo a hard look, saying that it would not end so simply.

As for Kenji Shimura...Of course he was sent by Mitsuki Shimura to buy melon seeds for the "group fool".

see you...

As soon as Mitsuki Shimura left, Kenji Shimura came back on the back.

He took the melon seeds and slapped Tuanzang hard: "You idiot, your melon seeds!"

Oops, quite arrogant?

Danzo widened his eyes, "Try to touch me again?"

Just try it!

The vicious Shimura Kenji took a step forward and pushed Danzo.

"Ouch yo yo..."

I saw Danzo falling backwards lightly and lying on the ground with a bang.

Then, he began to perform twitching all over his body, and his eyes rolled white.

Everyone: "..."

Senshou Zhujian was stunned in place, and after a few seconds, he came around from behind the table and immediately helped Danzo: "Danzo! Danzo! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that something happened to Danzo, Senshou Bashima was very anxious.

Kenji Shimura stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Senju Bashirama shook Danzo a few times, and seeing that Danzo hadn't improved, he suddenly turned his head and pointed at Kenji Shimura with grief and indignation: "I tell you! You're done! You've got big trouble!"


10 minute later.

"One thousand, two thousand, three thousand..."

Konoha Hospital, inside a ward.

Senju Bashima gleefully counted the money, which was all taken from Kenji Shimura.

Looking at Danzang again, he is also sitting on the hospital bed counting money, and he still looks like he is twitching.


Finally, Senju Zhuma smiled and carefully hid the money.

Although he can allocate several million taels with a wave of his hand, it is all public funds.

In fact, the poor jingle between Senshouzhujian, and the money is controlled by Uzumaki Mito.

But this time, he and Danzo teamed up to cheat Shimura Kenji, and Senju Hashima also had another private money of his own.

so good......

After that, Danzo made an OK gesture to Senshou Bashirama, and then lay back down again.

Senshou Zhujian straightened his clothes and got up.

Then opened the door.

Outside the door, a group of people were staring here.

Senju Bashima took a deep breath, looked around, and then showed a smile: "The child of Danzo...has been initially out of danger, and he can be discharged from the hospital after a few days of recuperation."

——Don’t forget that Senju Bashima is still a nanny.

Three days later, Danzo, who was eating and drinking here, took off his hospital gown, took back his own clothes, and walked out of the hospital.

Outside the door, the sun was a little harsh.

Danzo had just taken two steps when he saw someone blocking the entrance of Konoha Hospital.

This is how to do?


How about... try that thing?

So, Danzo took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "My brother is Mitsuki Shimura! I sue you, if you dare to touch me, my brother will swell you all."

The few brats looked at each other, looked at each other for a few moments, then turned around and left the next moment.

"Hey, I can't tell...that Mitsuki Shimura is quite a tiger..."

Danzo didn't know that the Shimura clan also had such cute and cute people.


A few days later, Shimura Mitsuki borrowed a small three rounds from Danzo.

After returning to the gathering place of the Shimura clan, Shimura Mitsuki pedaled the small tricycle and turned around triumphantly.

Those ninjas of the Shimura clan, especially the elders.

After hearing the whole thing, his face became livid.

Chapter 52. Another year of bluffing and deceiving

Not long after the Danzo incident, the high-level officials adjusted the range of tasks that could be accepted.

The robbing of ordinary people's jobs has been reduced, and the tasks of ninjas have continued to be transferred.

In order to arrange for the extra ninja labor force, Senju Tomona expanded its business to other countries.


Small countries such as the country of Tang, the country of Long, and the country of grass.

Although these countries also have ninja villages, their national strength is weak and many tasks cannot be completed.

Only a powerful Ninja village like Konoha can clear A-level and S-level tasks.

A Chunin of Konoha, although he can't do A-level missions alone.

What about the 10 Chunin? What about the 20 Chunin?

This increased the death rate of middle-class ninjas to a certain extent, but it perfectly solved the situation that some civilians in the Land of Fire were forced to have nowhere to go.

Recently, such a spectacular scene is often seen.

More than 10 Konoha ninjas form a team, and form a group to complete the dungeon task.

There was even one time when 50 Konoha zhongnin and a few special jounin joined forces to clear the super-team dungeon of S-level missions.

Now, Ma Ma no longer has to worry about the mission of our ninjas.

A new slogan was also pasted on the task release office - "Many people are powerful!"

Gang fights are justice!


Summer goes and autumn comes, and autumn goes to winter solstice.

In the blink of an eye, another year.

Danzo...12 years old.

In the past six months, Danzo took the ninjutsu scroll given by the first Naruto Senjujuma, step by step, and practiced all E-level and D-level ninjutsu and illusion.

In addition, from Senshou Feima, I also [was] learned a lot of techniques to persecute the Uchiha clan again.

Among them, there are many physical and ninjutsu specifically for Uchiha.

At the same time, with the addition of the two golden fingers, both the newly invented ninjutsu and physical arts have made great progress.

Danzo's current feeling is that he can try to break through to Zhongnin from Dzogchen.

Of course, it is "strength", not "title".

After all, in Konoha, the professional title "Ninja" is the strongest!

As long as you have the title of ninja on your head, you are invincible!

"Danzo, let's take a B-level mission too."

On this day, Mayfly came to Danzang's house, and behind her, a group of brats followed her.

Obviously, something happened in the past six months, and it was intentional.

The most important thing is that everyone has been a submissive for such a long time, and they always do some C-level and D-level tasks, and everyone is tired of it.

The enemies he faces are either weeds or bandits.

Besides, once they are cleaned up, bandits have become rare and protected animals recently.

Because Danzo is fine and often fights with Mayfly, Mayfly, who knows Danzo's combat effectiveness, immediately approached Danzo.

Among the entire ninja class, Danzo's combat effectiveness is currently the strongest.

"it is good."

Danzo nodded and agreed with Mayfly.

Then, everyone went to the task announcement office in a mighty manner.

On the way, a few more people joined the team.

Including Uchiha Mirror, Akimichi Take Kaze and others.

But what makes Danzo regrettable is...

Did not see the secretary and the others.

As for Hiruza Sarutobi...

"Hmph! Sima Tuanzo, I hate you the most~!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"Secondary." Mitomonyan adjusted his glasses, and a burst of white light reflected.

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