"Genius?! He became so strong by stealing my things! That bastard thief!!!"


Uchiha mirror suddenly turned his head, and then his eyes widened to the extreme.

"Straight, straight people?!"

Chapter 60. Broken brain 【Ten more】

Brown hair and eyes, healthy skin the color of wheat.

Yushu is facing the wind, with a stern face, which looks very attractive at first glance... no wonder.

Naoto at this time has changed a lot compared to the past.

The original chestnut-colored hair did not know whether it was due to dyeing or other reasons, but it had become black all over.

A head of black hair was scattered behind his head. Although it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the hair, it just felt weird.

Those hairs... as if alive.

The originally handsome face also had ugly scars due to the injury, hovering over his face like a centipede.

The eyes that were always burning with unyielding flames are still the same now, but... a little more ferocious and hateful.

The moonlight shone and shone on his arms.

One arm was a healthy wheat color, but the other was pale and pale, looking like a doll put together by a child.

Even so, Uchiha Mirror still recognized the person in front of him as his former teammate - Naoto.

"Straight man, straight man, are you still alive?"

Uchiha mirror was originally happy and angry. Although he was excited at this time, his facial features were still calm.

"Hehe, of course I'm still alive... A poor life, I don't want to die."

When he said this, Naoto's tone clearly revealed a sense of yin and yang, as well as a feeling of hatred.

Uchiha mirror breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, just be alive.

"You don't know...Everyone is worried about you, especially Teacher Taohua, who comes out to look for you every day..."

Hearing Senshou Momoka's name, Naoto's eyes, which were originally filled with hatred, softened in a rare way, and the originally ferocious aura was relaxed, and there was a vague sense of peace.

"Danzo is right, you have great fortune and destiny, and auspicious people have their own fortune..."

However, when Naoto heard Danzo's name, he jumped up and exploded, and the expression on his face became ferocious again.

“Shimura Danzo!!!”

Naoto clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth.

"That guy... that guy... If it wasn't for him, how could I have become like this!!"


Uchiha mirror frowned.

But it soon became clear that Naoto was venting his anger on Danzo.

"Straight...you calm down..."

"Calm down?! If it wasn't because of him, how could Uchiha Madara shoot the tailed beast jade towards me?!" Naoto's suppressed angry roar echoed in this quiet garden.

"Straight man, you are wrong to say that."

Uchiha mirror waved his hand, obviously the kind of very reasonable person.

"At the beginning, Uchiha... Madara, first fired a tailed beast jade at Danzo. Fortunately, Danzo was lucky, so he didn't die on the spot... He was angry and cursed Uchiha Madara as well. understandable..."

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be similar.

After all, my life is gone, so it's only natural to jump around and swear.

"Uchiha mirror, even you help him speak?! Is it because of Uchiha Yoko?"

Uchiha Yoko and Uchiha Mirror are of the same clan, and Uchiha Yoko and Danzo are very close.

Naoto believes that because of this relationship, Uchiha Mirror helped Danzo speak.

"Could it be pickles? He bought you with a jar of pickles?!"

At the beginning, when forming a team, Danzang alone sent a can of pickles to the team members, even Senshou Taohua had a share.

Of course, straight people definitely didn't accept it.

Hearing this, Uchiha mirror is not happy.

After all, he was later evaluated by Senshou Tokaima as a person who "beyond the narrow clan".

How could he be particularly close to Danzo because of nepotism?

As for pickles...it's even more nonsense.

"Straight man, you are wrong to say that."

Uchiha mirror shook his head.

"I agree with Teacher Momoka's philosophy. As a Konoha ninja, you need to be fair... Maybe you complain about Danzo because of the big rift, but that doesn't mean you can just open your mouth. Come......"

Uchiha mirror said very calmly, the anger in Naoto's heart was getting higher and higher.

"A can of pickles... a can of pickles bought you! I can't tell... Uchiha mirror, you are such a despicable person... I see you and Nashimura Danzo is a raccoon dog!!"

"Hee hee~, Danzo, eat my super shit punch~!"

"Sister Li, don't want it~!"

But at this moment, the sound of Mayfly, Danzo and others playing in the distant room came.

Naoto, who was on the verge of eruption, couldn't bear it anymore.

Hearing the childhood sweetheart playing with that nasty guy with my own ears, the fear in my heart seemed to finally come true.

He heard his roar, and under Uchiha Kagami's unbelievable gaze, Naoto's arm... flew over!


Uchiha mirror widened his eyes, looking at this scene in astonishment.

After all, he had never heard that a human arm could be cut off in the middle to be used as a weapon when he was so big.

In the night, Zhiren's arms were moving forward, and behind the arms were black tentacles dancing wildly.

In an instant, the forearm that walked out of the strange and winding track strangled Uchiha Mirror's neck.

"You guys... are all Shimura Danzo's accomplices! You... all are damned!!!"


Uchiha Mirror only felt that the force from his neck was terrifying.

That's right.

The secret technique of earth resentment can increase the user's strength on the basis of the original one.

What's more, when Naoto had the ring before, his strength was already considerable.

Therefore, Uchiha mirror was pressed to the ground at once.

In the next second, Naoto pounced, and the tentacles shrank.

Then, his other arm fell down like raindrops, hitting Uchiha Kagami again and again.

The body of Uchiha mirror who was hit by continuous fists continued to rise and fall until Uchiha mirror was beaten to death.

Naoto, who has obtained the S-level secret technique, plus the remnants of the power of the previous ring, naturally cannot be dealt with by the current Uchiha Mirror.

It wasn't until Naoto breathed heavily and raised his arm again that he realized that Uchiha Mirror had stopped moving.

Feelings of regret and fear suddenly filled Naoto's heart.

He never thought that things would develop like this.

"no no......"

Naoto shook his head and murmured, like a criminal who had committed a mistake, he suddenly moved away from Uchiha Kagami.

But as soon as he heard the sound of playing in the distance, his expression became ferocious again.

"Danzo... Shimura Danzo! It's all him! If it wasn't for him...how could I..."

Turning around suddenly, Naoto's figure ran, and quickly disappeared into the darkness...

Chapter 61. Go back to the village, report, teacher, you too

"That's the way it is..."

Uchiha mirror is lying on the tatami, and the ninja who knows medical ninjutsu is treating him.

Fortunately, on this trip, I brought a medical renunciation.

What Tsunade's later generations put forward: every team should be equipped with a medical ninja, I really don't lie to me.

"Did that guy fall through the big crack and break his brain?"

Danzo's mind was full of thoughts, and he was not surprised by Naoto's survival.

After all, the durability value has dropped, and the protagonist is still the protagonist, so he won't die so easily.


Flying arms, black tentacles, hands of different colors...


Unexpectedly, that Zhiren actually had a relationship with Jiaodu, that is to say, Zhiren survived the fall of the big rift, and his adventure was Jiaoduba.

So, did he worship Jiaodu as his teacher, or did he call Jiaodu brothers?

The others were whispering as they marveled that Naoto was alive.

The discussion is, of course, that Naoto hit Uchiha Mirror.

Uchiha Mirror's injury wasn't too serious, but it wasn't light either.

And the one with the ugliest expression on the scene was Mayfly.

After a while, Danzo patted Mayfly on the shoulder, and the two walked aside.

"Danzo, what are you going to do?" Mayfly looked at the garden in front of her with a complicated expression.

Last night, they found Uchiha Mirror here.

"Let's be honest, Zhiren's fate may not be good..."

Danzo shook his head.

If Naoto is caught, what awaits him will be a not-so-good ending.

"..." Mayfly said nothing.

"Of course, it's not because he hurt Uchiha mirror."

If Uchiha mirror is injured, re-education, confinement, and various punishments can be carried out.


"Is it related to the ninjutsu?"

Mayfly turned his head and looked at Danzo.

Danzo never knew that mayfly could be so smart.

"Well... as far as I know, the ninjutsu used by Naoto is a secret technique belonging to Longyin Village...and that secret technique should have been brought out by the traitorous Ninjutsu of Longyin Village Longyin Village."

In other words, Naoto is facing the crime of "colluding with rebellion".

Even if he is innocent, he will be forced to reveal everything about Jiaodu and Di Renyu.

And listening to Uchiha Mirror's description, it is obvious that Naoto's original body was partially broken, so he killed some people and took their bodies to reshape himself.

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