
Danzo slapped the fan.

"My friend Uchiha mirror was injured by that kid, so I want to seek justice for Uchiha mirror, but the person behind him is too powerful, and I am not his opponent at present...so I have to rely on Senna-san."


The other party nodded slowly.

After that, the four of them set off like this.

After turning his back, Danzo had Director Jin's smile on his face.

uh huh huh huh.gif

Killing hearts.

His teacher, Tokaima, would not spare even the dead.

Uchiha Madara's younger brother, Uchiha Quanna, was pulled up by Senshou Kaijian with "Dirty Soil Reincarnation".

This is the true face of thugs.

If you die, you still have to accept the ridicule from Qianshoubanjian.

Danzo can already imagine the motion picture of digging graves everywhere with a small iron shovel between the thousand hands.

In life, you are not as good as me, and after death, you are not as good as me.

The ridicule of Chi Guoguo in the Senshouban caused Uchiha Quanna to fall into confusion.

Chapter 6 Ten 4. Uchiha Izumi, the old ninja

Uchiha Izumi, a genius ninja of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara's younger brother, is good at using kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes and fire escape ninjutsu.

The official official book "Book of Formation" shows: Uchiha Quanna's strength is second only to Madara, and he has established many military exploits. He is a strong enemy who "hardly reveals his flaws". Jutsu", and successfully defeated Quanna with "Flying Thunder God Slash".

Uchiha Izumi hoped that the family could find peace, and later transplanted her own "Kaleidoscopic Sharingan" to Madara, so as to see the future development of the family...

The "Book of Zhezhi" commented on it as: a ninja who dedicated his own light to the future of the whole clan and became the cornerstone of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, in Uchiha Obito's description, it is said that Uchiha Madara took Uchiha Quanna's eyes and so on...

Danzo strongly condemned this: Everything Uchiha Obito said can be regarded as letting go.

We must respect historical facts, and we cannot just open our mouths.

Three people and one dog walked all the way, and everyone was speechless.

When Uchiha Quanna was just reincarnated, she naturally wouldn't be obedient, and would inevitably fight with Senshou Feijian.

The results were dire.

At this time, the accuracy of reincarnation is only very low, and the reincarnation can only maintain a part of the strength before life.

Therefore, Uchiha Quanna was easily hammered by Senshou Feijian.

During this process, Uchiha Quanna also realized his own situation and some functions of this evil ninjutsu.

For example: after being injured, it can be repaired by itself, but it can be restrained by the sealing technique, and has unlimited chakra, but when using the technique, the chakra will also be consumed, and it takes a certain amount of time to recharge the mana...

A day later, everyone arrived in Tang Country.

At night, Uchiha Izumi watched the bonfire quietly, Danzo, Hyuga Chinatsu, and Ninja Dog Kotaro were eating.

Uchiha Izumi is dead, so he doesn't need to eat.

But Danzo still stretched out his hand very enthusiastically, "Mr. Quanna, try it, this is the pickle I pickled myself."

Danzo took out the ancestral pickles and wanted to invite Uchiha Izuna to have a look.

Uchiha Quanna hesitated for a moment, picked it up and ate a little.

Although the body of Dirty Earth Reincarnation has no sense of pain, it does have senses of taste, smell, and sight.

Because if there are no five senses, you will not be able to see, hear, or touch.

Invite "Dirty Reincarnation" to eat, probably Danzo is Naruto No.1.


Uchiha Izumi nodded.

"Didn't expect... I could taste such delicious food after death..."


Hinata Chinatsu was trembling.

She kept telling herself: I didn't hear anything...I didn't hear anything...

Seeing Danzo talking and laughing happily with a dead person [Hyuga Chinatsu suspects], Hyuga Chinatsu always felt very weird.

As for Kotaro the Ninja Dog...well, he can't talk.

After begging for food, Danzo began to inform everyone about the course of action.

Carry out a blanket search in the Land of Tang first, and if you don't find Naoto, go to the Land of Frost again.

Anyway, Senshou Feijian can control Quanna at any time and send messages by means of remote communication.

If there is something urgent, Danzo can be called back at any time.

"Our enemy is the rebel Kakuto from Longyin Village. His strength is... the elite jounin... no, it's probably already the elite johnin Dzogchen, or even a half-step shadow Level it up..."

Danzo touched his chin and thought.

Hello~!Who knows what you say, what Ohara Man?What smudge shadow class?Never heard of it at all...

Hinata Qianxia wanted to complain, but she already knew that Danzo was a black man, so she decided to keep her mouth shut.

After all, life matters.

"Longyin Village...?" Uchiha Izuna raised his head slightly.

He has taken off his mask.

There are cracks all over, and a trace of confusion appears on the cheeks like weathered rocks.

That face that looks somewhat similar to Sasuke Uchiha is actually so gentle.

In fact, Uchiha Izumi is a very gentle person.

Just being forced by the times, he had to become an existence called "Ninja".

Danzo began to explain the current pattern of the world to Uchiha Quanna.

Soon, Uchiha Quanna knew what the current ninja world looked like.

"It's the monster that eats people's hearts from the Kingdom of Long..."

"Huh?" Danzo didn't understand.

With Uchiha Izuna's narration, the picture scroll of history unfolds in front of Danzo and others.

Earth Resentment, S-rank ninjutsu.

In the Warring States Period, this ninjutsu actually existed.

It's just that people don't know this ninjutsu, and when they find a victim who has lost their heart, they regard it as being swallowed by a monster.

As a result, urban legends spread more and more widely, and became more mysterious as they spread.

"I've seen victims..."

Uchiha Quanna's eyes flickered slightly, as if caught in memories.

"It's just that I haven't encountered the real body of the monster, and then this matter was left alone..."

Perhaps, it was the owner of the land resentment who kept his name incognito, and finally mixed into Longyin Village and became one of the builders of the village.

Or was killed, and the secret technique was finally placed in Longyin Village.

Listening to what Uchiha Quanna said, Danzo only felt that there was an ancient meaning in it.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Izuna is from the past.

He was not carried by the times to the present like Senshou Feijian, Senshouzhujian and others.

Many of Uchiha Izuna's speaking habits and ways of thinking about problems still retain the appearance of the past.

For Danzo, this is a very novel experience.

"The current me...can't use Susanoo..."

Uchiha Izuna looked at his hands.

The reincarnation of the dirty soil limited his strength.

"Perhaps... Amaterasu can be used."

Uchiha Quanna turned his head and aimed his eyes at a rock: "Amaterasu!"

The kaleidoscope Sharingan circulated, and blood flowed from the eyes.

A black flame suddenly appeared on the rock.


The flame was burning, and the strange black flame was like the karmic fire of hell, even the stones were burning.


Hinata Qianxia covered her mouth with a look of horror on her face.

She has never heard of such a thing that even stones can burn...

"What about Jiagu Tuming?"

Danzo didn't have the slightest fear, but watched this scene with interest.


Uchiha Izumi shook his head, and there was no way to use Kagu Satomei.

"That's enough." Danzo nodded and smiled.

The ninja of the Uchiha clan has unique talents.

As long as the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is turned on, the combat power can directly soar to the shadow level.

Chapter 65. The Will of Fire and Uchiha Izumi

Although Uchiha Izumi is unable to use Kagu Domei and Susano now, but relying on the dynamic vision of Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Amaterasu, it is enough to stand at the entrance of the movie class.

"You seem to know my family well..."

Seeing that Danzo didn't panic at all when he met Amaterasu, Uchiha Quanna couldn't help being a little curious.

Of course, because my teacher is not only Qianshoubeijian, but also a time traveler.

Well, Danzo must not dare to say that.

He was afraid that Uchiha Quanna would hack him to death with a knife.

Just when Danzo was going to make up a reason to fool the past......

"Actually, Thousand Hands told me...you are his disciple."

The next moment, Danzo's expression froze for a moment.

Looking at Uchiha Izuna with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, Danzo nodded: "Well, Senshoubanma is my teacher."

Now that you know it, there's no need to hide it.

"But you are completely different from Thousand Hands."

"Huh? Someone [Uchiha Madara] said that I look a lot like Sensei."

Sitting and watching the two big shots talking and laughing happily, Hinata Qianxia realized that the mastermind behind Danzo was Senshou Feima.

But... this is too amazing.

She seemed to know a big secret that she shouldn't know at this time.

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