Naruto Danzo

Page 1178


With tears in her eyes, she widened her eyes and stared at Danzo.

His pupils were full of frightened deer-like expressions.

"It's not true... Genji-san..."

"Partner? Love? What a boring relationship... You obediently fell into my trap and was completely used by me, hahahahaha!!!"

Danzo laughed wildly like a big villain boss.


The girl only felt that her heart was being tightly grasped, and the pain was unbearable.


Mizuna Tsukito finally asked this sentence in a murmur.

"Genji is just a meaningless pseudonym. I'm neither Genji nor some overseas ninja..."

Danzo looked directly at Tsukito Minazuki, and his tone gradually returned to calm.

"I've created a perfect phantom in your mind, but that's just a persona I designed for the project... Have you ever wondered who the real me is?"


"Do you want to say that it doesn't matter who it is? But... what if I were that Shimura Danzo? That "Ninja no Darkness"...! "


Mizuna Tsukito was stunned for a moment, and those black eyes suddenly shrank.

The whole person seemed at a loss.


There was a shrill cry that she didn't want to admit.

"It's a lie! It must be a lie!"



Danzo put his right hand on his visor.


He took off his helmet.

Revealed his true appearance.

That is... the appearance of Danzo Shimura.

Tsukuto Minabina stared at Danzo's face in disbelief.

Lost memories finally recovered.

The moment I was killed, the moment of pain, countless memory fragments surfaced from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally... flashed before my eyes.

And then... Genji.

All kinds of memories flashed in Minazuki Koto's mind like a revolving lantern.


The two figures overlap.

It turned into the sharpest thorn and pierced into her mind.


next second.

Mizuna Tsukito held her head and screamed in pain.

The miserable cry even made Bing Yu beside him restrain his expression of hatred.

Tolerance of darkness.

Bingyu has a new understanding of this nickname.


Where does the evil of this world and the crumbs of the world gather?


It must be gathered on the man named Shimura Danzo in front of him.

A chill rose from the soles of the feet, went straight to the spinal cord, and finally to the top of the head.

Bing Yu only now understood.

The so-called real "darkness"

"Heh heh heh... Mizuna Tsukito, you will never doubt your savior..."

"Mizuna Yueqin!"

Bing Yu narrowed her pupils and noticed something unusual.

And Mizunazukito, who was covering her head with her hands, was like a sick patient, trembling, crying, screaming, and moaning constantly.

The former's cry could not be heard at all.


Danzo raised his hands and looked around.

The chakra visible to the naked eye rises from his body surface.

That's black.

extreme black...

An existence called "Dark Chakra".

"I feel it... I feel it~ [Second tone], what an amazing dark chakra...!! Hee hee hee~!"

10 cal...20 cal...30 cal...

50 cal... 100 cal...


It's fixed at... 150 calories...!

Danzo's mana limit.

A sudden increase of 150 calories.

Now the total has come to 300 calories.

Mizuna Yueqin alone can stand up to three collapsed Shennong.

"You bastard......!!"

Bing Yu got up from the ground and rushed towards Danzo.


With a flick.

Danzang knocked Bingyu away.

"Be honest, Little Bingyu~, otherwise I don't mind letting you eat carrots in front of Mizuna Tsukito."

after that.

Danzo ignored the trembling ice rain.

clenched fist.

"Very good. Next... you can practice the "Body Activation Art"... My strength will inevitably increase by another level. "

Physical activity.

As the name suggests, it can activate the body.

Simply put, it is a buff.

It can improve various values ​​of the human body.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is... can keep the "false" strong.

such as.

Danzo is now 21 years old.

When Danzo is 120 years old, even Ripple Qigong can't help him stay young...

If you use the technique of physical activity.



Can maintain a youthful body.

This is also a heavy insurance in Danzang's plan.

Secretary Yoko Uchiha took the pill.

Estimated age is 120.

But in case this limit is exceeded, Danzo can also prolong his life and accompany Uchiha Yoko.

In addition, the second meaning.

Yes Danzo can after having so much chakra.

Practice the Eight Doors Dunjia.

should say......

"Darkness·Eight Gates Dunjia" is right.

Dark Chakra + Art of Physical Activity + Eight Doors Dunjia.

While maintaining youthfulness, it can "permanently, without injury, and open eight doors".

of course.

This kind of eight doors is a false eight doors.

The first door, the second door... all the way to the fifth door are exactly the same as the real Eight Door Dunjia.

But the further back, the weaker it gets.

It is equivalent to weakening by dozens or hundreds of times.

But that's not a problem.

The "Buff" created by the triple reinforcement brings an increase in combat power.

It is no less than Akai opening the sixth to seventh gates.

In other words.

This multiple "buff" has multiple effects such as muscle expansion, combat power improvement, stimulant, rejuvenation... and so on.

Not only can it be used passively.

It can also be used as an active skill after the magic modification.

chapter 1116. epilogue

Why is it called “false” strength?

Because this trick "BUFF" has one of the biggest flaws.

That is, there is a "cover door".

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