Naruto Danzo

Page 1278

But there is no doubt that common people's ideas have also been poured into it.

For example, as a ninja father, he resisted Uchiha.


As a commoner's mother, her thoughts will definitely be influenced by her father, and she will also resist Uchiha.

Parents' attitudes affect children.

that's it......


"I have no doubt that if you violate the "public opinion", the papers impeaching you the next day will appear on the table of the Fire Nation Daimyo. "

This is not alarmist.

What Uchiha Itachi said makes perfect sense.

"It is not after becoming Hokage that people recognize it, but only those who are recognized can become Hokage."

Hokage is the puppet and marionette chosen by the family representing Konoha's interests.

Once this Hokage is not in their interest.

It will be denied, blocked directly, and even sent to assassinate.

For example, Danzo in the original book.

It didn't become Hokage.

The reason is that it does not conform to the interests of most Konoha ninjas...and ideological tendencies.

Foolish people must die.

It is because of this that it was built decades later...

Konoha's "public opinion" forcibly created himself to death.

so that...

One Orochimaru + 100 sand hidden ninjas + several sound ninjas.

Almost killed Konoha.

If Danzo tells this future thing, someone will definitely say he is crazy.

But this is the fact.

Konoha Kai Village is at its peak, and without Senshou Zhujian, it will go downhill all the way.

Many people are still bragging about how powerful Konoha is.


So powerful that 1 Orochimaru + less than 200 ninjas were almost killed?

If it is said that Qianshouzhujian created a prosperous age.

Then, after that, it will go from prosperity to decline.

A poor group of people are still living in the YY of "I, Okonoha, have my own national conditions".

"Danzo, what should I do?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head, looking at the pile of letters in front of him, his eyes turned black.

This is completely different from the Hokage career he envisioned.

This is not the life I want at all~~~!

"Hizhan, you are Hokage."

Danzo emphasized a sentence, which is meaningful.

You are already the Hokage of Konoha.

You should also learn to draw your own conclusions.


From the Uchiha clan, the matter of selecting high-level officials was eventually rejected by Konoha's public opinion.


Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's appearance, he did not give up lightly.

He was left racking his brains and thinking hard.

Danzo left the Hokage Building, ready to do his own thing.


late at night.

Konoha Cemetery.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Danzo's shadow clone came over and said to the two Konoha ninjas patrolling the cemetery.

After the two saw Danzo, they immediately greeted Danzo: "Master Danzo!"

"Well, I'm here to see an old friend, you guys are busy..."

With that said, Danzo's shadow clone walked to Uchiha Kagami's grave.

"Dig, dig, I'll dig a grave~."

at the same time.

Danzo's body sneaked into the coffin with earth escape.

Reach out and grab.

Uchiha Mirror was caught in his hand.


The corpse that had been transformed into the appearance of Uchiha mirror by the technique of Onima was replaced back into the coffin.

The whole process, in one go.

And because the shadow clone was covering in front of the grave.

The two Konoha ninjas on patrol focused on other aspects.

Danzo successfully stole and replaced Uchiha mirror's body.


Danzo dragged Uchiha mirror's body and dived all the way.

Came to the sewer where Konoha extends in all directions.

Just like carrying Uchiha Setsuna back then.

Danzo carried the body of Uchiha mirror, all the way along the sewer, and returned to the mage tower...

at night.

The mage tower was quiet.

Or rather, it has been quiet.

Danzo came to his laboratory and slowly put Uchiha mirror's body on the operating table.

Chapter 1207 Sarutobi has great wisdom, Xian Er missed Hokage

Uchiha mirror is dead, but not dead.

Compared with the last time, the "fake death technique" performed on Uchiha Setsuna.

Danzo's ninjutsu has become more refined.

Still benefit from the Ninjutsu Invention System produced.

Class A ninjutsu "Eternal Stasis".

Make a creature fall into a state of suspended animation, all bodily functions stop, and it will not be harmed.

Contact type, spellcasting.

Has a "toughness" identification for the human body.

If a ninja is alive and kicking, this technique will never be successfully performed.

Only after being severely injured and weak to a certain extent, can't resist this spell.


The technique called "Eternal Stasis" will make it fall into a state of suspended animation.

Casting Action: Touch.

That is to say, when Danzo was on the battlefield, holding the right hand of Uchiha mirror who was seriously injured, the operation was activated.

Duration: Permanent.

Danzo is naturally skeptical about the word "permanent".

Someday the earth will BOOM, even the universe will BOOM.

Who will this always fool?

But it's not a big problem.

According to this statement, in short, Uchiha mirror's state of suspended animation can last for a long, long time.

Perform medical ninjutsu.

Danzo's hand ignited a green light.

Take no harm, which means you will be healed.

Danzo slowly performed medical ninjutsu for Uchiha mirror.

Time passed minute by minute.


Dawn rose the next day.

All the wounds on Uchiha mirror's body were healed, and he was treated to the healthiest state.

— except still not breathing.

This technique builds a barrier.

Blocked Uchiha mirror in the time and space called "fake death".

As an A-level ninjutsu.

I am afraid that ordinary attacks cannot cause damage to the current Uchiha Mirror.

In other words, if someone stabs Uchiha mirror with a knife, he will be stopped by invisible forces.

This is one of the flaws.

The second flaw.

It is because of suspended animation, the body will not rot.

Uchiha Mirror died on the frontal battlefield.

Not poisoning, nor assassination.

He died fighting as an honorable Konoha ninja.

This is why Danzo dared to be sure that no one would mess with Uchiha mirror's body.

After being healed by Uchiha Mirror.

Danzo didn't wake up Uchiha Mirror immediately.

Because that's not necessary.

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