Naruto Danzo

Page 1318

Sarutobi Hiruzen's A-level telescope technique can only observe things within the range of Konoha through the crystal ball.

And you need to be very familiar with someone's chakra in order to locate it.

For example, in the original book, the night Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately let Prince Naruto steal the sealed book, he used the crystal ball to gain insight into Prince Naruto's movements.

The corresponding big toad fairy.

Also look at things with a crystal ball.


What the big toad sage was observing... was the whole ninja world! ! ! !

Run at a constant speed ninja, run the whole Konoha, at most 20 minutes.

And starting from Konoha, it takes a month to reach Mt. Miaomu! !

The Great Toad Immortal can observe the entire ninja world from a distance of one month!

It is even more described in the formula book, saying that the giant toad sage has a huge chakra.

Chapter 1243. The five major powers besieged Guangming......

Sansho Hanzo walked slowly.


Standing on the spot...alone.


Under the watchful eyes of many ninjas from Yuyin Village.

Their leader, alone, faces many enemies!

But even so.

The aura emanating from Sanshoyu Hanzo suppressed everyone.

"He came here alone..."

did not expect.


Just one person has such a terrifying aura.

Facing Sansho Hanzo fighting alone.

For a while, the ninjas in each ninja village didn't know how to deal with it.


The superiors of Yanyin Village began to pass down orders layer by layer.

In the end, it was passed on to a Chunin.

This unlucky Chunin naturally knew that he had been chosen as vanguard cannon fodder.

I knew I was going to die...

But there is no way, the military order of militarism is like a mountain.

Even if I don't want to, I have to bite the bullet and send it up.

He swallowed.

Gripping the blade carefully, he tried to attack Sansho Hanzo.

Who knows, he just raised his hand.

Sansho Hanzo suddenly formed a seal!


The water flowed.

A Sansho Hanzo duplicated by Water Dun appeared.

It is a C-rank water escape and water avatar.

Only a water flow entity with one-tenth of the strength of Sansho Hanzo.

But it was this inferior clone that made an instant counterattack.

The sickle that was also duplicated in his hand swirled out.

This Yannin couldn't dodge in time, and was torn in half by the scythe from head to chest on the spot.

"It's just a blow from the water body...!"

See the counterattack of the water body.

Those well-informed veterans couldn't help screaming.

This is not common sense.

It is impossible for the water body to be so strong!

A sickle is an agricultural tool for harvesting crops and mowing grass in rural areas, consisting of a blade and a wooden handle.

But when it's made into a weapon... you'll find out.

This slashing weapon can be used both offensively and defensively, flexible and sharp.

It can play a very good effect in fighting and killing.


The sickle, which should be one of the main weapons of the ninja... In this world, it is always an unpopular weapon.

Throughout the comic.

Very few people use scythes.

The standard weapons of most ninjas are kunai, shuriken, sword, knife...these four.

The sickle is rarely used except for harvesting in agriculture.

Even if there is, at most it is a substandard genre like wild ninja...

Therefore, this unpopular special weapon is rarely noticed.

And this phenomenon was not until the appearance of the Sanshoyu Hanzo, did people face up to the true power of this unpopular weapon.

Facing the village head of Yuyin Village who was using the lock sickle, no one dared to relax a bit.

Especially after looking at the people in Yanyin Village lying on the ground in a pool of blood and being cut in half by a scythe...

Those recruits who have not experienced the first ninja war.

He even vomited on the spot.

The ninjas present were not all old people.

Many new-generation ninjas were also called into the team and joined the crusade.

They have not been baptized by war.

Not to mention how Sanshoyu Hanzo climbed up from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood step by step.

just now.

Sanshoyu Hanzo's lightning strike gave them a perfect blow!


Danzo looked at the seemingly bold Sansho Hanzo.

He knew that it was just an appearance.

Salamander Hanzo's character setting in Naruto's official official book...

In fact, it is "cautious".

and so.

The seemingly pretentious move was actually calculated precisely.

With the method of thunder, directly scare those recruits who have never been on the battlefield.

This is tantamount to directly invalidating part of the opponent's troops.

Even after a while, there will be a conflict and become a drag.

Through Liwei, imprint your own image and aura into the other party's mind.

It can be said......

Sanshoyu Hanzo is completely a wise and courageous leader.

Compared with those recruits who were trembling with fright and whose complexion changed drastically.

Those veterans...such as Onoki, Dan Chenzi and others, naturally calmed down a lot.

they know.

The reason why the water body can cut the human body with a single knife is because the sansho fish Hanzo uses a subtle flow of chakra on the sickle.

Use the water escape enchantment to create a high-pressure water blade on the surface of the sickle to increase the sharpness of the weapon.

This hand has flowing chakra, although it is not so rare.

But such a tyrannical power is not at the level that ordinary people can achieve.

It is raining from the sky.

Sanshoyu Hanzo and his water body stood proudly on the spot.

When the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village, and even the ninjas in those small countries are eager to try...

There were only two more bodies on the ground.

One was cut in half, and the other's head was cut off.

The two of them are naturally the masterpieces of the water body of Sanshoyu Hanzo.

From the beginning...

There have been Chunin and Jonin successively to test the strength of the water body.

All were cut in two.

This made the expressions of Onogi and others become serious.

It took a few minutes to go from banter to seriousness.

A water body with only one-tenth of its strength can be extremely ninja in seconds.


To what extent is the strength of Sanshoyu Hanzo itself?


Yanyin Village sent another "Junin".

The Jōnin took a deep breath, and after hearing the order from his superior, he raised his sword and moved forward.

"It's just a water body..."

He muttered like this.

Then, he raised his long sword and walked towards the water body of Sansho Hanzo.

Just as he made his move.

The body of water that was standing still...moves again!

I saw the long scythe coming out of his hand, piercing the air.

The sudden release of the weapon caused everyone to turn their eyes away.

Seeing the sickle slashing towards him, he is indeed the ninja of Yanyin Village.

I saw him take a step back subconsciously.

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