Naruto Danzo

Page 1321

Feeling the pain in front of him, Kazekage III Tan Tatsuko was calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was turned upside down.

Although the other party didn't hurt him just now, but with his eyesight, he could tell that the other party still had strength to spare.

In other words...the opponent is in a state of ease.

After realizing this...

The third generation of Kazekage intends to change tactics.

"Affecting his weapons with Magnetosh..."

The third Kazekage Dan Tatsuko perfectly inherited the magnetic escape of the second Kazekage Samana.

Even blue out of blue and better than blue.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he wanted to use the magnetic escape to interfere with Hanzo's weapon remotely, and even seize it.

In fact, as long as Dan Chenzi thought about it, no metal weapon could harm him.


Sansho Hanzo waved it in vain!

A blue half-moon-shaped sword glow instantly pierced through the air.

His plan... was completely seen through!

in a blink.

Daomang has covered the sky and covered the earth.

"Except for making waves and not pushing forward, if you jump, I will squat and punch hard!"

Danzo looked at this scene and couldn't help explaining.

This salamander Hanzo is also very old.

Knowing the strength of Sanshoyu Hanzo, Tan Tatsuko immediately flapped his wings to avoid the attack.

Relying on mobility, he began to swim.

However, with a wave of the salamander Hanzo, there are chakra sword lights.

It's like having endless chakra.

In fact it is.

It is estimated that Sansho Hanzo swung eighteen thousand times, and the chakras are still rich.

But before that, it was physical strength that was exhausted first, not chakra.

Chapter 1246. One person, one beast, fighting all over the kingdoms!

The continuous chakra knife energy forced Dan Chenzi to increase his speed to the extreme, shuttling on the edge of danger.

in a blink.

The Third Kazekage Tan Tatsuko passed more than ten knives under Sanshoyu Hanzo's jerky knife.

From the opponent's attack, he seemed to have noticed a little gap.

However, Dan Chenzi always had the feeling that the other party was deliberately tricking him to lure him over.

After discovering something was wrong, Dan Chenzi fell into a dilemma.

Facing the knife qi coming again.

His figure stopped quickly and fell directly to the ground.


Following Dan Chenzi slammed his hands on the ground.

A low drink.



Countless dense black sand and iron particles rose from the ground, instantly forming an absolute defense made of magnetic sand and iron in front of him.


The blue sword light collided with the magnetic escape block like the earth escape · earth flow wall, and let out a soft moan.

The iron sand, which even Sakura's strange strength could not break, was forcibly split into a deep gap.


Dan Chenzi was startled.

The strength of the opponent's attack was beyond his expectation.

He didn't try his best, and the other party was equally at ease.

If you collide with all your might...

Dan Chenzi was thinking, but because of the magnetic shield, he couldn't see the Sanshoyu Hanzo holding the sickle and forming a mudra with one hand.

"Fire escape...!"


The ground squirmed, and the paper swept across.

One after another detonating talismans rose from the melted land.

In an instant, it rolled from Dan Chenzi's feet to his legs.


"...Detonate the flame array!"


The detonating talisman exploded, and the sky filled with smoke instantly enveloped Dan Chenzi's location.

This trick.

It is the proud skill of Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Fire Escape·Detonation Flame Formation.

It is said to be fire escape, but in fact, earth escape was used in advance to bury the detonating talisman in the soil.

When needed, use the fire escape to drive, and wrap the detonating talisman that is burning with the fire escape chakra, like a rope, around the opponent's body.

This move is like the big move of DOTA2 goblin engineer, laying mines.

The key is......

This detonator can also move slowly in the soil, and it also has the skill 1 mine movement talent of the goblin engineer.

"Samsho Hanzo is the old Bomberman..."

Danzo sighed.

This is a skill that destroys the game experience extremely!

It needs to be strongly condemned!

If it is in the game, it must be reported by 4 teammates and 5 opponents.

This move even injured Nagato's legs in the original book.

If it weren't for Nagato's unskilled Hungry Ghost Road... absorbing most of the chakra.

I'm afraid Nagato went to see Yahiko directly on the spot.


However, the next moment, Sanshoyu Hanzo let out a soft moan.

When everyone was stunned.

Dan Chenzi rushed out of the flames.

see you...

On top of his tattered trousers, a pair of iron boots appeared at some point.

It was this pair of iron boots worn in advance that saved his life.

"I saved my life by relying on leftovers..."

Danzang looked at the disgraced Dan Chenzi who rose into the sky and was bombed, and concluded.

The armor that Dan Chenzi robbed by Danzang back then was just a shell.

Equivalent to Gundam.

The Gundam pilot, Tatsuko Tan, is inside.

While he isn't armed to the teeth, he does have basic protective gear.

helmets, wings...

"As for the iron boots...were there such things back then..."

Danzo recalled the past.

"Or...he went to the country of craftsmen to find "Qingming" to recreate some gadgets..."

Failed to hit.

Sanshoyu Hanzo narrowed his eyes.

In the next second, the scythe in his hand turned, and the aura of the sword soared!

Like the crescent moon in the god of death, the huge half-moon arc broke through the air, and greeted Dan Chenzi like a wave.

Lethality, damage range, speed...all skyrocketed!

When Dan Chenzi, who was in disgrace, was terrified, he quickly changed from flying straight into the sky to flying backwards.

With a weird sideways movement, he barely avoided the blade light.


The onlookers in the distance behind him fell ill.

I saw that the knife's aura remained undiminished, and it split into the crowd in an instant.

at once.

A burst of blood blossomed.

"Chi Chi Chi...!!"

The saber air streaked across, and the stumps and broken bodies in the crowd continued to explode.

Until then, those survivors who stood aside and were not affected screamed in horror.

A knife.

More than 20 miscellaneous fish were affected and died directly.

"damn it......!"

Onoki frowned, knowing that he couldn't continue watching the play.

Because the strength of the Sanshoyu Hanzo completely overturned his imagination.

This is no longer an easy siege.

It's a gang fight that needs to go all out.


Onoki gave an order.

The rock ninjas who were standing still came back to their senses.

Thick shurikens, kunai, and Iwagakushi Murakami ninjas who spit out rock bullets, soil escape, and rock iron cannon...

Like a barrage, it flew towards Sansho Hanzo who was chasing after Kazekage III Tantatsuko.

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