Naruto Danzo

Page 1328

The current Nine-Tails has extremely high defense against bludgeoning damage.

If it was a ninja just now, and he was punched by Danzo, his ribs would be broken in a row or two.

"No rush...we have plenty of time..."

Danzo smiled.

This time, in order to allow Kyuubi to enter the "Lord God Space", Danzo is quite well prepared.

In order to be able to severely damage Nine Tails, Danzo even plans to use the dark chakra mode.

of course.

To prevent Kyuubi from being killed.

Danzo didn't intend to use "Taiyi Bangtianlei·Ji", which is the move to hit Yinjiao.

After all, Danzo's purpose was to cause Kyuubi to feign his death.

Let it think that after its death, it went to the "Dimension of the Lord God", instead of really killing it.


I saw Danzo's body surface darken.

Ordinary Thunder Tunnel instantly transformed into Dark Thunder Tunnel.

next moment.

Danzo brought up a black afterimage, and flew towards Kyuubi like a demon.

This time it's faster!

Unbelievably fast!


Danzo's right hand, which was burning with black lightning, pierced hard into the center of Kyuubi's chest.


Blood spattered everywhere... There was a bone-deep crack on Kyuubi's chest.

Danzo's right hand was submerged in it.

This time, it caused Nine Tails to go crazy.

I saw it bared its teeth, opened its bloody mouth, and bit down on Danzang like a mad dog.

Crash, twist, roll.

It's a pity that its opponent is Danzo.

And it was Danzo who was covered in black Thunder Dun.

The slight high tremors on the surface of the Thunder Dungeon armor formed the phase shift armor.

It is enough to absorb most of the kinetic energy and convert it into heat energy and spread it in the air.


Kyuubi's collision is no different from drizzle for Danzo.

two seconds later...

Danzo's chakra has 470 cards left.

Seeing that his own attack was ineffective against Danzo, and Danzo punched it with the dark chakra condensed in his palm [Dark Thunder Dun·Active Fist].

Kyuubi became more and more crazy.

I saw Nine Tails opening its mouth wide, exposing teeth like a stone crusher.


A terrifying orange-red flaming fireball spewed out from its mouth with unimaginable power.

This shot caught up with all Uchiha's powerful fireball techniques.

Facing this breath, Danzo did not greet him.

Instead, a dark body instantly turned into black smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Fourth second.

Danzo appeared.

The black chakra was soaring, wrapping around the surface of his body like ink.

It was Danzo who opened the unyielding will.


With a sprint, Danzo kicked toward Nyubi's body, passing him by.

this moment......

Time seemed to stand still.

Fifth second.

Time flow returns to normal.

There are 430 chakras left in the group.

Danzo who landed slowly stood up.


Kyuubi was silent for a second.

"I'll fuck you...!"

Before it finished speaking, a cloud of blood mist erupted from its body.

It is the combination of unyielding will + dark thunder escape + physical skills, which consumes 20 chakras per second, and the speed is too fast to look directly at "Nandou Prison Killing Fist"!


Kyuubi, who was covered in blood, with deep bone cracks in his limbs... fell to the ground.

"Damn... If I can evolve at will..."

Before it passes out...

Kyuubi heard Danzo say: "Well, let's roast Kyuubi Yagumon tonight~, hehehe~!"

Kyuubi's vision dimmed, and he fell into a coma with unwillingness...

Looking at Kyuubi who was covered in blood and fell into a bloody mess, Danzo had a slight smile on his mouth.

Grabbed him and dragged him towards the depths of the mage tower...


Confined underground space.

The second floor of the mage tower.

Danzo dragged the bloody nine-tailed Yagumon into the training ground.

Bingyu is training inside.

In the past few months, Danzang didn't care about her.

Bing Yu, who was locked in the mage's tower, tried all kinds of methods but couldn't escape.

She had no choice but to use the existing equipment to train hard.

In order to one day be able to overthrow the reign of terror of Danzo Great Demon King.

After seeing Danzo coming, Bing Yu shivered subconsciously.

This is the result of learning the will of fire several times in a row in the past for three days and three nights.

The horror of Danzo has been imprinted into her body.

Let Bing Yu's body automatically react with fear.

Bing Yu quickly lowered her head, not letting Danzo see the hatred and anger in her eyes.

Naturally, this little move couldn't be hidden from Danzo, who has excellent eyesight.

However, Danzo didn't care.

"Get it in, temporarily suppress its spirit with Sharingan, don't let it wake up, these few days... I will implement the "Lord God Space" plan..."

After Danzo finished speaking, he threw Kyuubi here covered in blood.

Kyuubi in a coma frowned, opened his mouth wide, and looked like a baa baa.

Coupled with the blood all over, it is natural to be as miserable as possible.


Bing Yu stepped forward, Sangouyu's Sharingan opened, rotated, and...

With his right hand, he lifted Nine-Tails' eyelids, and aimed at it... to cast spells.

With a whoosh, Nine Tails was sucked into Ice Rain's pupil technique space.

Chapter 1253. Setsuna Uchiha, ten years ago~~~ We are......

If Bing Yu's illusion pupil technique can be deciphered, it will only last for a moment.

If it cannot be cracked, it will be locked inside.

Sounds like a contradiction in terms of timing.

But this is the peculiarity of the kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil technique.

Or... the weakness of the Ice Rain Pupil Technique.


Six floors underground.

This layer that should not have existed was created by Danzo.

In other words, relying on the evolution of the previous month or so.

The mage tower expanded by itself, consuming part of the solar furnace chakra, and forcibly created a brand new layer.

In this layer...

Danzo will start his plan.


In the big jar, Uchiha floated up and down in an instant.

A full 10 years have passed since the death of Uchiha Setsuna.

After being severely injured by Kakuto, and stuffed into a big jar by Danzo......

Uchiha Setsuna fell asleep for a long time.

This is not because Qianshou Angxing's special medicine is so terrifying.

but because...

He frantically mixed a bunch of Mongolian sweat medicine into the nutrient solution in the big jar.

This equals.

Uchiha was absorbing sweat medicine all the time.

And today.

Danzo will wake it up.

After taking Uchiha Setsuna out of the big jar, Danzo threw him on the prepared operating table...

Uchiha was placed on top in an instant.


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