Because he found that Senshou Hashirama has become...more funny than before.

What is going on in this scene of breaking harmony to the point of breaking the watch? !

This level of shame must have gone to heaven!

Uchiha Quanna would never know that after Senju Zhuma untied his heart knot, he completely let go of himself.

"Hey, Shimura Danzo."

Uchiha Izuna decided not to entangle in this matter anymore, otherwise he would die of depression, well, he was already dead.

"Huh?" Danzo, who was squatting next to the sink, brushed his teeth, a little puzzled.

"You should know... Uchiha Setsuna boy won't let it go..."

"of course."

Danzo nodded.

"Because I ruined the villain's plan, the villain will naturally get angry and try to kill me. Isn't this a normal plot?"

Uchiha Quanna didn't know where Danzo's weird ideas came from, but he was used to it.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Quanna said: "This time...maybe I won't help you again."


Uchiha Setsuna is a member of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Quanna naturally didn't want to do anything with him, no matter what the reason was.

Danzo was silent for a while, and naturally knew Uchiha Izuna's considerations.

"Although I said before, I am willing to give you a little bit of chips to get the possibility..."

That is, the scroll given a few days ago.

"But you still haven't shown me the path to the root cause."

Danzo was stunned, why did he come again?Is it because the favorability is not enough?Or do you want to start a new side mission?

The root problem is naturally to solve the ultimate problem of the oppression of the Uchiha clan.

Although the opposition has been turned off now, it is difficult to cause any big storms in a short period of time.

However, the situation of the whole family is still going from bad to worse.

Especially, if Setsuna Uchiha really did something to Danzo.

Then after Uchiha Madara, another big hat of a rebel will be put on the head of the Uchiha clan.

At that time, Wan Yiqian's hands will be ruthless and suppressed suddenly.

The moderate faction who didn't want to rebel, maybe all of them will turn against them immediately, and they will all be turned into the opposition at once.

Danzang seems to have solved the current problem, but it has planted another disaster.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn't his fault.

Seeing Danzo lost in thought, Uchiha Quanna's figure slowly disappeared.

After the other party mentioned something, Danzo realized the seriousness of the problem.

From here, it can also be seen that Uchiha Quanna's rapid adaptability to the times and his ability to comprehend politics.

"It doesn't matter if the other party hurt me, but in the end the entire Uchiha clan may be buried with them... Things are troublesome."

Danzo's pupils slowly expanded, and he just squatted by the pool and muttered to himself.

Maybe, should...

A crazy idea suddenly appeared in Danzo's mind.

In the morning of that day, Danzo accepted a C-level mid-term task alone, and returned a few days later.

No one knew what Danzo was doing outside. Everyone thought that Danzo had simply accepted a C-level mission.


At the same time, Uchiha Setsuna was also in action.

"Finally let me find..."

A few days later, there was an underground gold exchange somewhere in the Land of Fire.

The gold exchange is hidden in a hidden sewer on the edge of the town.

Setsuna Uchiha wore a cloak and a mask, and even used a transformation technique under the mask to conceal his identity.

The purpose is to hire murderers anonymously in the underground gold exchange to kill Shimura Danzo!

The underground gold exchange, also known as the black market.

Here, in addition to receiving some shady commissions to assassinate, kidnap, and destroy certain objects, people, and villages, you can also buy murders.

In the dark underground gold exchange, people come and go.

Everyone is filled with a strong evil spirit.

Warriors, ronin, bandits, rebels... All kinds of notorious people come and go here.

There was a strong smell of blood and rot in the air.

Uchiha Setsuna approached one of the counters and glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The other party was hammering at the abacus without looking up, "What kind of business do you want to handle? The entrusting party? Or the entrusting party?

Chapter 95. What should come will always come, questioning between thousands of hands

Of course the client!

"I'm going to kill someone..." Uchiha Setsuna said calmly.

Then, it is convenient to shoot a roster.

After that, the counter clerk went about his business.

Uchiha Setsuna picked up the roster, opened it and glanced at it.

The roster records the ranking of the assassin's tasks this month, as well as the ranking of the semi-annual list for the first half of the year.

Of course, the higher the front, the higher the employment fee.


Uchiha Setsuna's eyes moved back and forth, and a character that suddenly appeared attracted him.

I saw random graffiti on the top with a food name that looks like a code name.

But the killer's professional ability is very dazzling.

Not only did he finish on time every time, the most frightening thing is...he is the person who has completed the largest number of commissions in both rankings in the past six months and this month!

"Interesting...he's the one."

Uchiha Setsuna reached out his hand and finalized the name.

— Chestnut yokan.


Konoha, meatball shop.

"Recently, the atmosphere in the clan has become very good. Everyone is very happy, and everyone is full of expectations for the future..."

The corners of Uchiha Yoko's mouth curled up, with a distinct smile on his face.

The opposition collapsed, and most of the people either became scumbags or became members of the moderate faction.

And all of this is done by Danzang.

After experiencing this incident, the name of "Ninja Darkness" spread like wildfire.

In the Uchiha clan, from the white-haired old man to the children of a few years old, everyone knows Danzo's name.

"If you are disobedient, let Shinobi An take you away!"

"If you don't study well, Shinobi Shinobu will come and give you a lot of homework."


The name of Danzo has become a magic weapon for parents to scare children.

"is it?"

Danzo also smiled, but...

"Actually, I want to be a decent person..."

Danzo said, I just want to be a great character.

Furthermore, his expression turned into black lines, and a gloomy aura began to emanate.

A little... a little depressed.

"You are already..." Uchiha Yoko said suddenly.

"Huh? What?"

Danzo didn't hear clearly, or pretended not to hear clearly.

"It's nothing..." Uchiha Yoko closed her eyes, and slowly took a sip of red bean soup.

"Secretary, say it again, I didn't hear clearly." Danzo put his hand next to his ear.

"It's nothing~!"

"No, no, I meant the last sentence."

"You're annoying~."

Oh?It feels good.

"Ah~, your expression is disgusting~." Yoko Uchiha leaned back in disgust.

That's right, that's it, don't dislike me a little more.

Molesting the secretary, Danzo felt a sense of joy in his heart.

After Uchiha Yoko left, Danzo's expression slowly subsided, he took a deep breath, and stood up from his seat.

After that, I came outside, in the alley next to the meatball shop.

An Anbu is already waiting here.

"Let's go."

A message from Senjuban, an order delivered by Anbu ninja "Leopard".

It is naturally impossible for Qianshou Feijian to turn a blind eye to Danzo's troublesome behavior.

Therefore, regarding the series of things that happened before, Senshou Tomona wanted to ask Danzo's thoughts.

But for Danzo, what should come will always come, and what should be faced will always be faced.

Ten minutes later, Danzo came to the Hokage Building.

Qianshou Feijian sat in the office, wearing his usual suit of armor, as if he was about to go to the battlefield at any time.

If it is an outsider who doesn't know, he will think that the Second Hokage Senju Toboma is just an agent.


After Danzo came in, Leopard closed the door with a click from the outside.

So far, there are only Senshou Feijian and Danzo master and apprentice left in the room.



Looking up from the document, Qianshou stopped writing.

The expressionless Qianshou looked at Danzo, and quickly said, "Explain your behavior these days."

Don't be sloppy, just cut to the point.

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