Naruto Danzo

Page 1399

Zhang Tui: My girls are all tool people

My girls are all tool people


After waking up, Zuo Zhi found that he was holding a five-year-old little loli in his arms. This little loli even said that he had slept with her. Now he panicked and felt wronged, because he knew very well that he had always been a Straightforward little virgin.

After understanding the situation, Zuo Zhi realized that all of this was a misunderstanding. He gained the ability to dig out sissies, and everything in the world can gain life in his hands, and the little loli he slept with was actually his former girlfriend. bed.

But... What happened in the future became more and more strange. The world collapsed, and he and his brother became the only men in the world? !

"Ferrari girl, please don't drag the car, how about you cooperate with the gun girl to get rid of those zombies?"

"Wait, my cup girl, do you know that you made a mistake? That's not how you use your abilities! Stay away from me, or my brother will misunderstand."

"Qiangniang, whoosh! Is it the runaway little lolita? Go for me!"

"Fridge girl, can you adjust your body temperature, my body is already hard!"

[PS: Cute new creation, original is not easy, please give me more advice]

"My girls are all tool people" "My girls are all tool people"

Chapter 1321. The Dark Legion! 100 clones... dispatched!

But the problem is...

Immortal art is not so easy to obtain.

Of course, Uchiha Eight Generations is just an example.

"Want to know the secret of my becoming stronger?"

Danzo said.

This sentence is full of temptation.

Uchiha Yatsushiro looked at Danzo expectantly, hoping that he could tell some useful information.

"If you want to be strong... you have to work hard on your own... oh no, I mean..."fuck". "

Danzo pointed to the table.

"As long as your skills are better than others, you're good. If you don't, then no matter how hard you try, it's useless... oh oh oh..."

Danzo laughed and patted Uchiha Yatsushiro on the shoulder.

" have to learn to accept the dark side of shooting."

After telling the truth about this world, Danzo got up and went to eat.



After 12 am.

Konoha, the underground mage tower.

"Woo ha ha ha ha ~!"

Danzo raised his head and laughed.

100 clones are finally freshly released.

"Stand up obediently~♂~!"

"Yes~! Sir~♂!"

The 100 clones implanted in Earth Resentment in advance received orders to stand up one by one.

They were wearing simple disposable surgical gowns, and they looked like some kind of group activity in a mental hospital.

Looking at these 100 faces that look exactly like myself,

Danzo was very pleased.

Each of these 100 clones has the strength of a shadow-level entry.

If 100 people come together, even Jinjiaoyinjiao will be killed alive.

"Get dressed."

Danzo pointed to the locker room.

100 clones lined up and went in one by one to change clothes.


100 surgical gowns were taken off.

Put on a leather jacket, leather pants, wristbands and collars with spikes.

"The deep dark fantasy ♂~!"

It is the dark ♂ Danzo Legion!

"It's best to temporarily change your appearance..."

Danzo thought for a while, and complained in a controlled manner, and began to pinch his face.

After a while, it became like a van, or...the appearance of Diablo O Dawei, Diablo O Dragon, and some cheeks of other characters...

After all, 100 Danzo is too scary.

Dozens of vans are no problem.

In case it is exposed by then.

Suffice it to say...they've all had plastic surgery.


Danzo put his hands on his back and watched 100 clones put on their hoods one after another and become members of the Dark Legion...or the "Dark ♂ Alliance".

From now on, this power belongs to Danzo's sharp blade.

Where to hit.

They are a necessary team to ensure Konoha's safety.

It is the absolute power to attack Indra's believers!

after that.

Danzo tested the clones.

Each clone has 200 chakras.

Most of the chakras, of course, are dark chakras.

Although the 100 clones are exactly the same, there are more or less individual differences.

Danzo named the two most powerful ones "Li の Golden Pavilion" and "Technical Silver Pavilion".

The team is led by the Golden Pavilion and the Silver Pavilion.

Soon, Danzo installed Kaleidoscope Sharingan for the Golden Pavilion, Silver Pavilion, and others through USB hot-swappable medical ninjutsu.

It is necessary for Danzo to try the effect of kaleidoscope on non-Uchiha bodies.

Looking at the Golden Pavilion and the Silver Pavilion shining with scarlet light in the eye sockets... and the dark army.

Danzo issued orders for them...

Sweep away the orders of Indra followers!!

After an order, the dark ♂ army is dispatched!

"It's a bit ~sexy~♂."

"Yi Jianlian, Yi Jianlian~♂!"

"Oh shit~♂!"


The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

On the outskirts of Konoha, a residential area.

Danzo stood on the roof.

A wave of hands.

The 100 shadows rushed out.

Sharingan has a plug-and-play function.

In the hands of Danzo, who knows the ability of Sharingan very well, clones can better display the strength of Sharingan.


a dwelling.

The civilian was soundly asleep.


A figure emerged from the ground.

The Golden Pavilion quickly walked towards him, facing the sleeping civilian...pushing his eyelids away with his hands.

I saw...

The strangely shaped kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes flashed red, aiming at the eyes of the civilians who woke up Yoyo.

"Say..."Indra Dasha Pen"! "

Under the irresistible influence of Kaleidoscope Sharingan...

The sleepy-eyed civilian murmured immediately: "Indra Dashabi! Indra Dashabi!"


The kaleidoscope Sharingan flashed for a moment.

The Golden Pavilion moved its right hand away.

The hypnotized civilian immediately fell asleep due to the effect of Sharingan.

He will sleep very soundly tonight and sleep until dawn!

And don't even remember what happened in the middle of the night...

After casting the illusion and confirming that the opponent is not a follower of Indra...

The Golden Pavilion took advantage of the earth escape and slowly sank into the ground...


that's it.

100 clones, replicating the behavior of the Golden Temple.

Fleeing in the houses of the people.

As long as you can call out Indra Dasha Pen.

Then he must not be a follower of Indra.

And true Indra believers will immediately react to this kind of thing because of Indra's power.

Those who are silent, or struggling...

It must be a follower of Indra.

This is the method that Danzo learned from Indra believers such as Bingyu and Ma Kaluo before.

Followers of Indra cannot insult their gods.

And Danzo took advantage of exclude followers of Indra.


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