Naruto Danzo

Page 1440

"Not bad... Among the 10 newcomers, there are two good bread."

After calming down, the dark Yagu beast walked towards these newcomers who were looking at them with complicated expressions step by step.

The killing intent burst out from the Diablo Yagu beast without mercy, and swept across the spot immediately.

Until the dark Yagu beast walked in front of these newcomers...

These new talents found that not only were they too scared to move, but their backs were soaked.

Chapter 1360 Nine Tails Dark Yagu Beast

“Very nice bread...”

Dark Agumon narrowed its eyes, facing the killer.

"It's just... I don't like how you look so high up!"

The Diablo Abit, who was only as tall as the opponent's knee, jumped up and kicked the opponent's knee!

I kick your knees!


The other party let out a muffled grunt, and fell directly to the ground again.

This kick... completely intimidated everyone.

The rookie who can easily subdue Uchiha mirror, and can fight back and forth with Hama Jing... was solved with one kick!

"It's much better now~."

The Dark Agumon shook its head, showing a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

"I am Dark Agu Beast...the captain of the Demon Team. From now on, you have to listen to me...otherwise..."

"You, you little monster! Let us go! Do you know that... this is the legal system—"

A gentleman with glasses, but now looking flustered, spoke.

next moment.

A shadow of a black shadow passed by.


Something fell to the ground.

is an arm.

The white-collar man wearing glasses looked at his arm that was spurting blood, screamed, and passed out from the pain.

And the dark Agu beast that landed on the ground turned around unhurriedly, looked at the others, and said with a grinning smile, " there any objection?"

Because of Diablo Agumon's thunderous means, he cut off the arm of the white-collar office man in a flash, and all the newcomers present shook their heads in horror.

And see its swift action.

The killer rookie and another guy who was as strong as a bear couldn't help but frowned.

What kind of terrifying power is that... What kind of creature is this little monster that calls itself "Dark Agumon"?

"So...breads, let's introduce yourselves."

Dark Agumon waved his hand.

Toad Jing and Bat Jing immediately ran over to stop the bleeding of the white-collar man with glasses.

Their methods of stopping the bleeding are brutal and brutal.

He directly took out a lit wooden stick and pressed it towards the wound.

Seeing this scene, the others could not help but twitch their mouths.

Soon, the stench of burning was in the air.

After these small disturbances one after another, all the newcomers became honest.

At least......

These little monsters didn't intend to kill them directly.

"I'm a professional name is 'One Point'. "

The guy who claimed to be a professional killer subconsciously touched the pistol he was carrying, but he didn't pull it out this time.

Another guy who was as strong as a bear took over the conversation and said carelessly: "My name is "Gregorievich Petrovsky", I am a mercenary and I like to wrestle♂... ..You can just call me Peter...By the way, are you a new breed of bear? "

The nervous mercenary asked a rather humorous question.

After chatting for a while, the killer Yidian and the mercenary Peter have become good friends.

"Actually, I didn't want to move at all just now...a guy pushed me...I can't help it, so I had to do it..."

The killer apologized to Uchiha Mirror.

have a guy?

Uchiha Mirror and Heidi Lumon only feel a coldness behind their backs...


at this time.

There were screams outside.

Heidilu Beast finally remembered something...

"Not good! Those aliens use living organisms as their parasitic carriers, hurry up and save those people!"

The reminder from Heidilu Beast shocked everyone.

Without even thinking about it, the Dark Yagumon rushed out of the door first.


Danzo is even faster than that.

This of course has no profound principle.

The reason is actually very simple...


Increase the intensity~!

Seeing the man "Hei" running faster than him, Diablo Agumon hated it.

"Damn... This damned human being is actually faster than me! When I finish this horror movie, I will add all the points to my agility!"

The second line is Heidi Road Beast.

There is no doubt about this.

The third line is the toad spirit, the bat spirit, and other goblins.

Fourth cohort...

That's one point, Peter, Uchiha mirror and other newcomers.

When Danzo and Diablo Yagumon passed the corner...

The scene in front of them stopped them in their tracks.

A human being should be a newcomer who just took advantage of the chaos.

He was being bitten whole by a horrible creature.


The body of more than 2 meters is covered with a layer of carapace that shimmers with a metallic texture.

It's like a hybrid of steel and biological carapace.

The weird but strong figure showed a cruel bloodthirsty feeling that belonged to the hunter.

The mouth, denser than that of a shark's teeth, opened wide, ferocious and terrifying.

And behind it, the spike-like thing dragging is obviously its tail.

under its attack.

That unlucky rookie had absolutely no room for resistance.

However, the alien didn't kill him, but turned around and ran away in front of Diablo Yagumon and Danzo.

Of course, with that unlucky newcomer.

"Hehe, it seems that he wants to use that guy to lay eggs..."

Danzo said lightly.

"My bread~!"

The Dark Agumon was a little out of breath.

In its view, this newcomer should belong to its Dark Agumon property!No one can take it away!


Under the Huo Huo of Danzo.

Nine-Tails' thinking turned more and more towards a furious miser, the western lizard.

But Kyuubi didn't rush over rashly.

Because it knows that once it falls into the enemy's nest and is besieged, even it may die.

"Now... let Kawaii's Heidilu Beast explain the story of the alien to everyone."

Danzo turned around and looked at the people who had followed.

Heidilumon looked at Diablo Agumon.

After obtaining the permission of the Dark Agumon King, Heidilmon spoke in a very pure and cute tone.

"The background of the alien story takes place sometime in the future. In this world, human beings already have the ability to travel between stars and have established many bases in the solar system. A spaceship accidentally discovered alien organisms in the ruins. brought it back to the hull in case of emergency..."

after that.

Heidi Road Beast also introduces different aliens such as alien eggs, face huggers, alien larvae, adult aliens, and alien queens...etc.

"Using organisms as parasites, can resist ordinary caliber bullets, deadly corrosive liquids, fast reaction attack speed and strength..."

The introduction of Heidilu Beast makes people feel chills in their backs.

"Fatally corrosive liquid? 屮!"

Dark Agumon cursed bitterly.

"Fortunately, I have already learned how to use eighteen types of firearms."

Hmm, maybe, it's time for Dark Yagumon Chug Chuk next?

Chapter 1361. The Man in Military Uniform with Glasses and the Cunning Nine-Tails Dark Agu Beast

"not only that......"

The next moment, a hatch next to it was opened under the action of the hydraulic arm.

A man with glasses in a military uniform stepped out of it.

"During the expedition, one of the members of the spaceship touched the cocoon of the alien out of curiosity. Then, it was parasitized by the face-hugging insect of the alien. After the incident, the member was brought back to the spaceship, and the alien came from him. They burst out from the chest cavity of the spaceship... They are hiding in various parts of the spaceship, constantly attacking the crew, according to my inference... I am afraid that now on this spaceship, except for us, almost There is no one alive."

Everyone first showed a look of wariness against him, and then saw the watch on his wrist.

He is also a player.

Only then did everyone relax their vigilance.

As he slowly walked towards this side, the natural aura on his body made others stop talking suddenly.

In front of this man with a military look, everyone quietly listened to his detailed explanation and analysis of alien movies.

After he finished speaking, he looked around the crowd.

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