Naruto Danzo

Page 1443

The abnormal acid is not stored in the head, but in other organs of the body.

In other words, the alien skull can be used as a shield or a weapon.

Heidilu Beast suddenly realized.

It took the alien's head from Uchiha Mirror's hand, and strung it with the claws of its left hand.

So far, Heidilu Beast has a biological carapace shield that integrates offense and defense.


Uchiha mirror cut off the alien's claw with a sword.

Take out the clean water and mix in the soap.

Neutralize the acid blood in the claws with soapy water, and then wash them off.

This claw becomes a sharp melee weapon, the claw hook.

Alien~, it is full of treasures.

If you are from Guangzhou door♂, maybe you have set up hot pot and started eating it by now.

Heidi Lumon held the grappling hook, a new weapon that Uchiha mirror made for it on the spot, and waved it.

Light but powerful.

"Why do this?"

Heidi Lumon asked why Uchiha mirror made it a weapon.

Uchiha mirror did not look up, but continued to work.

Cut off the alien's tail with a broken sword.


An iron rod was randomly removed from the cabin.

After binding the iron rod and the alien tail, the tip becomes a long spear.

"If you lose your combat effectiveness, I will become a complete cannon fodder."

Uchiha Mirror weighed his new weapon and was very satisfied.

Too bad what he doesn't know is...

Since ancient times, the lucky gunman E......

Uchiha Mirror's FLAG journey is far from over.


Uchiha Mirror looked at Heidi Lumon.

"Of all the cats I've ever seen, you're the cutest looking."


This straight hook, which loves to tell the truth, hit Heidilu beast all at once.

When one person and one cat leave...

Danzo, who was fishing and watching the whole time, couldn't help complaining: "This Uchiha Mirror... is too insane, I can't even let the cat~!"

This can't help but remind Danzo of a little butter called "Fucking Cat" in his previous life.

"'s interesting this way, hehehe~!"

Hee Danzo of Ninja World has been arranged.


"Tat-tat-tat~! Tat-tat-tat~!"

"I'm sorry, you guys~!"

Nine-tailed Dark Yagumon, with two submachine guns in hand, opened Wushuang all the way.

See Alien in mature stage and Alien in mature stage, see Facehugger dry facehugger.

The body is tens of centimeters high, or runs or jumps, and even turns 360 degrees and 720 degrees in the air.

There are also wonderful and exciting operations such as sliding down the shovel and raising the gun to shoot up.

All of a sudden, two submachine guns with unlimited bullets burst into flames, and the shell casings bounced around and fell to the ground with a tinkling sound.

A few aliens operated fiercely like a tiger, but they couldn't even touch the edge of the dark Yagu beast.

As the captain of the breeding team, Dark Yagumon has obtained the most resources, and of course it is the best player in the whole team.

The extremely high six-dimensional and a large number of props are enough to make it invincible.

After a large pile of shell casings poured on the ground, the weapon entered the firing state.

Even with infinite bullets... it is possible to blow up the chamber.

So, Kyuubi put away the two submachine guns, and the next moment, he took out two large-caliber revolvers with unlimited bullets from his dimensional pocket.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The revolver spewed out more terrible flames than the submachine gun.

Angrily shoot at the enemy.

M500 revolver.

It is a 5-shot double-action revolver produced by the famous Smith & Wesson Company in the Beacon of Freedom. It is the most powerful revolver in the world today.

The destructive and lethal force produced by the M500 special bullet is enough to kill a lion instantly.

Due to its high destructive power and super load, people affectionately call it "the cannon in the pistol", referred to as the hand cannon, and if you add a sniper scope, it can also be transformed into a mini sniper rifle, referred to as the "hand gun". spy".

A revolver of this power is no problem even for hunting elephants.

should say......

There is no creature on the earth's land that can stop it.

Matching it is a strong recoil.

Ordinary people will have bone misalignment, fractures, sprains, etc. if they are not careful...

But the dark Agumon with a strong body doesn't have to worry about this at all.


The dark Yagu beast is roaring, and the pistol is roaring.

After the flames and loud noises all the way, more than 10 aliens became the dead souls of the lonely dark Yagu beasts.

Chapter 1364 Nine Tails: Labor and Capital Kill the Protagonist

When Nine Tails·Dark Yagumon opened Wushuang......

The birthplace of horror movies.

The man in military uniform with glasses was analyzing the current situation to everyone.

"...the kitchen is nearby, and the alien can grow into a mature alien in a very short period of time through the large amount of food stored in the kitchen...if we can't find the weapon immediately...I'm afraid The only end is to be slaughtered by aliens."

The man with glasses in military uniform adjusted his glasses and said so.

"But didn't you say before that you plan to divide your troops to hunt and kill aliens?"

The sturdy bear-like mercenary, Peter, expressed his doubts.

If you want to change the battle plan, you must give a suitable reason to be convincing.


The man in military uniform and glasses shook his head, pointed to the broken arm on the ground and said, "It was true at the beginning of the plan, but when I discovered this, I think the plan will have to be changed..."

That broken arm.

It is the prestige given by Diablo Yagumon in order to frighten newcomers.

The white-collar man is still in a coma.

The broken arm was torn from him by Diablo Agumon.

"You mean...the smell of blood might attract them."

The killer frowned a little.

Relying on his professionalism, he soon caught up with the thinking of the man in military uniform and glasses.


The other party nodded.

"Ghosts said that the fighting power of the Dark Agu Beast King is unparalleled... Then, I have reason to believe that when the Dark Agu Beast King kills outside, those aliens will change their strategies and turn to Follow the smell of blood to investigate here, once they find that we are weaker than the Dark Agumon King, they will attack this place with all their strength..."

Gently pushed the frame on the bridge of the nose, so that a piece of white light reflected through the lens.

"Don't underestimate the intelligence of aliens, the guys who died tragically in the film are examples."

This sentence......

Immediately convinced most people.

"If we are to survive, we must go to the ship's arsenal, acquire various weapons, and arm ourselves...especially you two. One point, Peter...with the right weapons, The fighting power will be doubled."

Hearing this statement, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"But I don't need a weapon."

Guisi faintly felt that this human being was very cunning and wanted to make trouble.

Therefore, it immediately stopped it.

"Don't need...weapons..."

The man in military uniform and glasses adjusted his glasses and got new information.

This little monster that looks like a dark sun... It turns out that it can attack directly without weapons...

"Stupid Ghost! Do we need weapons?"

The bat spirit and the toad spirit shouted loudly.

At this time, the two men were holding two steel forks in their hands.

Although this steel fork must be an elite weapon exchanged from the main god's space.

But due to the characteristics of the is easier to deal with it with long-range thermal weapons.

"All right......"

Guisi nodded and agreed with the bat spirit and the others.


Dark Agumon is on its way.

It kills and scolds all the way.

Large and small corpses of various shapes were left on the ground.

The large amount of bonus points obtained made Diablo Agumon feel much better.

When eliminating the aliens in this passage...

The dark Yagu beast killed a total of 20 aliens and received 6000 reward points.

In theory, there shouldn't be so many aliens in the ship.

However, due to the surge in the number of newcomers, the difficulty of horror films has also been increased.


For the captain of the breeding team, Diablo Yagumon, the increased difficulty of horror movies means more rewards.

This is very exciting.

of course.

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