Naruto Danzo

Page 1575


In the eyes of everyone, only Mogi who was in a hurry to defend, and Danzo who turned into a black shadow remained.

I saw Danzo doing circular motions around Motegi, just like Xiao Li doing kung fu around Gaara during the Chunin exam.

Motegi wielded his long knife and raised a defensive circle around himself.

Sparks continued to burst out, and Danzo, who was moving around him at high speed, accelerated again.

Now... there is really only an afterimage left.

Everyone was dumbfounded by the high speed of Danzo.

In fact...

This level is well within normal limits.

That is to say, Xiao Li took off the weight.

Danzo's current strength...hasn't surpassed the level of Ninja at all.

And as Mogi was deflated, an idea could not be suppressed in everyone's heart...

Is it...

Is this young man in front of him the real Oni Tajima? !

The next moment, I saw the afterimage retracted, and Danzo's figure returned to the original place.

The speed was so fast, it seemed that countless afterimages rushed into Danzo's body together.


Danzo folded his arms around his chest, holding the samurai sword back in its scabbard, with a cold Uchiha Madara-style expression on his face.

With an indifferent demeanor, as if someone owed him hundreds of millions.

It is different from Danzo, which is not breathless.

Everyone looked at Mogi on the other side. This burly man was panting heavily, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.

Half of these sweats are tired, and the other half...maybe scared.

Although there was no injury on his body, Mogi's heart was overwhelmed at the moment, and he was beyond shocked!

"This kid is lying! His definitely more than D-level! With his speed alone, even an elite with a B-level evaluation may not be as fast as him...This kind of If the speed is D-level, I will eat shit on the spot!"


Although fast speed will have an advantage, it does not mean that it is completely invincible.

Otherwise, Li won't lose to Gaara and Junmaro.

The latter two, even Jun Malu, a master of martial arts, are not as fast as Xiao Li.

But it can still force Xiao Li to retreat, making Xiao Li completely unable to attack.


Motegi did not get a B-level strength evaluation.

It's purely just that he was unlucky and didn't have the right opportunities and tasks to show his strength.

See Danzo so awesome.

Motegi immediately put away his underestimation, and even his disdainful expression became extremely serious.

Completely treat Danzo as a master.

Motegi shouted loudly, the long knife in his hand creaked and condensed into a straight sword.

The big knife stabbed forward, and the tip of the knife pierced Danzo's chest.

It is very convenient to use the knife in this way.

Whether it's cutting, chopping, picking, chopping, or returning to defense, you can use your hands with your heart.

With this knife, it can be seen that Mogi is completely serious.

Chapter 1498. A new wave of persecution?

Such a cautious offensive is certainly good.


Danzo's figure flickered suddenly, and Motegi still couldn't figure out the situation, so he saw two afterimages attacking him, one left and one right.

It looks like a clone.

Mogi didn't have time to think about it, and immediately backed away with a knife.

I saw him parry left and right, the expression on his face was startled and angry.

"Hahaha, please make me more happy!"

Danzo continued to attack while talking Uchiha Madara's trash talk.

Motegi, on the other hand, fell into the decadent situation of the loser for a while.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

Could this trick be the legendary dance of the crescent moon?

It is said that Konoha's crescent moon dance can attack from multiple directions at the same time.

And the young man in black in front of him was actually able to be split into two.

Does this mean that he can continue to clone until he becomes three?

Of course not.

Danzo just used the simplest E-level avatar technique to cover his eyes.

Let the E-class clone without entity move at high speed.

At the same time, the body repeatedly jumps left and right.

Because the E-level avatar is a fake, it has added special effects and has no physical shadow.

So Danzo's body can overlap with the avatar.

This creates a kind of sub-child that is divided into two, attacking with the main body and the clone at the same time.

Motegi was besieged from left and right, and there were many dangers.

What made him even more uncomfortable and frightened was that...

The slashing power from the opponent's samurai sword is getting stronger and stronger!

Every time, it will become a little heavier!

This shows that the opponent's strength has not been fully exerted to the end!

Motegi's feeling is exactly right.

Danzo is getting stronger a little bit, and he will keep it until the critical point of Genin.

Just ask.

In the whole Naruto manga, who is the most powerful ninja?

Of course, by relying on my own efforts, the nine-tailed chakra exploded, and I suddenly stopped the forest of death, Naruto, the super snake summoned by Orochimaru~!

When Danzo is not open and hanging... the ultimate power.

It is the ultimate body refining golden finger.

There is no Thunder Dun armor, no Earth Dun·Earth Spear.

In terms of pure strength, Danzo's physical strength can also be so terrifying.

Knives collided with knives, and the more dull sound made the onlookers palpitate.

That knocking sound seemed to hit their hearts.

It seemed that in the next instant, someone's weapon would be broken on both sides.

this moment.

Motegi held on so hard that even his companions in the Dark Thunder Squad could see that his defeat was only a matter of time.

But the next moment.

Danzang's figure was taken away.

Like a gust of wind that suddenly dissipates.

In an instant, the two afterimages merged into one.

Seeing that Danzo returned to the original place, even the knife was put into the scabbard with a click.


Danzo, with his arms folded and holding a samurai sword, looked at Mogi pretendingly.

The latter was out of breath, and just as he was about to yell angrily, a sudden sense of powerlessness flooded his body.

Mogi just found out...

He just had an adrenaline rush...

That is, too much force.

Not to mention counterattack, even walking may become a problem.

This kind of sudden "sudden death" is very common.

Whether it's a ninja or a samurai or something.

High concentration in a short period of time, after a period of full burst...

If you relax for a while, you may lie down directly.

That's the case with Kakashi in the first part.

As soon as He Zaibuzhu finished fighting, he fell to the ground on the spot.

It won't get any better if I don't cut it off, and it also took a week to recover.

Although humans in this world can burst out a large amount of adrenaline in a short period of time.

But this extreme sport has its limits.

As for when to pour...

Need to see the plot.

From the very beginning, the crowd who had been watching the battle in a daze suddenly erupted in applause.

In just a few seconds, all kinds of booing sounds resounded all over the sky.

It is rare to see such a wonderful chicken pecking each other.

As for the members of the dark thunder group, each of them had an extremely ugly expression, as if they had eaten Xiang.

Mogi raised his hand tremblingly, stared at Danzo, his lips moved slightly, trying to say something.

But the next moment.

He heard the clicking sound of the weapon in his hand.


With a snap, the self-assembled blade... broke into dozens of pieces!

It can be seen that Motegi is completely lost.

And the prestige and power of the Dark Thunder Corps... I am afraid it will also decline.

The indifferent expression on Danzo's face remained unchanged, and he said coldly, "Fall!"

Everyone has not yet realized what "inverted" means.

Mogi, who was exhausted, slumped to the ground with a bang.

Obviously overconsumed.

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