Naruto Danzo

Page 1584

Five figures emerged from the thick fog.

It seems that under human control, the originally thick fog that was invisible to the fingers has dissipated a lot.

"It's not easy to crack my "Silent Killing Technique"..."

Another figure spoke.

Just now, it was Danzang who he sneaked into.

The other three figures stood in place, looking at this side coldly.

Danzo took a look, and there were a total of... four men and one woman.

"The girl's name is Yuina, the one who uses the silent killing technique is Momochimaru, the two who look alike are the Hijikata brothers, and the sissy girl with a fair face in the middle is Minazuki Kwai."

Xun, a former member of the Dark Thunder Corps, introduced the names of five people to Danzo.

"And...that sissy is the strongest..."

Hearing Xun's words, the sissy named Aoi turned around and looked this way.

Looking at his feminine appearance, if he doesn't explain in advance, everyone will think that this is a woman.

Danzo stared at him and cursed secretly: "Another dead monster!"

The old water has no moon.

Among the dark thunder group, the two surnames Taodi and Mizunazuki appear, which probably means that the dark thunder group has really been infiltrated by spies from Wuyin Village.

on the surface.

Momochimaru and Minazukikui are members of the Dark Thunder Group, but I am afraid they are acting according to Uchiha Madara's will.


Minazuki Kui spoke, and her smile was particularly beautiful.

But... a dead ladyboy.

"You treat us like this, it hurts us..."

As Mizumu Tsukikui spoke, there was Madam next to her, but without Mizumu Tsukikui, the beautiful Yuina took a step forward, and took over the conversation: "Xun, why can't you understand the intentions of the leader?"

Seeing Yuuna's expression of "I'm all for your good" and the title of "Master Leader", Danzo immediately understood.

This is probably an old licking dog.

"It's easy to understand intentions, but you have to show some sincerity."

Danzo said casually.

Then, Danzo raised his left hand.

This action immediately caused the situation to become tense.

The atmosphere in the air... suddenly became tense.

But who knows, Danzo didn't want to take the lead at all, but rubbed his index finger and thumb.

"You asked Xun to go to Wuyin Village with you...I can understand very well, but...understanding is understanding, joining Wuyin Village...isn't there any benefit?"


The five of them froze for a moment.

Especially Xi Cai, she was surprised, "Is there any benefit?"

The head of the dark thunder group said what he said... What a licking dog.

Danzo sighed.


Danzo had a look of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel.

"It's no good who surrenders... No wonder Xun doesn't go with you, you leeks... have learned to harvest by yourself."

In fact, Danzo understands it very well.


It's just using honor, fame, and other illusory things to fool these idiots.

And only the head of the dark thunder group and other really smart guys understand that they can get absolutely huge benefits from it, so that they are willing to take refuge in Wuyin Village.


The five guys in front of me don't look like they have brains.

Chapter 1508. The Dark Thunder Squad·Woli Dou

"Oh~~~~, I see..."

Danzo narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He understood, but others did not understand.

"It's been a long time~, you have taken the benefits of Wuyin Village to Xun as kickbacks..."

Everyone: "..."

Xun on the side opened his posture, facing the five former colleagues, Xun stared at them coldly: "Don't waste time, the five of you go together..."

Brother Tufang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Xun, everyone let you go before, otherwise you really thought that your strength could be ranked in the top 10 of the dark thunder group?"

Momochimaru disappeared and disappeared into the mist again, his voice came from all directions: "Don't think that there is a black handprint on the clothes, it is Tajima Oni...and... ...Even if the real Oni Tajima comes, he has to die here obediently!"


The smile on Mizuna Yuekui's face gradually disappeared.

The guy in front of him not only teased that reckless red-haired ghost, but also blocked Momochimaru's silent assassination technique.


This guy is really that "Oni Tajima".

If this is really the case, then he who established the Mafia single-handedly and defuses the assassination attacks of the Dark Thunder Group many times, in terms of strength... can be affirmed.

"Xun, since you are so obsessed with obsession, I have no choice but to ask you to apologize with death..."

The girl named Yucai had a sad look on her face.

It's as if all the faults are on Xun.

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense."

Xun waved his hand, and Ku Wu fell into his hand.

"Go ahead!"

next moment.

Except for Mizuna Yuekui, the other four rushed over at the same time.


A few miles away, the end of the mountains.

Dark Thunder Regiment Headquarters.

Thick fog shrouded it like ethereal clouds.

There are many buildings here, and one of the largest buildings is obviously where the head of the dark thunder group and others are located.

It is different from the original lively scene.

Today's dark thunder group... There is a heavy smell of blood in the air.

In the camp, members of the Dark Thunder Regiment came and went, and a large number of wounded were lying on the ground or leaning against the wall.

Medical ninjas and doctors have their hands full.

The leader of the Dark Thunder Regiment sat at the head of the hall.

Looking at his age, he is about 30 years old, an upright man in his prime.

He is closing his eyes and maintaining the posture of knot mudra with his hands.

As smoked said.

This large-scale stealth ninjutsu was performed by Jian Yulei, the head of the dark thunder group.

Judging from the condition of the wounded in the camp.

The dark thunder group hunted down the lava group and several other organizations, and paid a considerable price.

In order to prevent the enemy from counter-killing sneak attack.

Jian Yulei, the head of the dark thunder group, maintained the operation of the technique.

And retreat the troops from the foot of the mountain to this side.

Under the seats, several high-level members of the Dark Thunder Group gathered together.

Among them, a beautiful dark green long-haired Ninja, thinking of the heavy loss of the dark thunder group today, couldn't help asking: "Head, I really don't understand why you would accept Zhao'an from Wuyin Village. , I don’t even want to understand why you want to attack the lava group..."


Next to him, the deputy leader Jia Fei, who looked like a dog-headed army division, glanced at the main leader Jian Yulei who was silent, and then at Nunin, and said slowly:

"Yaji, we are just forced by the situation...Because even if Wuyin Village does not recruit us, it will recruit lava groups or other organizations...not to mention... ..”

The middle-aged Kai's words changed.

"Mist Hidden Village is a legitimate military organization officially recognized by the Land of Water...As long as we can get on this boat, we can walk in the sun with justification..."

Since ancient times, various organizations such as the Dark Thunder Group have worried about how to clean up their crimes.

Today, there is a broad avenue in front of you, can you take this opportunity to become a serious person?

"Everyone has worked hard for so many years, and you have suffered so much, Yaji, you don't know..."

The middle-aged Kai shook his head, looking like an elder scolding a younger generation.

"Now, my companions finally have the opportunity, no need to be afraid of waking up one morning, being killed by a bandit with a C-level task for no reason... this is for Why don’t you understand what everyone is doing for the well-being?”

Kai said that he also has a dream.

One high ninja, three low ninja, C-level mission, his companions were killed as ordinary bandits.

It's so fucking real.


Ya Ji with dark green hair shook his head.

"However, we also sacrificed a large number of companions because of this. This is obviously used by Wuyin Village as a pawn that can be discarded at any time... Is it worth sacrificing so many people for this?"

Thinking of the dead companions, Aki couldn't help feeling sad.

Seeing this, Jia Fei smiled coldly: "Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and in this world, everything must be sacrificed... Even if we don't join Wuyin Village, won't people die? Aki, you must have forgotten those partners who were sacrificed in the past...or..."

Kai took a step forward, with a somewhat aggressive posture.

"Or, because many of the partners who sacrificed this time are your cronies, that's why you..."


Yaji slammed the table hard, filled with indignation.

Although he was very dissatisfied, Yaji was really not good at words, so he couldn't find the right words to refute for a while.


Even so.

The heart cannot deceive people.

Feeling that the dark thunder group has lost its previous characteristics and has become more and more unfamiliar...

It's not just the leader Jian Yulei.

Deputy head Kai...

There are even other partners, all of which have become strangers one by one.

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