"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Faced with this kind of offensive, Danzo resolutely gave up blocking and turned to seal.


After several seals were completed, Danzo took a sudden breath and spit out a huge storm from his mouth.

D-level Wind Escape Breakthrough, naturally, because of the one-month retreat, it was upgraded to C-level Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!

Although there is only one more character, the wind power is completely different.


The strong wind, which could uproot a tree as thick as a child alone, blows away all the kunai launched by Chiyo.

However, compared to consumption, it is obvious that Danzo is not cost-effective.

C-level ninjutsu, for Chunin, consumes a lot of Chakra.

And launching Kunai, for Chiyo, is just moving a finger.

This is the strength of the puppeteer.

Spend energy with you all day long.

As long as the puppet or the puppet master is not defeated, the final result will either be scratched and poisoned, or consumed to death.

But Danzo was waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the secretary to see the right time, join him and defeat Chiyo in one fell swoop.

"Hee hee hee~! What's the matter? Ninja Darkness, is this your strength? Do you only dodge? Or...do you think you can consume all the ninja tools inside the puppet I control? Will it succeed?"

There was something wrong with Chiyo's state, and Lolita's face was filled with a trace of madness.

That's right.

After all, her younger brother Ju O was disabled.

I believe that any sister who sees this scene will not be in a good mood.

"You... are dreaming~~!!"

Chiyo shouted loudly, hooked his fingers, and two scrolls flew out from the satchel.


The backs of the two puppets suddenly opened, revealing a gap like a robot cockpit.


Two scrolls protruded from the inside, and then a new scroll re-entered.

"Black Secret Technique Reload~!"

Chiyo's crazy voice resounded, the puppet closed its back, and the new flying props were filled.

"This is your sister..."

Danzo's mouth twitched.

"Da da da da da!!"

The lips of the two puppets collided up and down, making a gesture of ridicule or sarcasm.

Fortunately, the dead group has been hidden.

"Try this!"

Chiyo waved her arms.

The puppet that was flying forward suddenly lifted into the air and came to the obliquely above Danzo.

Under the sky of the death forest, two puppets opened their arms and bent from the elbows, revealing the hollow interior.

"Black Secret Skill Poison Cone Hell Hundred Bursts!"


First came the flash.

But it wasn't a star, or anything else.

Rather... a large number of shining poisonous needles based on three-digit numbers!

A large number of poison needles smeared with toxin, like a torrential rain, and like a real poison cone hell!

Flying towards Danzo!


Yoko Uchiha's pupils shrank.

This attack...

The speed is too fast!Danzo can't escape at all!

Compared with kunai, poisonous needles are lighter in weight, denser, and have a wider range!

The key point is that the lethality is no less than that of Kunai!


At this moment, it seemed that even the world was shaken.

A large number of poisonous needles enveloped the area where Danzo was located, causing a violent explosion.

It was the sound caused by cutting through the ground.

From here, it can be seen how powerful this move is, it is like a Gatling storm!

The smoke and dust all over the sky covered everything, making it impossible to see Danzo's situation at all.


Uchiha Yoko couldn't help but exclaimed, the next moment, regardless of the poisonous needles all over the floor, the whole person flew towards the smoke and dust...


Chiyo didn't care about Uchiha Yoko, she stared closely at the inside of Yanchen, wanting to know the life and death of that nasty guy.

Chiyo will not give up until he sees the dead body.

"You're worried about me... Secretary..."


After a moment of silence, he answered slowly.

The voices of the two came out from the smoke, and the blurred figures of the two gradually appeared in the dissipated smoke.

"I'm so happy..."


Are you ready? "


"Good...a cough!"

The clod was collapsing. Just now, Danzo used the earth escape to resist Chiyo's attack.In terms of defensive ability, among the five attributes, Earth Dungeon is the strongest!

Before Chiyo exclaimed, the figures of Danzo and Uchiha Yoko broke through the smoke and jumped high.

"Wind escape..."

"Fire escape..."

Tuanzang is in Jieyin, which is the wind.

Yoko Uchiha is making seals, which is fire.

The eyes of the two were burning, and the chakra surged rapidly.

"Zangkong Jibo!"

Danzo stretched out his arms suddenly, and a large amount of wind was generated from his hands, distorting the air at an unimaginable wind speed.

This is a terrifying storm made of a mixture of ultrasound and air pressure.

Acquisition Difficulty...C Grade!

Its power is far higher than that of D-rank Zhan Kongbo, it can turn vegetation into dust.

The advantages are fast speed, wide range and high hit rate.

The disadvantage is that the chakra consumption is huge, it is a heavy burden on the arm, and the power will decrease as the attack distance increases.

"Dragon Fire Technique!"

Uchiha Yoko's white right hand was placed in front of her mouth, and a small beam of flame jumped up, like a fire snake or a silk thread.But in an instant, it turned into a winding little fire dragon.

The disadvantage of Dragon Fire Art is that the hit rate is low, wire positioning is required, and the attack range is narrow.

But... the distance is extremely long.

The ninjutsu released by the two combined in pairs to complement each other.

Each other's offensive and defensive weaknesses and flaws were perfectly healed, forming a mixed doubles of men and women, a joint ninjutsu that stuffed dog food into one's mouth!

Chapter 123. Danzo's Pit of the Second Kazekage

"This, this is...?! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!!!"

A storm of scorching fire engulfed the golem.

Only in a moment.

The golem was burned, crumbled, shattered, and finally reduced to coke.

But the continuous power is still moving forward, and the last aftermath even swallowed Chiyo together.

Just like the screaming villains in all bloody plots, Chiyo's screams spread throughout the entire tower...


Tens of seconds later...

"But, damn it..."

Chiyo lay on the ground, scorched all over, even smoking.

As for the original two puppets, except for the occasional wreckage that fell on the ground, they could not be found at all.

"By the way... we have to give our ninjutsu a name."

Danzo and Uchiha Yoko stood in front of Chiyo, the former rubbed his chin with interest, thinking about this matter.

"Secretary, let's call it... How about "Hurricane Dragon Fire Art"?" "

"It's too straightforward..." Uchiha Yoko said with a little disgust.

"Then how about calling it 'Dragon Fire Hurricane Art'? "


Looking at the two who completely ignored him and sprinkled dog food, Chiyo was not only angry, but also extremely bitter.

Chiyo never expected that he would fall into the hands of Shimura Danzo.

What made her even more unconvinced was that she did not lose to Danzo because of her own strength.

Rather... this kid is too cunning and insidious! !

Chiyo is so big, I have never seen a guy with a more scheming heart than Danzo.

Even her younger brother Ebizo lost to Danzo in terms of meanness and shamelessness.

"Come on, get up..."

Just when Chiyo thought that she was about to be terminated, Danzo suddenly reached out to her.

What does this mean?

Chiyo's expression froze on his face.

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