Naruto Danzo

Page 1617

This made Danzo sigh again. In terms of assistance, the ninjutsu invention system is still trustworthy and commendable.

It can be called the first support in logistics.

Danzo, holding Xun in his arms, stared at the tear-stained cheek, and reached out to wipe away the tears for her.

"It was calculated..."

Danzo murmured.

The next moment, Danzo laughed loudly: "Ahahahahaha, ahahahahaha!!!!"

Kaz Danzo, after laughing for a while, returned to his expressionless state.

Because of this weird Yan Yi laughed.

Everyone was so shocked that they stood in place.

The scene returned to calm again.

However, this calm only lasted for a few seconds...

"He killed Princess Shiori! To avenge Her Royal Highness!!"

Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the owner of the long knife and stitches shouted.

It is worthy of being a ninja in the blood mist.

The old framed the family.

However, as soon as the words fell, she was stared at by Danzo, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

What kind of look is that.

And before... completely different.

At a glance, it was like facing some perfect creature.

At this moment, everyone noticed that something was wrong with Danzo...

But how exactly, they couldn't say.

And those who feel the crisis the most are probably the Ninja Seven.

Years of bloody battles and life and death gave them a sense of danger in the dark.

Vaguely... felt the threat of death.

"Uchiha Madara, since you can't afford to play like this...that's fine..."

I only heard Danzang muttering in his mouth.

next moment.

got windy.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, Danzo left the ground.

Execute the wind chakra mode · third stage · change.

As a result, Danzo, who was riding against the wind, slowly floated off the ground and floated into the air.


Danzo became a small dot in the sky, looking down on the earth.

Presumably, Payne looked at the sentient beings on the ground in the same way.

Danzo was carrying the Yaodao Muramasa on his back, holding Xun in his arms, and freeed his other hand.

A strong killing intent condensed in the palm of his hand.


The black chakra began to condense, and the substance named dark chakra began to compress and gather.


Looking up at the sky, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the alarm bell of danger in their hearts sounded to the extreme.

I didn't have time to think about why the other party would fly...

The seven looked at each other, and they all saw the fear in each other's eyes.


The seven people who reached an agreement turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

The black chakra group gathered in Danzo's palm, becoming more and more unstable.

The Chakra, which is constantly expanding and contracting, forms a ring like a planetary belt on the outside.

"Let the world feel the pain...Dark · Great...Spiral Lun Yu!"

Danzo tilted his arm.

A dark halo like an asteroid fell from the sky.

The fall was brief...and long.


The silent black sphere released Danzo's inner anger.

With the explosion of the dark big spiral wheel.

The hundreds of chakras gathered inside rapidly expanded and spread, ruthlessly devouring all people and things on the ground.

Wherever he went, he was destroyed.

It was like detonating a nuclear bomb.

The dark chakra plus the extreme daylight radiance expands...

Not only the human body, but even the metal burst and shattered instantly in the face of this destructive force.

The black air of death spread like a tsunami.

The shock wave caused by the explosion burst out like an air bomb.

When Danzang released most of the chakra in his body in one breath.

The attack result comparable to a large-equivalent tailed beast jade has been completely determined.

The gangsters didn't have any means of resistance and evasion at all. When they died, they only had time to make a miserable cry before dying, and were swallowed by the sound of the explosion.

"Ba, Bakana!!"

Jian Yulei and Jia Fei showed disbelief in their eyes.

How could this kid be so strong? !

If he is really so strong, why didn't he show it when he was at the headquarters of the Dark Thunder Regiment? !

Chapter 1544. Uchiha Madara, the future will be long

Questions have not been answered.

Huangtu hegemony was completely annihilated in the explosion.

Jian Yulei... Kai... died.

Dark Thunder Group, destroyed.

However, the ninjas in Wuyin Village can release defensive ninjutsu such as water escape and water barrier.

But at this level of attack that completely crushed Hao Huo Mie Que, the defensive ninjutsu couldn't last even 0.1 second, and he declared his death directly.

The explosion range of the dark big spiral wheel made it impossible for everyone scattered on the ground to escape.

Within a radius of several kilometers, it is the attack range of this ninjutsu.


Even the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who ran away with the instant body technique, it is impossible to retreat completely.

Seeing the turbulent explosion hit from behind like a tsunami.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen stopped immediately, turned around to gather all the chakras, and defended against the explosion, trying to stop this S-rank ninjutsu.

should say......

They are worthy of being the first-line combat force of Kirigakure Village, and they are also the seven people that countless Kirigakure ninjas yearn for, and there are even many veterans who fought in the first Ninja World War.

He is also an acquaintance that Danzang knows.

It actually briefly resisted the dark · big spiral wheel Yu for a moment.

And after this moment.

The establishment of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen suffered a devastating blow.

boom! ! !

The endless explosions instantly submerged the seven people, and then continued to spread towards the distance without mercy.

"Uchiha Madara, the future is long..."

After leaving such a sentence in the wind.

Danzo didn't even look at the explosion, and left with Xun in his arms.

And with the end of the dark spiral Lunyu, the originally lush field has become an empty place of death after the destructive power passes.

It was like being hit by a meteorite.

A circular diffuse crater was left at the scene.

Among them, whether it is the members of the Dark Thunder Squad, other gangsters, or the ninjas in the blood mist... all of them have no bones left.


Blood shot.

The holder of the great sword shark muscle, who was seriously injured, survived after all.

Relying on the ability of the great sword shark to absorb chakra, most of the damage was avoided.

But even so.

The surface of the body is also constantly spraying blood.

The survivor, who was lucky enough to survive, knelt down on one knee while leaning on his sword muscle.

Fear, joy, and anger on the face.

This can't help but remind her of the setbacks she suffered during the first Ninja World War.

That year, a man named Shimura Danzo used a rare lightning escape to trigger the sky thunder.

At that moment, the Three-Tails Jinchuriki Ghost Lamp Mizuki blocked the damage for them.

But this time...

The only thing I can rely on is myself...and the knife in my hand.

Today's disastrous defeat is a lifelong shame, and it is an indelible shadow that will last a lifetime.

In addition to being thankful that she escaped, she was also horrified by Danzo's power.

If it wasn't for the big sword shark muscle.

I'm afraid she too will become scattered dust.

Look around the scene.

Apart from her, there was no survivor at the scene.

Not far from her body, there are six scarred ninja knives all over her body.

It should be said that it is indeed the treasure of the land of water.

The six ninja knives have withstood the devastation of S-class ninjutsu and still remain.

But their masters have disappeared.

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