Naruto Danzo

Page 1626

But whether it is Qianshoubeijian or others, excellent perception does not depend on this aspect.

Instead it is called...

"Perception Chakra Mode".


Leaving aside the daimyo of the country of water and the women of the Minazuki clan, what a bloody drama was staged in the past......

what is has been confirmed is.

12 years ago.

The first generation Mizukage Hakuren, in order to win the trust of the daimyo of the land of water, they engaged in a marriage event.



A beautiful ninja from the Minazuki clan, doing some kind of benefit exchange? ?


Feng Shui turns.

It's the turn of the water country daimyo to send his daughter to Wuyin Village?

"Aren't you afraid of ending up in the same fate as your sister?"

If Danzang remembers correctly, this is the first time he and Liuli Xiaogongju met.

It seems that when she came here last time, she was observing herself in the dark.

"It is precisely because I want to control my own destiny that I met you..."

Snow Girl... Oh no, Liuli spoke calmly.

This calm, I don't know if it's a disguise, or an attitude towards strangers.

after all.

From Danzo's point of view, most of the so-called guys who don't change their faces before the collapse of Mount Tai just haven't seen a real landslide.

Of course, the other party is still just a child and cannot ask too much.

12 years old...

It's enough to have the guts.

"You want to overthrow Wuyin Village?"

Danzo folded his arms around his chest, with the demon sword Muramasa pinned behind his back.

I was not asked to search for weapons when I entered the door, so it can be seen... the courage of this little publicity is really good.


Liuli shook her head.

"It is impossible to overthrow Wuyin Village... After all, it is that kind of behemoth..."

wise cognition.

It seems that Liuli is more pragmatic than her sister.

"I just want to form a force of my own. When necessary, it can be independent of the country of water...even outside the five major countries."

Is it to retreat...

Since he can't beat the country of water, he chooses to protect himself to a certain extent.

"Of course, where possible, for the good of the country...but not at the expense of others..."

Liuli shook her head lightly.

Her older sister, Shiori, was a victim of the so-called "peace".

Being able to say these words meant that Liuli had given serious thought.

And made... some sort of realization.

"no problem."

Danzo nodded.

"But first... I don't like people who quit halfway."

"I dont like it either."

In this regard, the two reached a consensus.


"From today onwards, our boss will be Princess Liuli for the time being."

After arranging the residence along the way, Danzo said to Kaoru.

"You made the decision for me without authorization?" Xun said a little dissatisfied.


Danzo shook his head.

"If you don't like it, you can quit at any time."

According to Liuli, what she wanted was a team that voluntarily joined.

Not forced.

Those who can't bear it are free to quit.

"Identity certificates, internal code names, etc., will be issued at that time."


Smoked stuffy, do not want to talk.

The residence of Danzo and Xun was temporarily arranged in the suburbs.

Away from the bustling capital city.

Actually, that's fine.

It is very convenient whether it is practicing, doing things, or going out.

"The house is a little old, don't be disgusted..."

Minister Xiu, with people, introduced the small villa in the suburbs to Danzo.

It is better to say that it is an old house than a luxurious residence with a sense of age.

Saying "old" in your mouth can't be taken seriously, it's a kind of modest pretense.

"In terms of eating and cleaning... there are servants, and the two of you can send them as you like."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Danzo responded.

"It's nothing..." Minister Xiu waved his hand and said with a smile, "If you have anything else to do, you can contact me directly, or report it to Princess Liuli..."


After the courtesies were over, Minister Xiu took his leave.


Danzo and Xun have a temporary foothold.

"Xun, come and practice."

On the open space outside the courtyard, Danzo waved to Xun.

Children belong to broken cars, so they have to be smashed.

This time he wants to fix Xun well, and let her grow up with the Friendship Breaking Face Fist.

So, the two walked outside.

on the lawn.

Two people stand.

The sun shines down on the two of them.

The location of the capital city of the country of water is selected from one of the few places in the country of water that can be illuminated by the sun for a long time.

Elsewhere, it was shrouded in fog most of the time.

After Danzo stood still, he moved his body: "I know the E-level clone technique enhanced version, the eight-door dunjia that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred, and the application of murderous aura. I have the demon sword Muramasa in my hand, which can be released. Dao Qi, so... Xun, use your full strength, don't lose at that time, don't be convinced."

"Hmph! You don't need to say more!"

Xun was dissatisfied because Danzo joined Liuli's command without authorization.

As soon as the words fell, she rushed over in a state of haste.

Then he punched Danzo.

"The strength is good, but the accuracy is not enough."

Danzo seemed to be able to predict the future, and easily avoided Xun's small punches, and in turn kicked Xun away.


Danzo took the initiative and stepped forward to fight hand-to-hand with Xun.

As a result, Xun was beaten repeatedly.

Danzo's attainments in gymnastics, it's no problem to abuse children.

"A truly strong player should have the perfect coordination of speed and concentration."

Danzang once again knocked Xun away with a friendship-breaking fist.

Xun who was lying on the grass wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Danzo closely with the eye not covered by his bangs.

Not only was he not discouraged, but he exuded a fighting spirit.

Danzo shook his head: "Xun, I know what you want to do when you come to the capital of the country of water, and what you want to do... You want to call on the daimyo to overthrow Wuyin Village, but you think he... ..or do other people have this power?"

"Could it be that you just watch the guys from Wuyin Village get away with all their evil deeds?!"

When Xun rushed over again, her ten fingers were already tinged with dark red.

Even on the back, a dark red tassel spread out.

"Your blood inheritance limit is very good, but every time your attack intention is too easy to be detected."

Danzo took a few steps back casually, dodging Xun's serial routine.

While running, Kaoru tried his best to attack Danzo.

However, no matter how she adjusted, she missed Danzo at once.

At this moment......

Only then did she realize that the gap between the two had reached an unimaginable level.

PY: "They are greedy for my money"

After Jingu Jin inherited a financial company from his grandfather, he became a financial manager with a large number of clients.

But when it officially took over all this, he found that his customers were:

Yuigahama Yui owed a lot of debts with her mother because of the poor management of the family restaurant.

Because of guaranteeing for a friend, unfortunately, Yi Caiyu was in debt at the same time.

And Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was burdened by his father who failed in stock trading and had to pay back the money for his father.

In order to recover the funds, Shen Gongjin resolutely embarked on the road of debt collection, but in the process, some subtle changes have taken place in the relationship between him and the client.

This book is also known as "How I Changed from a Creditor to a Boyfriend", "As an Honest Capital, I Just Want to Collect Debts", "About Miss Debtor Wants to Be My Girlfriend".

"They are greedy for my money" "They are greedy for my money"

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