Naruto Danzo

Page 1649

" made the same choice?"


An atmosphere of silence spread.

Tsunade took a deep breath: "I refuse."

Her face changed, and she became a little loli who was hiding her anger.


"To shut up!!"

Tsunade used her violent temper and terrible anger Yanyi to prevent the mentally handicapped elementary school students from speaking.

next moment.

She grabbed the mentally handicapped pupil by the collar.

"If you want to order my old lady, you are 2 years too early!"

Tsunade put two fingers in front of Conan.

I, Tsunade, are super fierce.

It's as if the leopard's head grabbed Baolongxing.jpg.

What Tsunade doesn't know is that...

Her anger is like playing the piano to a cow.

Because what stood in front of her...wasn't human at all.

It's mentally retarded to blame Yu AI.

Just as boring as a player who gets angry at a computer game...


Tsunade didn't know this.

So, her anger is all real.

"Satisfied with you consider yourself noble?"


"If you want to do that, at least it's for important people..." Tsunade's tone gradually became low.

The next moment, Tsunade took a step forward, watching the mentally handicapped pupil closely.

This powerful aura made the retarded AI take a step back.

"What am I to you? Worth your sacrifice for me?"

Tsunade asked urgently.

Without any pretentiousness.

There is no such thing as blushing or shyness.

Because she is She-Hulk Tsunade.

"Don't say it's for the mission, I don't want to hear this kind of answer."

Tsunade waved his hand impatiently.

"Don't say it's for me... If you dare to say that, I'll kill you!"

Tsunade clapped his palms and pressed against the tree trunk.

The mentally handicapped elementary school student also stuck tightly to the tree because of Tsunade's pressing step by step.

This scene, it looks... as if Tsunade beat a mentally handicapped elementary school student.

Chapter 1577. Ding!The new plug-in has arrived

Just when Tsunade stared at the mentally handicapped elementary school student with a super fierce expression...

"Cough cough..."

Xun woke up.


She saw this... how should I put it?


Xun embarrassedly glanced aside.

"I'm sorry...I didn't expect you two to have this kind of relationship...Ah...I should say, are the children now so open... .”

"what are you saying?"

Tsunade was baffled, and then she left the side of the mentally handicapped elementary school student.

"I thought you were a smart guy..."

Tsunade said.

"What?" The mentally handicapped pupil blinked.

"Didn't're an idiot..."

Tsunade lifted his chin triumphantly, and looked at the mentally handicapped pupil AI with contempt.

"From now on, the team will be commanded by my mother... Konoha Ninja will never give up on his companions!"


"I didn't expect that I would be tricked by that kind of kid. It's did he do it?"

Hiizumi, who joined Uchiha Madara, stared at his subordinates.

They are searching for the figures of Tsunade and others.

"That kid has some strange abilities."

Uchiha Madara said.

"In short, it is not a threat."

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he received a report from his subordinates.

"Is it to the west? Sure enough, it's the escape path that the kid would choose..."

With that said, Uchiha Madara took action.


"There are footsteps..."

Xun, who had the most keen sense, heard the wind and grass.

And Tsunade naturally didn't notice it.

Because Tsunade didn't perceive the ninja setting.

Perhaps, she can try to learn the chakra perception mode in the future, but... that not only requires a strong chakra control, but also requires a certain talent.

"The enemy is coming..."

Xun's expression became serious in an instant.

one two three four......

With the arrival of the enemy, Xun clenched the Kunai in his hand.

next moment.

Two dark shadows came out.

Because of the dark night, it is impossible to see things.


Smoked but something special.


I thought I could "see" those two figures.

With the increase of age and actual combat, the power hidden in the blood slowly awakens...


And at the next moment, another figure flashed past.

Much faster, but not the enemy.

After two splashes of blood surged up in the night, the visitor appeared in front of Xun.

Unlike Tsunade's tense and hostile gaze.

Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

A trace of relief and joy flashed across the cheeks that had slightly recovered their color.

"You're here..."

"Ah, here I come, Xun."

The person who appeared here was none other than Danzo's body... the "Oni Tajima" disguised as it.

If it was someone else, Tsunade would pounce on him immediately and let him taste the shy little punches.


Unbelievably, she felt a sense of familiarity from the man in front of her.

So much so that she asked involuntarily, "Do we know each other?"

"I can recognize you."

Danzo responded ambiguously to his good daughter.

Then without a trace, he glared viciously at the mentally handicapped AI of the Shinigami primary school student.

Then, he turned his head and said to Xun: "Sorry... I just got some good things from the major, it took me a while... Next, leave it to me... ...."

Pass items.

Use psychic beasts.

This is the most convenient method.

Through the psychic shark, the scrolls, boxes and other items stuffed into the mouth can be quickly delivered between the two parties.


In front of Tsunade, the mentally handicapped pupil, and Kaoru.

Danzo took out the box.

Box given by Major Rodney.

The manual has been read and destroyed.

In short, this is a key item to save the world from the COVID-[-] pandemic.

With it...

Maybe it's a turn of events.

of course.

To gain the power of Pandora's Box out of thin air... comes a price.

At the end of the scroll, Major Rodney wrote: Are you...ready for this?

Reminds me of the man with facial paralysis.

Danzo couldn't help thinking.


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