Naruto Danzo

Page 1701

"New here... good eyes... Everyone, get ready!"

Under the roar of Guitou.

At least 20 prisoners around took something out of their bodies.

It is a stone.

They threw the pebbles in their hands towards Jilai.

"not good!"

Jiraiya opened his eyes, facing the dense barrage attack, subconsciously dodged.


It seems that felons put a lot of effort into throwing this kind of thing, just like ninjas train shuriken and kunai throwing.

They are high and low, flying over with a clear division of labor, completely covering all directions that Ji Lai can dodge.

What's more ruthless is that the pebbles thrown by everyone are a handful of...

In other words.

At this moment, at least more than 300 small stones smashed towards Jiraiya overwhelmingly.

This thing is not very powerful for Jiraiya who protects the vitals, but it hurts very much when it hits the body.

The dense small stones hit the gap in Jiraiya's head, making him dizzy.

Jiraiya's knees gave way and he almost fell.

There is also buzzing in my ears, and I can't hear anything clearly.


Guitou nodded in satisfaction, looking at his little stone that could kill everything in seconds.

"Even if you're a ninja, if you encounter this trick that I came up with, you have to lie down obediently! Give it to me! I want to be the first to enjoy him!"

The ghost head shouted, and the criminals rushed forward screaming, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Immediately, a group of people surrounded Zilaiye.

The prisoner who besieged him was not an ordinary person.

Even ordinary people are vicious inside.

They are proficient in their moves, and their advances and retreats are well-founded. Even if they are self-made, crises occur frequently.

More importantly, with so many people besieging him, he didn't have the time and space to seal.

"You bastards!!" Ji Laiye was shocked and angry, and there was a trace of fear.

"Tsk, tsk, do you like to speak foul words, boy...or do you just like rough ones? You will know how rough Mr. Guitou is after a while..."

Giggling and giggling, the ghost attacked Jiraiya with obscene language and obscene gestures.

Chapter 1634: Soap tricks people

Onitou's attack was either Jiraiya's cheek, or his chest, or he was going down the road.

It seems that he doesn't know how to fight without using obscene moves.

Accompanied by Guitou's nervous laughter, Jiraiya was finally knocked down to the ground.

Some prisoners restrained Jiraiya's arms, and some prisoners held down his two feet.

Then, Onito began to take off... Jiraiya's pants.


"Papa papa~!"

The wildly laughing ghost patted Jiraiya's butt a few times.

The prisoners also made obscene and obscene noises.

Jiraiya, who has been steeped in 18+ culture since childhood, doesn't know what is going to happen at this moment?

At this moment.

His heart was full of fear.


Normal people will never experience such a thing in their lifetime.


Zilai also regretted it at this moment.

But in the end, I regret being discovered by peeping.

I still regret the evil consequences of peeping this criminal act.

It is unknown.

And at the moment when Jiraiya was about to be philosophized...

"Stop! Everyone stop!"

A group of people from the Uchiha Police Department rushed in with batons and yelled at the prisoner.

Jiraiya, who is muddle-headed, avoids the danger of being philosophized.

However, he was also quite frightened.

Because this is a terrible thing that he has never experienced in his life.


That afternoon, dusk.

The prisoners were called to the public bathroom.

Inside the prison, there is such a facility.

In order to prevent diseases and plagues, the Uchiha Police Department pays great attention to the cleanliness of the prison.

One by one, the prisoners took their own toiletries and lined up to go to the public bathroom.


Zilai also carried a basin, which contained towels, bath towels, soap, and the clothes he had taken off.

But no shampoo.

Prisoners' bathing depends entirely on this piece of white, smooth and tender soap.

Jilai was also wearing a bath towel, standing like this among the crowd.

While the other prisoners wearing bath towels were queuing up, they pushed each other and laughed evilly and insolently from time to time.


There were still people who cast unfavorable glances at Zilaiye.

They seem to be looking forward to a friendly public bath with Jiraiya.

"Hey, you, go to the back."

A very familiar voice sounded from behind.

Jiraiya turned around abruptly, and saw the man who almost philosophized him today—Ghost.

Guitou patted a few prisoners, and they immediately showed a wretched look of "you know".

Then he exchanged places in line with the ghost head.


The ghosts who exchanged positions along the way came behind Jiraiya.

"Ha ha......"

Ghost hair exhaled full of male hormones, put his mouth next to Jiraiya's ear, and said viciously: "I'm looking forward to what will happen later..."


Ji Lai also shivered subconsciously, feeling extremely sick.

The dazed Jiraiya lined up all the way, and finally came to the bathroom.

The bathroom is very large, and there are more than 10 prisoners taking a bath at the same time.

They glanced at Jiraiya, showed meaningful smiles or eyes, then turned around and continued to take a bath.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Ji Lai also cheered himself up, walked to a shower nozzle, took off the towel, and turned on the switch.

The water flowed up and down.

To Jiraiya's surprise, the water was actually warm.

Moments later, Jiraiya started soaping himself.

And the moment he picked up the soap...

The other prisoners who were bathing more or less slowed down their bathing movements.

He began to glance over here without a trace.

When Jiraiya suddenly turned his head, all the prisoners continued to take a bath, as if they hadn't looked at Jiraiya at all.

This kind of tacit collective behavior of prison inmates made Ji Lai puzzled and fearful at the same time.

He's a ninja...

But I have never enjoyed this kind of prison blessing.

The shooting rules and methods here are completely different from those outside.

What I learned before can't be used here at all.

Jiraiya, who was thinking about these things, accidentally slipped the soap in his hand.


The sound of soap falling seemed to be an instruction.

When Jiraiya didn't fully react...

The nine prisoners, headed by Guitou, had already left their shower nozzles, walked over here, and surrounded Ji Laiye.

These strong men looked at Jiraiya with a sneer on their faces, and then moved their eyes back and forth between him and the soap on the ground.

Nine big men watched Zilaiye closely.

They didn't speak.

Did not move hands and feet.

Just watching with great interest and anticipation.


This is the most terrible.

Because I have no idea what will happen next.

Time passed like this, except for the sound of running water from the shower nozzle, there was no other sound in the public bathroom...

after a few seconds.

Jiraiya, with a dazed and frightened face, squatted down tremblingly, and reached for the soap.


"Help~! Help~~!!"

Moments later, ghosts and wolves were crying for help from the public bathroom.

When the police officers of the Uchiha family drank the prisoners who watched the excitement and ran into the public bath...

they see...

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