Naruto Danzo

Page 1825

"There was a problem with our time and space very early. That was discovered when I went to investigate Loulan myself...the real ancient country of Loulan..."

Danzang: "The real Loulan ancient country?"

Danzo frowned.

The thinking of smart people and smart people is connected.

The real Loulan ancient country... that is to say...

"Could it be...?!"

Danzo opened his eyes wide.


Qianshou Feijian nodded vigorously.

"The real Loulan ancient country existed 1000 years ago, in the age of Kaguya Hime..."

Qianshou Feijian uttered explosive news from his mouth.

"When I went to find the reason for Uchiha Izumi's disappearance... what I entered... was the center where all time and space converged... the ancient country of Loulan 1000 years ago... .The enemy is so powerful that even I can only choose to escape..."

Before that, the thousand hands were injured.

It was what he encountered when he entered Loulan.

"According to my investigation, Loulan 1000 years ago, that time-space convergence point, is continuously affecting our world... So, I thought of a plan..."

Take the initiative to attack and open the space-time rift.

No matter it is used as the starting point for anytime investigation, or it is linked to other time and space according to space-time technology.

In case the world is about to be destroyed, people have nowhere to escape.


The experiment in Qianshoubeijian failed.

"It's not a complete least, we have successfully mastered the first step in exploring the other world..."

Qianshou stared at Danzo, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

"Danzo, next I will do my best to study this space-time rift, don't tell anyone about it... try to improve your strength, and when that moment comes... you will be our The backbone of the..."

Senju Himama entrusted the responsibility of saving the world to his disciple, Shimura Danzo, with the last pot... oh no, entrusting the mission.


Uzumaki Mito is nestled next to Senju Bashirama, like a loving young couple.

Thousands of hands flipped through the scroll, studying all kinds of complicated data on the side.

Danzo took a deep breath.


Great grief filled his heart.

The most precious thing for human beings is life.

Everyone has only one life, some people may have two.

Human life should be spent like this:

Looking back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor will he be ashamed for persecuting others.

At the end of his life, he was able to say: My whole life and all my chakras have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the persecution of others.

Danzo looked at Senshou Feijian, Senshouzhujian, Uzumaki Mito with the deepest eyes, and a glance at the space-time gap...

Turn around and leave quickly.

Hurry up and live quickly, because an inexplicable blame, or an unexpected tragic event of being tricked by others, will interrupt life.


Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Senju Nawaki was born smoothly, and Tsunade had a little brother.

"It's born! It's born! Rika gave birth!!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun trotted all the way to Danzo's Anbu office...that is, in front of the document warehouse, shouting the good news loudly.

This is the first time that Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has set foot here again since half a year ago.

In front of the door, it was quiet.

Not a single guard saw it.

Although Xiaochun was a little surprised at this point, he quickly put it behind him.


Zhuanzhu Xiaochun kicked open the door of Anbu's office.

A strange smell of medicine came to my face.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

A few seconds later... Turning to bed Xiaochun's body began to sway.

"This smell... this, this, what is this...?"

next second.

Turning to the bed Xiaochun had corns, felt the world was spinning~~~~, and immediately fell to the side, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

half an hour...

A dog poked its head out, looking left and right.

That prickly hair, and the pretendingly serious but very flat expression, who is it if it is not Danzo?

Seeing the sleeping Xiaochun lying on the ground.

Danzo couldn't help but sighed: "Alas... why is it Xiaoharu..."


10 minutes later, Hokage Building.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun tilted her neck and leaned on the sofa.

Although he was weak all over, he still yelled: "Danzo, you bastard! You even plot against me! What do you want to do when you put anesthesia on me? Are you coveting my body~? In fact, coveting is also possible!"

That is absolutely impossible.

Danzo, who looked like a dog, was looking back and forth at the furnishings of Hokage's office, but he didn't even look at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.

This style made Hiruzaru Sarutobi frown slightly.

"Danzo... what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing... I'm just on guard against enemies coming from any corner..."

Then, Danzo, who was observing the surroundings, suddenly looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Ri Zhan, do you have anything else to do? I'm going back quickly..."

Looking at Danzo's nervous look.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help sighing.

Since half a year ago, after the day of April Fool's Day, Danzo has become very chattering.

He looks suspicious all day long, saying every day that an enemy will pop out from a certain corner.

"If it's okay...don't run to my office..."

Danzo said.

"There are a lot of traps and organs in my place... The anesthetic to open the door is just a warning, and life is in danger if you go inside..."

Danzo said seriously.

This makes Hiruzaru Sarutobi feel even more...Danzo may have a mental problem.

"Sun Zhan... In recent years, our enemies have become more and more active, and there are still many enemies hidden in the unknown depths. Maybe they are planning to harm us. We must be cautious, cautious, and cautious... ..”

After being cheated severely by Qianshou Feijian.

Danzo no longer believed in safety.

He believes that no place in this world is safe at present...


There are enemies jumping out of the space-time tunnel...

This world is already a finished world.

Chapter 1770. A New Journey

"Home...a warm home..."

Danzo got up, leaning on crutches, and left the Hokage Building dutifully.

Only Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others were left looking at each other.


After leaving the Hokage Building, Danzo carefully looked around.

half year ago.

After experiencing the cheating incident between Senshoubeijian, Danzo learned a lot of extra things.

For example, Naoto, Senshou Aung Xing, the spirited boy of burning escape, Uchiha Shisui...

They are all inseparably related to Loulan from 1000 years ago that Qianshou Feijian mentioned.

That is to say...

In the future, there will be many strange people who have the template of the protagonist.

Long Aotian has it.

There is also waste wood flow.

There are also adventure streams.

rebirth flow...

Next, is it a mortal flow?

Oh no......

Danzo thought about it again, the images of Mito Montaro and Beiruhu, two spirited guys, these two... seem to be like mortals.

After the mortal flow, it must be the invincible flow.

If you encounter the protagonist of the invincible style, it may be very difficult to deal with.

After all, the protagonist of the invincible style, the full level of 9999 when going out, 9999999 for one knife...

Although I have been going smoothly for so many years.

But after all, it is Naruto's first pot king.

After years of victories, you must not let your mind go to the ground, and you must have a sense of crisis.

Just like that Uchiha Shisui, who suddenly came out of the dark to assassinate himself.

These are all crises.

One Uchiha Shisui is enough to be annoying, if there are more...

Little life is not guaranteed.

After all, no matter how hard you practice, you are not a reincarnation of a god, and there is no god as a wild father.

Saving the world depends on Prince Ming and Fat Zhu.

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