Naruto Danzo

Page 1851

"It's not good at all~! Hmph~!"

Kushina raised her small fist, demonstrated for a while, then turned and left.


In a blink of an eye.

Time flies and a week has passed.

Uzumaki Kushina still passes by this road every day, and can see Namikaze Minato appearing on this road every day.

after all......

Uzumaki Kushina didn't dye her hair.

During this time, she met up with boys in other classes again.

of course.

The winner is Kushina Uzumaki.

She beat up all the elementary school students.

Because of waving long red hair and beating boys half to death,

Her nickname has also changed from "The Richest Man in Tomatoes" to "Crazy Bloody Pepper Man".

Blood Red Pepper Uzumaki Kushina.

Mention her name, everyone in the ninja school knows everyone.

until one day......

The cherry tree is blooming.

The fluttering cherry blossoms sway in the wind.

Uzumaki Kushina...on the way to school.

Feeling the atmosphere on both sides of the road, Kushina's always angry mood... gradually became cheerful.

" beautiful..."

Uzumaki Kushina stretched out her hand and let the cherry blossoms fall into her hands.



Uzumaki Kushina was startled, and immediately put on a fighting stance.

This is a natural reaction caused by the many bear children's previous school encirclement and sneak attacks on Jiu Xinnai.

From behind a cherry blossom tree, two bear children walked out.

one is......

The boy who was first ridden on the face by Kushina, who was repaired on the first day of transfer.

one is......

"It's you...the guy who beat my brother to tears..."

With an extremely arrogant tone, a figure somewhat similar to the former... came over.

It's that boy's brother.

But the height is more than 30 centimeters higher.

"Who told this guy to keep troubling me~! He's obviously a wimp...!"

Uzumaki Kushina clenched her fists and sprayed the boy without hesitation.


The boy was stared at by Kushina Uzumaki, and he took a few steps back in fright.

It seems... Kushina has caused him a considerable psychological shadow.


Seeing his younger brother's disappointing performance, the elder brother just snorted arrogantly, and pointed to his forehead...the shining forehead guard.

"I'm a ninja! How about it? It's amazing!"


It was only then that Kushina noticed that the boy's brother was a ninja.

That is...

A real ninja.

"The villain who bullied my younger brother... must be educated..."

This renown pinched his knuckles and made a crackling sound.

A malicious smile bloomed on his face.


Kushina showed an expression of reluctance to admit defeat, and clenched her fists...


What happened to the ninja?

She beat Nine Tails away!

Chapter 1796. Your red hair

So far...

The battle of Ninja school students VS Xia Ninja begins!

Jumping between the cherry blossom trees, the two chased after each other.

"call out!"

The ninja threw a handful of kunai, and Kushina dodged quickly, narrowly avoiding this extremely dangerous blow.


'This guy...actually uses real kunai...! '

Kushina's pupils shrank.

The training equipment of the students of the ninja school is basically unopened.

And the ninja thrown by this name just actually an Kaifeng ninja tool that can only be used against the enemy! !

Feeling the crisis, her adrenaline started to secrete.

Faced with an attack that threatened her life, Kushina...

Be serious.

After jumping onto the trunk of a tree, Kushina suddenly jumped behind with the help of the rebound.


She posed... in a posture that resembled Lei Li's Hot Saber Body Technique.

Has Jiuxinna been to Yunyin Village?

Most likely not.

Then has she heard of the legend of Lei Li's hot knife?

Must have heard of it.

But the action at this moment is just a subconscious reaction.

after all......

It is not allowed to kill people in the village, and there is no real Kunai in Kushina.

The times have changed.

At that time, Danzo, even a child, was armed to the teeth.

Uzumaki Kushina stretched out her right arm and clenched her right fist.


Kushina bumped into the opponent's body.

The inner side of the arm directly hit the opponent's neck, just like a real Lei Li hot knife.

That ninja fell to the ground miserably, making a thumping sound.

And the uninjured Kushina... landed safely.



However, the next moment, that figure disappeared.

What appeared there...was a log!

Oops!It's a substitute technique!

Kushina stood up, trying to find her opponent.

However, that ninja suddenly appeared behind Kushina, and hit Kushina's neck with a hand knife.


Kushina suffered from pain and fell directly to the ground.


This name resisted and grabbed Kushina's hair, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Can't you even detect the substitute technique? You're still a brat..."

The ninja boy sneered.

"Hehe... This hair is really tomato... It's fluffy like thread... This kind of hair is too eyesore!"

Say it.

The boy laughed, gloating.

"It really deserves it!"

What he greeted... were Kushina's tears.

"Me too...I too...hate this hair so much~~!!!"

Kushina pushed forward, enduring the pain, even if her hair broke.

She finally broke free, and then, turning around, began to fight back.

One punch.

at last......

It was jumping high, and one foot fell down, chopping down like an axe.


Oh, not all similar physical exercises are called Pain Tianjiao.

After all, Uzumaki Kushina did not master the strange power.

This is just a common physical technique.


The boy fell backwards heavily.

"Take a gala..."

Kushina rode on him, bowed left and right, swung his fists, and beat the opponent into a pig's head.

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