Naruto Danzo

Page 1857

at last......

Only Danzo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Koharu Koharu, Mitomon Yan were left at the scene...

as well as......

Tsunade and Senju Masaaki.

"Thanks a lot."

Danzo said to Masaaki Senju.

The next moment, Senju Masaaki, who was lying on the ground, got up, nodded and bowed to Danzo.

Seeing this incredible scene, Tsunade didn't understand that he was really stupid.


Masaaki Senju is an actor invited by Danzo.

The purpose is to deter others in this meeting.

And now...

The purpose was perfectly achieved.

"Zhengming, you have great acting skills and are very suitable to be a spy. I agree to your request... From now on, you can transfer to the intelligence department..."

"Thank you Danzo-sama!"

Qianshou Zhengming has a happy face.

Ever since he was a child, his dream has been to be an actor.

And the intelligence department headed by the mountain family... is obviously the kind of department that is very suitable for acting.

At the cost of a slap in the face, dreams can come true.

Senju Masaaki thought it was worth it!

Chapter 1802. Thousand-hand Rope Tree

"Yuyin Village is an ally we can unite with. With the help of this Ninja World War, this is a good opportunity."

After Qianju Masaaki left.

Danzo returned to his seat and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

If it is in peacetime.

Sansho Hanzo was hesitant to consider forming an alliance with Konoha....

And as the saying goes, a friend in adversity sees the truth.

When Yuyin Village is facing a real crisis, he can see who can truly become his ally.

With the progress of the war, Yuyin Village will inevitably be defeated in the end in the face of the troops of Shayin and Yanyin.

Without the participation of Konoha, it forms a mutual constraint with Yanyin Village and Sandyin Village.

I am afraid......

Yuyin Village will kneel faster.


In the following days.

Konoha is business as usual.

The launch of the ninja war did not seem to affect the situation in Konoha.

After losing some ninjas due to the sudden attack of Erwuzai Shayin Village, Konoha, who has stood firm on the defense line, quietly waited for the evolution of the situation.

The whole country of fire.

There are ninjas stationed all over the border.

The huge ninja village is in a defensive posture.


Konoha's strategy is considered by other ninja villages as a sign of weakness and lack of strength.


No Shinobu village really thinks that Konoha can't do it.

They conquered the city cautiously, showing their ambitions.

Since Konoha chose to hide and defend.


It would be a good choice to take advantage of this opportunity to devour other ninja villages and countries one by one, and finally gather forces to deal with Konoha.

Therefore, the ninja world war is still in full swing, and the drums and drums are tight.

Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, Wuyin Village, and Yunyin Village are all engaged in war according to their own plans.

During this time, Danzo was also waiting.

Waiting for the situation in Yuyin Village to reverse...

At that point, he'll show up, and then...

"one two three!"

A childish voice suddenly sounded in front of the door.

"Fire Escape·Great Flame..."

When the person behind the door is forming seals and intends to release ninjutsu...

Danzo waved, and the door opened.


Danzo's condensed wind hand grabbed the boy behind the door.


The attacker hiding behind the door immediately screamed.

"Father Danzo, you, how did you find me~!!!"

"Stupid Natoki, remember not to shout when you sneak attack next time~!"

Uchiha Yoko, who was sitting on the side drinking tea, said very speechlessly.

"Ugh, Aunt Yoko..."

The person who came was none other than Tsunade's stinky younger brother, Senju Nawaki.

Senju Nawaki, male, 11 years old, ninja.

The grandson of Senjujuma.

The son of Qianshou Angxing.

At the same time... is also Danzang's half-son.

a year ago.

Senju Nawaki graduated from ninja school and became a ninja.

Danzo can be sure of one thing...

The world he lives in does not take the route of TV animation.

At least......

The fate of rope tree is not set by TV animation.

In this timeline, Nawaki's teacher is not Orochimaru.

In the comics, there is no such setting that Orochimaru is Mr. Naoki.

In the original manga, after Senju Nawaki's death, Orochimaru sneered and laughed and told Tsunade about Nawaki's death.

But that's fine too.

If you teach the rope tree to Orochimaru, it may become an experimental material someday.

"Rope Tree, where's your teacher?"

Yoko Uchiha asked.

"The teacher went out to perform the task again! Papa is not at home again... Mama also ran away... I was left alone..."

Senju Nawaki snapped his fingers and spoke innocently.

So... here comes the problem.

Since it's not Orochimaru...

That Uchiha Yoko asked, who is the teacher of Rope Tree?

With Naoki's stinky temper...

If you follow Jiraiya, you will not only learn to be bad, but also become more and more lawless.

Therefore, it is definitely not Zilai.

"Teacher, he is really stingy..."

Senju Nawaki sniffed.

"I asked him for that broken dagger and he didn't even give it to me. What a cheapskate..."

So far, the name of Senju Nawaki's teacher is ready to be revealed.

That's right.

Danzo arranged for Senju Nawaki to be a very suitable teacher...

Hatake Sakumo.

This move is not only beneficial to Shengshu.

Indirectly, it could also save Hatake Sakumo's life.

Sakumo Hatake's only problem...

The background is not hard enough.

During partisan disputes, accidentally died.


Hatake Sakumo has qualifications from Anbe, and his boss is Danzo.

The disciple is Genzheng Miaohong, the grandson of Qianshou Zhujian, Qianshou Shengshu.

With such dual identities, no one can touch Sakumo Hatake.

It can be said......

As long as there are no accidents between Danzo and Senju Naoki, then Hatake Sakumo can definitely live in peace and stability until old age.

of course.

When Naoki with a bad temper knew that he wanted to worship Hatake Sakumo as his teacher, he was very disdainful.

Seeing the prematurely aging, white-haired Hatake Sakumo, Senju Nawaki refused.

Until Hatake Sakumo showed off his knives.

Let Senju Nawaki understand what Konoha Baiya is.

Senju Nawaki's eyes immediately turned into shining little stars, and he was about to pretend to fly together with Hatake Sakumo.

The process...that's basically it.

And as the ninja world war is in full swing, Hatake Sakumo is also very busy.

To be sent out to assassinate this one today and that one tomorrow.

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