Naruto Danzo

Page 1883

Unauthorized plagiarism of Qianshou Aung Xing's skills, and named it the Danzo of "Moon Step" in One Piece.

It is rushing towards the huge meteorite.

Everyone who was originally looking dull, today... once again saw someone go up into the sky...

Chapter 1825. Isn't it just a stone? !Watch me push it back!


When Chi Xing didn't understand what was going on...

Danzo has been in contact with the meteorite.

"Isn't it just a rock?! Watch me push it back [using Gundam]!"


Danzo has no Gundam for the time being.

Even if there is...

Even that effort would not be able to hold this stone.

and so.

Danzo employs another extremely effective strategy...

"Shrinkage technique...!"

In a flash...

The ninjutsu produced by Ninjutsu Invention System is activated.


Danzo used it to only do miniature sculptures.

With a sound of brushing, the meteorite shrunk, shrinking to one sixteenth the size on the spot...

One sixteenth of a diameter of 50 meters...

That is 3.125 meters.

Red Star: "???"

In the blink of an eye, the meteorite shrank to such a large size at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

To stop a 3.125m boulder from falling...

Danzo can still do it.


Chi Xing gasped, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Young name Viguna?!"

Bo Renchuan comics.

There is a BOSS named Otsuki Ichishiki.

Datongmu Yishi has the technique of pupils, and it is called... less named Viguna.

The little name Viguna can shrink the objects he sees, and he can also shrink himself hundreds of times.Cannot shrink any living creature except itself.

"Stop your mother..."

Danzo waved his spear and picked up the boulder.

The 3-meter stone...was easily picked up by him.

Poor Meteorite, who failed to fulfill its mission, was sanctioned by Danzo......

Next, it's deformed for a long... long... long time.

At least ten days and a half months.

Ignoring the boulder flying out, Danzo's body began to fall.

After reacting, Akahoshi turned his head violently and looked at Danzo.

And the falling Danzo...

He also raised his head and stared at the red star in the sky.


Danzo said.

"What do you want to do to my companion?"

Danzo asked with a look full of killing intent.

Then, Akahoshi saw the head in Danzo's hand...

The head of the vampire Bloody Mary.

"How is it possible?! That woman with the power of a actually dead?!"

Chi Xing's pupils suddenly widened.

"This guy......"

Danzo raised Mary's head, which was held in his left hand.

"It's quite resistant to tossing... At least it's more resistant to tossing than you, what do you think?"


It doesn't take much effort to kill you.

That arrogant and arrogant smile made Chi Xing feel a killing intent in his heart.

Just a look, both sides projected an incomparable murderous intent.

"Solution, solved?"

Jasmine at the bottom looked bewildered.

Before she could react, she was about to be crushed to death by a meteorite.

And the next two days, when she thought so, the crisis was suddenly lifted...

Received a lot of messages...

she feels...

My little heart can't bear it.

Not just her.

Almost everyone was stunned and dazed, and didn't understand the process from the beginning to the end.


This is the fighting method of the gods.


The nature of ordinary traversers is thus exposed.


Most of the traversers are existences that obtain power out of thin air.

It's completely different from a real fighter.


Facing an opponent who is completely unclear about the depth...

Chi Xing chose to run away.

Of course, he would comfort himself with words such as "strategic retreat", "it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years", "keep the green hills alive without worrying about no firewood"... and so on, to realize the "spirit of Ah Q". ".

Long-lost fear welled up in my heart.

He didn't know what happened to Zhao Yun.

Simply spooky...scary!

"I'll be back again!"

Leaving a classic line of the villain, the red star soars into the sky!

It is in stark contrast to Danzo, who is falling and descending.

This is the end.

Yanyin Village was defeated like a mountain.



Yuyin Village held a banquet to celebrate the long-lost victory.

And Sanshoyu Hanzo, who had killed the enemy outside, naturally heard about what happened during the day when he returned.

After Danzo finished washing up and dealt with the matter at hand...

Then he took Uchiha Yoko, Jasmine and the others to the tower where Sansho Hanzo was.

before attending a dinner party.

Sanjiao Hanzo has something to call.


It's something like a reward for meritorious deeds.

This time, it was a young man about 16 or 7 years old who led the way.

Instead of Nicholas.

A little bloody smell came from his body...

Perhaps, he was also injured in the daytime battle today.

The boy Yuren turned his head, looked at Danzang and said with a smile: "Seeing General Zilong's performance today, he is really brave... This time, it is a long-lost victory..."

"It's easy to say, easy to say...just a few jounin..."

Danzo waved his hand, very modestly.

After all, there was Tsuchikage Ohnoki on it.

But in fact......

'That guy named Chixing... is probably a time traveler...'

Danzo thought so, and continued to move.

"The morale of the companions has increased a lot, and everyone is very happy..."

He was talking.

"Everyone says...if General Zilong is around, then...even if some powerful character attacks, don't be afraid..."

"Ha ha......"

Danzo could only simply laugh at this.

after all......

I am not the god of ninja Senju Hashirama, keep a low profile... Be modest... Don't be arrogant.

Although it is temporarily victorious.

But no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Yuyin Village......

Like a boat floating in the sea.

As long as there is a huge wave or storm, it may sink.

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