That is to say...

"This Senshou Aung Xing is a bigger threat than Shimura Danzo!"


Hinata Chinatsu stared back and forth between Danzo and those two... scumbags with a pair of white eyes.

Obviously, Danzang couldn't find the two people who were Hu Bei.

The little girl lowered her head slowly, "I don't know~, I don't know anything~, you messed with "Ninja Darkness Diablo Danzo", you can only count yourself as unlucky~. "

Chapter 159. Is he actually a domineering CEO?

"Oh, the food is ready, let's eat."

Shennong picked up the bowl with great enthusiasm and served everyone a bowl of mishmash.

Hyuga Qianxia took it from Shennong.

Both Danzang and Qianshou Angxing have a share.


Danzo held the bowl in one hand, greeted everyone with the other, and suddenly yelled.


Shen Nong looked at Danzang with some puzzlement, not knowing what he meant.

"What if he poisons the rice?" Danzo pointed to the still bubbling cauldron and reminded him very "kindly".

Shennong is proficient in medical ninjutsu.

At the same time, proficient in herbal medicine.

Being proficient in herbalism means...Shen Nong has a lot of research on poisons.

Maybe when he fainted, what if he added poison to the meal while cooking?

"Yes, probably not..."

Chika Hinata said weakly.

I suspect that the entrusting task will put poison in the food... I am afraid Danzo is No.1.

"Amahi! 【Innocence】"

Danzo scolded, making Hinata Chika shiver in fright.

"My elementary school classmate with glasses, my father in Hawaii once told us that in a poisoning case in Hawaii, the client poisoned the hired detective!"

"Oh... oh..." Hinata Qianxia blinked her eyes inexplicably, although she didn't know where Hawaii was.

Also, the classmate who wears glasses, do you mean Mitomon Yan?

Qianshou Angxing frowned, "Will you poison the food?"

This sentence is questioning Shennong.

Everyone shut down on the spot.

Oh my god, dear young master, you are too upright......

Anyone would say: I won't's easy to cut.

"I ask you...would you put poison in your food?!"

Qianshou Angxing's tone suddenly rose a few degrees.

He is questioning.

At this moment, those indifferent eyes turned sharp.

The eyebrows also formed a straight line obliquely.


Danzo restrained his funny expression, and looked a little dignified.

Because, at this moment, he actually saw the demeanor of another person on Qianshou Ang Xing's face.

If we talk about this moment, who is Qianshou Angxing like?

Certainly not like Senshouzhujian, but like...Thousands of Hands...


I hope it's not a wood escape green.

"I'm asking you!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Qianshou Angxing, there was a hint of firmness on that cheek?

That was Danzo's indifferent expression, a performance he had never seen before.

"Of course I won't poison..."

Shennong's tone weakened a little.

Even he himself didn't know why he...felt a bit of fear in the face of a kid whose strength was at most only Chunin.

Could it be that this is because of the domineering aura inherited from the ninja god?

In the next moment, Qianshou Angxing calmed down and was ready to eat.


Danzo's heart began to twitch.

Why is this child so innocent?

"Ninja: Poison Detection!"

Sealed, fingertips shine.

The faint green light hovered like a small snake, passing the rice bowl in Qianshou Ang Xing's hand.

While Qianshou Aung Xing froze slightly, the little snake continued to fly, and then passed by Hyuga Qianxia.

Hinata Qianxia blinked her eyes, of course she knew that Danzo would not harm her—unless she revealed what she knew.

Finally... experience Danzo's rice bowl.

"Well, it's not poisonous."

Danzo nodded and began to eat.

Not to mention, the craftsmanship of this old thing [Shen Nong] is not bad.

Shennong raised his bowl in embarrassment.

His cheeks visibly twitched.

He was definitely not happy to be frightened by the two brats and save face.

Qianshou Angxing's eyes were burning, because of the ninjutsu just now, he... began to pay attention to Danzo.

Those eyes that were burning like flames... were definitely not filled with the unyielding eyes of Naoto, but a kind of eagerness and heat.

As if to say: "Very well, man, you managed to get my attention."

Danzo: "..."

The dinner ended in such a weird atmosphere.

Danzo took out a scroll from his hand, and under the gaze of the three of them, "Untie."

The smoke rose, and Shennong and Hyuga Chinatsu, who were originally calm, began to twitch.

I saw...

In front of Danzo, a large bed was unsealed from the scroll.

There are quilts, pillows, pajamas, and...a little yellow duck expression.jpg toy on the big bed.

"Wow, the little yellow duck is so cute~." Hyuga Chinatsu naturally had no resistance to this cute little yellow duck.


"good night!"

After Danzo put on his pajamas and nightcap, he lay down happily on the big bed and began to sleep.

Only Shennong and Hinata Chinatsu were left with bewildered and maddened faces.

They have never heard of it from ~~~~~~~~, is there such a ninja who can enjoy it?

This is not a ninja at all~!

"Cut, where is this?"

Danzang took the little yellow duck toy and put it beside his pillow.

Whether it is Senjujuma, or the captain of Yamato in later generations, they will use the four pillars to build a house for cutting.

So Hyuga Qianxia leaned against the tree trunk miserable.

Qianshou Ang Xing sat cross-legged with his hands folded around his chest.

Shennong randomly found a piece of grass and lay down...

Only Danzo, who was wearing a furry nightcap, lay happily on the big comfortable bed, and by the way, there was a cute little yellow duck toy by his pillow.

so good......

"Shouldn't it be a polite lady...I curse you for not being able to find a girlfriend, not being able to find a girlfriend..." Hyuga Qianxia resented.


The next day, early in the morning.


Danzo stretched and yawned, obviously sleeping very comfortably.


The kunai stuck next to the shoe was pulled out, and Chinatsu Hyuga felt...something seemed to have disappeared.

Ninjutsu alarm, D-level, produces a ninjutsu enchantment with a radius of about 6 meters.

Basically, it can be considered as Konoha Hidden Village, a smaller version of the spherical enchantment.

The function is that once a creature [configurable] breaks in, Danzo will be prompted.

At that time, Danzo will wake up from his sleep.

It is really a must-have item for home travel and prevention of theft.

"I rely on..."

As soon as Danzo started walking, he saw Hinata Chinatsu with a face full of resentment and dark circles under his eyes.

Shaking his head, he used a scroll to put away the big bed and the little yellow duck toy together.

"Let's go!"

Qianshou Angxing said in a low voice.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they couldn't help but listen to him.

As for Qianshou Aung Xing, although his tone is still indifferent,... there are often fiery glances at Danzo.

go all the way...

"Eldest young master, your it a little too hot?"

Danzo finally couldn't bear the gaze, so he said.

If you want to persecute others, you should also learn to hide your eyes.

Danzo didn't expect Qianshou Angxing to answer, because Qianshouangxing never replied to him.

Not once since the metamorphosis, hmm.

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