"Yes, is it?"

Uchiha Yoko covered her side face with one hand, a little red.

His eyes also looked aside.

This cute and adorable pose makes people can't help but want to continue to tease her.

But thinking that he still has to work hard to practice, Danzo had to give up for the time being.

"Secretary, come on, after a while... at the end of this year, or early next year, there may be a "special jounin" selection in the village..."

Danzo collected his expression and said seriously.

"How do you know?" Uchiha Yoko raised his head, the blush on his face dissipated.

"Of course because my teacher is Qianshoubeijian, I am a related household."

Danzo said very proudly.

Although the master-student relationship has not been announced, Uchiha Yoko has known for several years that Danzo's teacher is Senshou Feima.

"You go through the back door~."

Yoko Uchiha said angrily.

"I'm going on patrol~."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Yoko stuffed the specific practice method scroll to Danzo, and left here.

And a few minutes after Yoko Uchiha left...

Danzo turned to his side thoughtfully.

A figure of Anbu suddenly appeared here.

Somewhat familiar.

"You are..." Danzo blinked.

"I'm a leopard! I'm a leopard~!! How many times have I said it~!!" The other party said frantically.

"Oh, Mr. Leopard, long time no see, you look good, even your chest muscles have grown."

Danzo patted the opponent's pectoralis major.

"Hmph, I've already been promoted to an elite jōnin, don't underestimate me... brat."

Leopard's complacent mood then spread out.

Naruto, there are many ways to evaluate a person's strength.

However, the official formula book has a very intuitive evaluation method.

That's... base values.

Some people's base value is not necessarily very high.

But... the total value of the master must not be bad.

Although Kishimoto didn't say it explicitly, he hinted at the classification of Hokage's strength in the formula book.

Strength = basic value + plug-in or various BUFF

99% of the people rely on the basic stats to complete the ninja promotion assessment.

The remaining 1% are linked to B, and the basic value is not enough, but relying on the legend of the eyes or the legend of the tailed beast, or the legend of reincarnation, they are forced to become monsters.

Kurenai Yuhi has just been promoted to Jonin, with a value of 58.If it is lower than 58, it is a special Jnin.

If you don't know Huo Xuanjian, the total value is 54.

Morino Ibiki, the total value is 55.

The total value of Moonlight Blast is 45.

All three of them are extremely forbearing.

Iruka has a total value of 44 and is a Chunin.

Combined with Shippuden, Sakura and others became Chunin.

In other words, the strength of Genin and Elite Genin is below 33.

The strength of Chunin and Elite Chunin is between 34 and 44.

Especially Jonin's strength is 45~57.

Jonin's strength is above 58.

There is no reference to the strength of elite jounin.

Because after Jonin, it is the world of cheating.Base values ​​are useful, but not absolute.

Naruto's combat power collapsed, you know.

But at least, it shows that...

"You are stronger than Yuhi, a certain red..."

Danzo looked at Leopard with some surprise, and had a change in his strength.

The opponent's total value is at least 58 or more.

And myself ... only poor 44?The limit of elite Chunin?Not even 45 Moonlight Gale?

That is to say, the goods that were caught in the sand by Murakami Shinobi?

"Haha... At least I'm stronger than Iruka-sensei..."

In addition, there are many cheats in Danzang, and you can increase your own strength through cheating.

"It's a long way to go..."

Danzo sighed.

And Leopard, who couldn't understand what Danzo was saying at all~~~~~~~~, just rolled his eyes.

Anyway, this kid's convulsions are not a day or two.

Leopard said that when I beat him at the age of 9, I watched him twitch.

It's been almost 6 years, and this kid is still smoking!

"What's the matter with me?"

After the draw was over, Danzo asked.

"Lord Hokage summons."

Oh, it's the same old story again.


After 20 minutes, Danzo arrived at Hokage's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qianshou frowning on the door.

"Danzo, those people from the Shimura clan dare to persecute you?!"

Qianshou Feijian's tone was not very good.

Obviously, very angry about this incident!

Paper wrapped fire.

After more than a week, this matter was finally found out by Qianshou Feijian.

Although I don't know which guy from the Shimura clan fell into the hands of Senshou Tomonama...

"Uh... Teacher, what are you going to do?"

Danzo straightened his neck and blinked.

Add a crime to the Shimura clan with a disagreement and persecute them?


But what's more likely...it seems to be treating me as Uchiha Itachi?

Patted on the shoulder, smiled and said to me: "Danzo... In order to preserve the reputation of the Shimura clan, you can kill the entire Shimura clan. At that time, the old man will leave you with Shimura Masumi... ...."


Chapter 189. Danzo, do you want to be Hokage?

"In the end, like Uchiha Itachi, I betrayed Ninja Village..."

Oh no.

"My method was too perfect. I disguised the death of the whole clan as an infighting... Then I became the only descendant of the Shimura clan..."

"As for Shimura Masumi, in order to prevent future troubles, I killed her too."

"From then on, in Konoha Hidden Village, there is only one member of the Shimura clan in my Shimura group..."

"What are you mumbling about, Danzo?!

Qianshou folded his arms around his chest, naturally he didn't know what his disciple was thinking.

"Your thoughts?"

"Oh, teacher... this matter, I think... it's better for me to do it myself."

Danzo nodded.

"As long as those of my tribe come to give experience like gourd babies saving grandpa, I think it's fine..."

"If there is a day when I can't bear it any longer, then please trouble the teacher to uphold justice for me..."

As long as the opponent doesn't need to lose several levels of elite monsters, Danzo thinks it's nothing.

In fact, when that day comes, it is not too late to ask the teacher to support him.

But the Cricket Shimura clan.

What waves can really stir up?


Senshou Feijian stared at Danzo for a long time, and finally nodded.

"It's up to you."

"Mr. Boots..."

After Danzo finished speaking, he cupped his hands and prepared to leave.

"Danzo." Qianshou Feijian called his disciple from behind again, "Has your practice direction been settled during this time?"

"Well, teacher, to be honest..."

Danzo turned around again and told about his practice plan.

The second phase of Thunder Chakra mode.

Qianshou Feijian didn't ask, and Danzo didn't tell the origin.

Maybe, Qian Shou Feijian will brainstorm and make up the second stage of cultivation method that his disciple invented by himself.

As for the shadow binding technique of the Nara clan...

This group did not say.

At that time, just find a reason to fool the past.


Qian Shou Fei suddenly thought of his title.

"Ninja World's No. [-] Speed"

It seems that his disciple also came in this direction.

"What about Fengdun?"

Practice non-family attributes.

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