Then, a guy stood up and walked this way.

Without any explanation, he sat directly opposite Danzo... on the empty seat that Danzo pointed to just now.

"Shimura Danzo, what the hell are you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a sharp and loud reprimand.

"Disrespectful! You nasty fellow!"

It was Shimura Yuichi who spoke.

Shimura Yui clenched his samurai sword tightly, with an angry expression on his face.

"Humble guy, the patriarch didn't grant a seat, how dare you sit there!"

Saying that, Shimura Yui turned his head and looked at Danzo.

"Lord patriarch, please allow your subject [me] to punish this disrespectful criminal!"

The ninja from the Shimura clan blinked continuously, wanting to say something else.

The next moment, Shimura Yui rushed up and beat him up.

"Sinner! Taste my fist of loyalty!"

After punching and kicking, the poor guy was already curled up on the ground, only twitching.


Silence, the bare silence.

Not only the two ninjas from the Shimura clan were dumbfounded, but even the other people who ate at the restaurant seemed dumbfounded.

What the hell? !

Is this Shimura Clan's special jōnin crazy? !

Yes, Shimura Yui is a special Jonin.

16 years old, especially ninja.

If it weren't for the fact that there is only a single attribute "wind", I'm afraid he would have been promoted to Jonin.

Then, Shimura Yui, who had finished beating the opponent, slowly moved away.

Bowing slightly to Danzo: "Master Patriarch... let these sinners interrupt your meal, the only one is very sad..."

"Nothing, good job."

Danzo nodded slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on the latter's face.

"Shimura Danzo..."

Those two Shimura ninjas ran over, helped up their bloodied companion who had been beaten, and pointed towards them with trembling fingers.


Shimura Yuichi let out a sharp shout.

"You have to call the patriarch!"

The sound is clanging and majestic.

The firmness and...threat contained in it made the two members of the Shimura clan not refute after all.

However, they didn't dare to BB against the group, but they could talk to Shimura Yui.

"Shimura's only one!"

The guy on the left spoke.

"What the hell is going on with you?"

"Hmph [sound]!"

Shimura Yui gave a cold snort, his eyes shining like black jewels brushed past several people.

The disdain, contempt, and disgust contained in the eyes are vivid.

"Sinners, I, Shimura, have made the only decision... As the most loyal subject of the Shimura clan, I swear! I will do my best to help Danzo-sama become the head of the clan! Lead the Shimura clan again!"

"Hmm~~~." With a smile on his face, Danzang nodded slightly, which can be described as a joyful dragon face.

After being stunned for a moment, the guy on the right yelled: "Shimura Yuichi, you idiot! Have you been brainwashed by him? Stupid guy! Returning to the patriarch? He's just a SB!"


Shimura Yui was so angry that a well appeared on his forehead.

The cheeks that were as beautiful as an angel flushed red all of a sudden.

"You, you dare to insult the patriarch~~~~~!"

"Shimura's only one!"

Seeing that Shimura Yui was angry, the other party yelled back without showing any weakness.

"You sand sculpture woman! This brat Shimura Danzo eats people without spitting out his bones, and he doesn't even blink his eyes when he fools people. You actually believed his nonsense!! You are a born bitch!"

Shimura was so angry that he almost gave up his breath: "How dare you insult the patriarch! Also... I am the most loyal person in the Shimura clan!"

"Loyalty?! Hmph!"

The other party started to sneer, already putting his own safety out of his body.

"You just wait... Sooner or later, this brat will eat you up and throw you away like garbage! You are just a fool who was fooled by him!"


Shimura's only gritted his teeth, and the angry expression on his face disappeared a lot. However, looking at her eyes flickering with anger, one could was the calm before the storm.

"I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon!" [This slogan was given to Huyou by Danzo...]

Shimura Yui raised his samurai sword, and with a buzz, activated the Dark Walking Art.

Suddenly, the restaurant was shrouded in darkness.

Customers screaming, plates shattering, people tripping... in short, it was chaos.

In this darkness, several rays of light suddenly flickered.

That was Shimura's only attack.


Those guys screamed, and Shimura Yui got rid of them within a few strokes.

With the lights turned off and such a narrow place, they couldn't use their skills even if they wanted to.

Danzo heard the sound of something rolling down the first floor.

And then... the light reappeared.

The scene was chaotic, Shimura Yui came over and said respectfully: "Master Patriarch, I have already punished those criminals."

"Well, well done..."

Danzo raised his head and looked at Shimura Yuichi.

"Remember, even though they are sinners, there is a possibility to change their past and become good... After all, the Shimura clan still needs manpower, and I also need soldiers on the road to the restoration of the clan [country]..."


Shimura Yui kept nodding, obviously being educated.

"I am the patriarch, the patriarch of the Shimura clan... That is to say, I cannot live for myself, but for the well-being of my clan... This is the style of the king, a new series, Heaven's Breaker and Chaos..."

"The patriarch is wise and mighty!"

Shimura only shouted that Danzang is benevolent and governs the clan, wise and powerful.


A few days later, Danzo swaggered through the market.

Under him, riding a dog Tiger Taro.

Next to him is Shimura Yuichi, the most loyal courtier.


Followed by three guys with bruised noses and swollen faces, they were the only guys who were "educated" by Shimura a few days ago.

Now they have deeply realized their mistakes and have become the most "loyal" clansmen and subjects of Danzo.

When Uchiha Yoko and others saw this scene, their jaws dropped.

"Danzang Erhuo, have you become a bandit leader?"

The keen Uchiha Yoko realized the truth of the matter.

"I am the true son of the Shimura clan, not some bandit leader."

Danzo waved his hand and stopped Shimura's only "loyalty" by the way.

"Long live the patriarch!"

Shimura Yui raised his white fist behind and shouted loudly.

Chapter 200. On Zuidun, those rumored dead people you don't know

In a restaurant on the side of the road, there was a figure sitting by the window.

That figure was also watching this scene coldly.

It is Kakuto.

Danzo signaled Gouzi Kotaro, Shimura Yui and others to wait outside.

Then, Danzo walked into the restaurant.

"Did I see hallucinations, or did you lose your mind?" Kakudo asked coldly.


Danzo shook his head.

"I just said three words, and I accepted her [Shimura Yuichi] as a younger brother."

Are you fucking kidding me?

In Kakuzu's green eyes, this meaning was clearly flashing.

Seeing Kakuto didn't believe it, Danzo was also very helpless. In the end, he could only sigh: "Master Kakuzu, have you heard of Zuidun?"


Mouth escape, omnipotent.

It is said that it can kill a living person alive.

It can also destroy other people's three views and help people rebuild their thinking.

Kakudo subconsciously wanted to refute, but when he saw Danzo's unusually serious appearance, he couldn't help feeling it.

"...The strongest Zuidun belongs to the Ashura card~, Mr. Kakuto, do you know the fairy mode?"


Koto gave Danzo a look.

A few years ago, Danzo told him a cold was the story of "the evil god of fire cloud practiced the toad skill hard and successfully gave birth to 8 little tadpoles".

At that time, Kakuzu used a cold joke, and Myogi-san retorted.


Danzo nodded.

"Asura card mouth escape, to put it simply, is like "natural energy + mental energy + physical energy" = celestial chakra, Asura chakra is an energy that is more powerful than celestial energy.... can let the reincarnated person speak out the soon as they say it, they will kill others..."

The corners of the eyes were all staring, obviously pretending to be hiding and talking fart.

"for example."

I don't believe it when I see the corner, and Danzo is not in a hurry.

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