These are the pre-dinner snacks that big dogs in Kyoto often eat.

Yes, Danzo Shimura.

Shimura Masami's expression became serious.

"The food and drink are quail seeds cooked with flowers, fried duck feet, chicken tongue soup, deer belly stuffed with Jiangyao, mandarin duck fried beef tendon, chrysanthemum rabbit shreds, fried deer legs, ginger and vinegar gold and silver hooves..."

Danzo very skillfully reported the name of the dish.

The clerk was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.


Yoko Uchiha blinked.

Although she has never eaten these dishes, but seeing the reaction of Masami Shimura and the clerk, she knew that Danzo was not just for show.

It really stunned them.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yoko couldn't help but smile. "So...have you ever eaten in Kyoto for this Erhuo Danzo?"

of course not.

Not yet.

As a foodie, what Danzo usually researches is where there is delicious food in the ninja world.

If you have a chance in the future, you must go there to eat and see!

Of course, take the secretary with you!

Although Danzo didn't travel all over the ninja world, the other one did.


That's right, Mr. Kakuto is well-informed. When chatting with Danzo, Danzo asks Kakuto if he has nothing to do.

"Let's have some wine at random... I think you don't have any good wine in this store, so let's have a drink."

Danzo finished loading B and waited for the food to be served.

"Heh, Shimura Danzo, my old lady underestimated you~."

Shimura Masami looked Danzo up and down, and finally turned and left.

Not long after, the sumptuous meals came up.

The craftsmanship of the chef in Kyoto is really outstanding.

Even Danzo, who is very picky about eating, is full of praise.

So, later, Danzo ate several 10 taels for a meal, which made Masami Shimura earn a lot of money... Is this the end?

How can there be such a good thing!

"Hey, I don't know if I can call the chef and show off my cooking skills."

"it is good."

Shimura Masami didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Danzo's gourd, so he immediately called the cook over.

Uchiha Yoko's expression moved slightly.

Looking at Danzo's smirk, he knew that Masami Shimura was going to be in trouble.

The chef walked over quickly, with a thick neck.

Danzo pondered, a certain fool really did not deceive me.

"Can I show off my cooking skills?"

The other party froze for a moment, looked at Masami Shimura, who nodded.

Not long after, a chopping board was delivered.

"Cut ten catties of lean meat first, and make simmered meat. Don't see any fat on it."

This is the test of knife skills.

Shimura Masami suddenly realized.

Ten seconds later, ten catties of lean meat was delivered, and the chef swung his two knives and began to chop finely to make saozi.

After a while, the saozi was cut up.

"That's right, that's good, I see you are skilled at swordsmanship... You used to be a samurai?"

Chef nodded.

It turned out that his ancestors were warriors, but later, when the family became lonely, he changed his career to be a cook.


Danzo nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, if you want another ten catties, it will be fat. Don't see some fine ones on it, but also cut it into sausages..."

Chef and Shimura Masami were stunned.

What do you want fat for?

"I..." Danzo mouthed an O, "give me the money."

As soon as he heard the money was given, Shimura Masami suppressed the doubts in his heart.

I thought: This is a prodigal thing.

Then he winked and asked the chef to continue cutting.

Then, after a vigorous meal of chopping and chopping, ten catties of fatty pork dumplings were ready.

Danzang smiled very satisfied: "If you want another ten catties of gold cartilage, you should also chop it finely to make saozi, and don't see any meat on it."

Are you fucking entertaining my wife? !

Shimura Masami was about to get angry on the spot.

But if you think about it carefully, if you get angry, wouldn't you have fallen into the trap of this brat?

So, Shimura Masami gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Cut!"

The chef is suffering in his heart, but there is nothing he can do. The proprietress has orders, so he has to cut.

So, he used his family-inherited "Double Sword Style" stunt, and the two kitchen knives suddenly seemed like a whirlwind, raging like a tiger and a tiger.

At this moment, what everyone saw was not a cook cutting golden cartilage, but a samurai killing the enemy with two knives! !

"Oh grass, yes..."

Now, Danzo was stunned.

According to the script of Outlaws of the Marsh, Masami Shimura should turn the tables at this time, and then I can stage the scene of punching Kansai.


According to the script of Outlaws of the Marsh, it should be performed like this.

But the problem is, this is the world of Naruto.

Chakra is respected, with strange power and chaos.

There are all kinds of fairies, ghosts and ghosts.

What is it to cut a piece of golden cartilage?

As long as you dare, I will even show you the Datongmu clan!

Oh, but then it becomes the new Dragon Inn.

Seeing Danzo stunned, Uchiha Yoko couldn't help clenching his hands, thinking about how to help Danzo regain his face.

And the next moment, Danzo's eyes lit up!

Yes~ yes~!

see you...

Outside the door, a burly... burly maid passed by.

It's Danzo's brother and sister, Ms. Beard.

Wearing white stockings, black women's leather shoes, and a bearded lady in a maid outfit walked by, passers-by who saw this scene began to vomit.

There's no way, this scene is really...too hot for the eyes.

The bearded lady with a big beard and an imposing appearance walked to the door of this restaurant and started to push towards a tree.

See, the bearded lady controlled by Danzo stretched out her hands and hugged the big tree tightly.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, even the patrolling ninjas from the Uchiha Police Department were stunned.

What is this for?

"Crack, click...!"

The tree wailed.

Everyone only felt that the ground on the soles of their feet seemed to vibrate.


Danzo exerted his strength and rubbed against the ground!Pull out the big tree on the side of the road! ! !

Pull it out! !


The bearded lady casually threw the big tree at the entrance of the restaurant, just blocking the door.

Shimura Masami, Chef, and even the others all stared blankly, motionless.

The next moment, Danzo's annoying voice sounded behind him: "I want ten more big trees, cut them into scorpion seeds, don't see any bark and leaves on them."

Chapter 219. Find Qiu Daohou Zhen to obtain a false certificate

In the afternoon, Kakutsu came to Konoha.

I was about to get a plate of raw beef liver slices to eat, but suddenly found that there was no restaurant!up!

The unknown corners all asked passers-by before they found out.

At noon, the fight between Danzo and the proprietress demolished the house!

"Huh? Boss lady? Isn't it the boss?" Jiao Du frowned.

"Hi! New news, this restaurant has been sold by the Shimura clan."

Passers-by pointed at the ruins.

He squinted his eyes, and immediately understood what was going on.


After a while, Jiao Du asked passers-by.

"Which store in Konoha has delicious raw beef liver slices?"

After a kind passerby gave Jiaodu the way, Jiaodu started to go to the next restaurant.


When Kakuzu saw Danzo again, Danzo walked out of the police department slowly.

Uchiha Kurohiko clicked, and used the key to open the shackles on Danzo's hands.

After being held for several hours, Danzo was released without charge.

"He's just a kid!!"

The roar of Thousand Hands came from the police department.

You don't need to think about it to know that Qianshou's hands are pulling sideways again.

The poor Shimura clan finally had to swallow this breath.

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