After missing their target, the giant centipedes set their sights on the four resin-bound guys.

The four people who didn't know the danger was coming only felt that the top of their heads was covered by shadows.

When they look up...


Heart-piercing screams resounded through the sky.


All kinds of shurikens and kunai shot out from the bushes like rain, nailing those big centipedes to the tree.

At this point, reinforcements arrive.

The four screaming guys looked shocked.

They didn't expect Danzo to be so insane!

As expected of "Ninja Darkness", it should not be underestimated at all!

"Can the resin be removed?"

"I'm afraid it's not easy to do... I'll have to bake it over a fire."

"Idiot! The resin in the dead forest needs at least 100 degrees to deform. Do you want to bake them to death?"

These more than 20 people talked about each other, talking about each other.

In the end, there was no other way but to keep these four people here.

"Don't, dear~, give me some strength."

"Then can you help me?"

"Don't say such things! This is for the future of the Shimura clan!"

The remaining 22 decided to leave 4 of them alone.

"Um ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

At this moment, a loud laugh came from afar.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a blur in front of their eyes, and a scene of snow and ice appeared.

It's illusion! !

There is no doubt that the only thing that can change what people see is illusion.

I saw Danzo sitting on a chair made of frost under the ice and snow.

In his hand, leaning on a sharp knife.

A series of stairs leads to the Frozen Throne.

"Boys, if you want to come to me, come to Northrend, I am here waiting for you."

After finishing speaking, Danzo turned off the illusion. Class E...Ninjutsu tricks for simple hallucinations.

Everyone froze for a moment, and then cursed.

"Stupid Danzo, what are you being so arrogant about?"

"There are traps ahead, but so what?"

"We must catch him!"

"Oh oh oh oh~~!"

The 22 people's morale was greatly boosted.

Both men and women responded with fierce morale.

"That shameless Danzo is right in front, rush the duck!"

With one finger ahead, everyone started rushing forward with a swipe.

far away.

Danzo stood on the big tree and observed the people who came with a telescope.

"Idiot... Sure enough, I came to deliver it after a little provocation."

On the way here, Danzo set up many traps.

Even if he passed the trap, he still had to face the regional defensive measures composed of two illusions.

What's more, in the end Danzo still has its own strength to rely on.

At that time, the exhausted people will face themselves who are fully armed and have DDF armor.

"Duck rush!"

The 22 Chunin have followed suit.

One of the girls jumped onto the tree trunk, touched the blood-sucking bug trap, and smashed down a pile of fat bugs from the top of her head.

Before she was sucked blood, she let out a scream comparable to the world's soprano, and was instantly frightened and fainted.

There are also dug holes, which are filled with resin, and if you jump in, you will be solidified.

At this time, it's time to show your personal strength.

Those elite Chunin easily escaped all kinds of traps.

Logs, just avoid them.

Resin, directly served by the wind.

There is a trap under his feet, throw out the combination of shuriken and rope, and swing up the tree trunk.


Danzo looked around.

Which ones are dish B and which ones are masters can be seen at once.

The Shimura clan sent almost half of the Chunin out this time.

Looking at the strength of these Chunin, Danzo couldn't help sighing.

Still a little...weak.

Is this the Shimura clan?

Sure enough, in this world, trash is trash.

Whether it is the Senju clan or the Uchiha clan, this fact cannot be changed.

Elites are always a minority.

Chapter 224. I am ready to hit you 30 times

After half an hour...

The dirty or tattered Chunin of the Shimura clan stood up from the ground or traps.


A body shaking like a zombie.

After a fierce battle of wits with the air and traps, they finally completely broke all the traps set by Danzo.


A group of people stepped into the position in front of the entrance of the death forest at 6 o'clock.

That is the hiding place of Danzo.

"Finally found you, Shimura Danzo..."

"Hehehe, are you ready to die?"

A total of 30 people.

Including those 4 people solidified by resin, jumping, jumping, jumping like ancient zombies...

30 Chunin, killed 10 meters in front of Danzo.

Everyone's eyes flashed with killing intent, just like Shura.

Among them, a large part is for Danzo to breathe~~~! ! !


Danzo raised his head and smiled silently.

He sat there quietly, like a final boss meeting the players.

"You... are here."

If it is said that the tower of death is the end point of the assessment regulations.

So, for the 30 ninjas of the Shimura clan, this is the end.


The sound of liquid surging sounded, and multiple Danzo emerged from the woods and land in all directions.

D-level illusion, the art of Xia follower.

The function is to produce a non-lethal illusion clone.

Then, the Danzo who used the C-level earth escape and Yingyu in the soil will use the body hidden in the soil to cooperate with the phantom to launch attacks, which looks like the phantom clone really has attack power.

That was the original plan.

but now......

"I changed my mind."

Tuanzang seal.

The phantom clone dissipated like smoke.

"I'm going to go straight there, one hits 1 of you."


Everyone was stunned.

It was like hearing some funny joke.

Suddenly, laughter filled the sky.

Danzo is also laughing, and laughing happier than the other party.

The next moment, the laughter of the two groups stopped abruptly.

"Do you know... I am the patriarch of the Shimura clan?"

Danzo asked.

He was clearly sitting on the ground, but he seemed to be looking down at everyone.

"You are not the patriarch! It is not your turn to be the heir to the patriarch of the Shimura clan!"

One of the teenagers stepped forward and said viciously.

"Oh, it's my defeat, Shimura Kasunari."

Danzo looked at Shimura Kazunari.

And his younger brother, Kenji Shimura.

"I didn't see Shimura Mitsuki... That is to say, someone still recognizes me as the future patriarch of the Shimura clan..."

Yellow rubber shoes, cropped pants, professional mage Shimura Kaizhu.


Kenji Shimura said coldly.

"He just takes you for a fool."

"Yeah." Danzo nodded, " two brothers, should you go buy melon seeds?"

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