Tips, where did the Thousand Hands go?

As the title.

Where did the Thousand Hands Clan go in the later stage?

Whether it is animation or manga, there is no conclusion.


A lot of conspiracy theories have been born on the Internet.

The sayings are:

1. The Thousand Hands Clan was suppressed by Konoha's high-level officials, especially Danzo, yes!It's you!The pit is gone!

2. The Thousand Hands Clan was broken up by the Thousand Hands Column Room and the Thousand Hands Door Room, and merged into a village like this...


In fact, the official novel "Itachi True Biography", which mentions the whereabouts of the Thousand Hands Clan, can be regarded as an official completion.

Uchiha Itachi goes to school and is 6 years old.

At that time, the Third Ninja War had been over for several years.

When Uchiha Itachi went to the ninja school, it was mentioned in the novel that the ninjas of the "Thousand Hands Clan" served as teachers of the ninja school.

In other words, the Thousand Hands Clan did not die.

hee hee hee~~~

The reference direction of this book [mark the key point], or in sequence:

"Manga" → "Official Book" → "Novel" → "Anime"

The manga is Kishimoto's original work.

Formula books and novels are officially completed.

Many animations are adaptations of novels, such as Itachi True Biography TV, and the theatrical version of Blood Prison.

round priority.

The manga is the highest, followed by the formula book.

Novel third.

Don't doubt, many novels have become official history in comics.

Therefore, the reliability of novels is greater than that of animation.

Animations are the worst.

Chapter 231. The Curtain Call of the Shimura Clan

When Danzo's decision was implemented, the people in Konoha were shocked.

Of course, the Shimura clan was the most shocked.

This great clan, which had flourished for a while since the Warring States period, was completely destroyed today.

Although the Shimura family has experienced ups and downs, it has never experienced a disaster like today.

With the arrival of Anbu personnel, the ninjas and civilians of the Shimura clan were resettled in an orderly manner.

First of all, it is the modification of Konoha's re-registration status.

All members of the Shimura clan had their surnames erased.

The only thing left is the "name".

All the benefits obtained by relying on the family are also taken back today.

Family Ninjutsu.

This is the first thing Danzang got.

Some ninjutsu experience and anecdotes passed down from generation to generation by the Shimura clan... were confiscated and fell into the hands of Danzo alone.

This means that the ninjas and descendants who have lost the surname of the Shimura clan will no longer have the opportunity to rely on the wealth left by their ancestors to surpass others at the starting point.

They turned into the mud-legged civilian ninjas they had been looking down on before.

While previously learned things cannot be taken back...

But from now on, everything needs to be won by relying on personal strength.

The era when foxes pretend to be powerful and rely on family power to be superior is gone forever.

The second step.

Drive all the members of the Shimura clan out of the gathering place of the clan.

Just like half a century later, Konoha's senior management swept the Uchiha clan into Konoha's corner.

Danzo's approach is slightly different.

At his request, Senju Tomona dispersed the members of the Shimura clan and placed them randomly in empty houses around Konoha.

If the house is not enough, let the tool man Senshou Bashima build it now.

The concept of family was gradually erased from the minds of these survivors.

Afterwards, there was no such thing as the Shimura clan, the glory of the clan, but only the successors of the Will of Fire.

All kinds of operations, of course, ushered in the confusion, retaliation, and even swearing from the Shimura clan.

But when Shimura Kenichi's crimes of collaborating with outsiders and hiring murderers to kill were revealed one by one, they were silent.

also had to be silent.

Because Kenichi Shimura was not the first person to target Danzo, Senju opened the door and only punished him.

If this matter continues to be discussed, Shimura Kazuki and other elite Jonin and Jonin will also go to jail.


But Qianshou Feijian doesn't mind breaking this statement when necessary.


The gathering place of the Shimura clan.

"Please tear it down."

Danzo pointed out that it was the mansion of Shimura Ken's family.

An Anbu nodded and took the order to leave.

The handling authority of the Shimura clan was completely delegated by Senju Tobema.

Although Danzo alone has no strength, he has dozens of Anbu behind him.

For the first time, these ninjas hidden in the dark appeared in front of people on a large scale.

Let the people of Konoha understand.

In the dark, there is a force guarding them.

Of course, it is also one of the intentions to take this opportunity to deter those families who have small hearts.

"Earth Dungeon Earthquake Core!!"


The Anbu ninja formed a seal, and slammed his hands on the ground.

Suddenly, the earth shook.

In full view, Kenichi Shimura's mansion fell in front of the A-level Earth Dungeon Earthquake Core.

This is the ninja's way of demolition, simple and rude.

The entire mansion sank directly below ground level and was compacted.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers of Konoha's various families trembled again!

The Shimura clan... that's the end.

Among the thousand hands, Konoha's Second Hokage.

One sentence wiped out the Shimura clan.

This made many families fearful.

The so-called shadow-level powerhouse of the family didn't block a single move in front of Qianshou Feijian.

This made them have to re-examine their position and put away any thoughts they shouldn't have.

In the residential area, the members of the Shimura clan had already evacuated early, but two figures remained here.

Shimura Masumi and her father.

Oh, it's "Masumi" now.

Seeing the former gathering places being demolished and emptied one after another, her heart was extremely complicated.

With red eye circles, anyone can see the depression in her heart.

During this period of time, the disbandment of the Shimura clan also changed many things.

Many people who used to kneel and lick the Shimura clan began to stay away after the downfall of the Shimura clan.

In the past, the boys who once pursued Shimura Masumi seemed to have disappeared unknowingly.

For the rest, their attitude is much more arrogant than before.

From licking the dog to being equal, even condescending.

"Uncle Liang Gen."

Seeing Shimura Ryogen hesitate to speak, Danzo took the initiative to resolve the embarrassment.

Shimura Ryogen nodded in relief.

Today, the boy named Shimura Danzo has grown into an excellent ninja.

But in Shimura Ryogen's heart, Danzo will always be that little boy.

"In the past, we were the ones who owed you, and everyone who has fallen into this situation today can be regarded as their own fault..."

Shimura Ryogen said these words slowly, although in this matter, he didn't have much responsibility.

After that, Shimura Ryogen and Danzo chatted a few more words, glanced at his daughter, and left first.

Shimura Ryogen, whose heart is like a mirror, ended up being dragged down by a group of pig teammates.

However, Shimura Ryogen had already looked away.

It is good that the Shimura family has retained their blood and did not die out like other families in the Warring States Period.

After Shimura Ryogen left, Danzo put his hand into his bosom.

Then slowly took out a bracelet.

He took Shimura Masumi's hand and put the necklace into the latter's palm.

Shimura Masumi trembled, of course she knew what this bracelet represented, and what it meant for Danzo to return this bracelet to her.

After finishing this matter, Danzo stepped forward and walked towards the depths of the Shimura clan.

Looking at Danzo's back, Masumi Shimura with red eyes mustered up his courage and shouted loudly: "Danzo! I like you!"

The figure in front of him paused for a moment.

Then, turn around.

Danzo looked at Shimura Masumi and smiled: "Of course~. I am so handsome, who doesn't like it?"

After finishing speaking, Danzo turned around again and continued to move forward.

When he got here, Shimura Masumi couldn't bear it any longer, tears streaming down his face, and he began to cry.

But that figure kept moving forward without stopping.


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