In terms of chakra control, it is no exaggeration to say that he is No.1 in Konoha today!

"This is going to happen, Sarutobi Hiruzen is very likely..."

Danzo frowned.


Qianshou Angxing stood with his hands behind his back.

"You are my opponent?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed.

Obviously, as a top student.

Later generations can instantly analyze the mind of Liudao Obito and Qiudaoyu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately understood what kind of technique Qianshou Aung Xing was using.

That was something even he couldn't do.

No, let alone him, even his good friend Shimura Danzo can't do it.

Qianshou Angxing in front of him has already surpassed the two of them!

However, Hiruza Sarutobi deserves to be a positive energy character in the positive camp. Although he was surprised, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

The psychology of winning is even higher.

"Master Ang Xing, you are very powerful." He said.

"You are not my opponent! Hiruza Sarutobi!"

Qianshou Aung Xing opened his posture, stared fixedly at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and directly expressed his inner thoughts.

His tone was firm, and there was a different look in his sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

Qianshou Angxing's words seemed to have a penetrating power.

It can directly penetrate the heart of others and reach the root.

"To put it bluntly, it's the extreme of secondary school... so much so that "fuck" is not enough to describe that kind of will and expressiveness. "Danzo's mouth was twitching.

"I'm so excited..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi let out a low drink, with a simple smile on his face.

The stronger the opponent, the more competitive Sarutobi Hiruzen was aroused.

"Young master, accept the move."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped back abruptly, opened the distance, and adopted the standard tactical action of a ninja releasing ninjutsu.

In mid-air, Hiruzaru Sarutobi connected his hands together.

Soon, a ninjutsu took shape.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Brilliant Flame!"

Together, it is the pride of the Sarutobi clan's proud flame technique.

Compared with flying slower, it can't burn people to death, and the attack distance is only 5 meters from the starting fireball.

The Art of Flame has a long-distance attack of more than 10 meters!

Although the coverage area is not as good as Hao Fireball, but in terms of attack speed, it must completely explode the former.


A trace of flame spewed out from the front of Sarutobi Hiruzen's protruding mouth.

In an instant, it swelled into a wave-like flame.

Once this ninjutsu was released, the audience cheered.

Because before, there has never been a ninjutsu released by a candidate that can compare with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, Qianshou Angxing frowned.

"C-level ninjutsu... don't you look down on me too much?"

As Qianshou Angxing opened his posture, he obviously wanted to directly resist this move on the spot.

Everyone saw it, and couldn't help but look forward to what kind of means Qianshou Angxing would use.

However, Qianshou Ang Xing still didn't move until the technique of Haoyan approached.

5 meters... 4 meters... 3 meters...!

Qianshou Angxing finally moved!

I saw him raise his right hand and make a fist.

It's a punch to the Art of Flame!

This punch was silent, but when it was completely released, it made a terrible sound.


It was like a thunderclap, and it seemed like a detonating talisman burst.

Visible to the naked eye, the invisible shock wave covered the flames ahead.

In the next instant, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's flaming technique was blown apart by the force of the sky!

At this moment, the whole place was dead silent.

The cheering audience seemed to be stuck in their throats.

One punch.

Just a simple punch!

Just blow up the ninjutsu? !

Chapter 242 Hearty, the strength of Qianshou Angxing

This is...

Never heard of things!

"It's kind of like 'Blast Escape'. "

In the field, some ninjas who fought against the blasting troops of Yanyin Village immediately commented.

Burst escape.

It is the blood following limit ninjutsu used by the resurrected hunter in the 522nd chapter of the Naruto manga.

The Explosion and Thunder Fist used by Hunting uses heavy blows, which can directly blow up the opponent.

Later, Sanshoyu Hanzo, who was reincarnated from the dirt, also said that Satoshi was a ninja.

"Damn it~~~ That's a strange force~~!"

Danzo could no longer restrain his power to complain.

In the original book, Tsunade, the art of Baihao, blows up the filthy fire escape, Longyan singing with one punch.

In front of him, Qianshou Angxing used exactly the same method.

The problem is that.

"In terms of manipulation skills, it's more than an order of magnitude higher..."

Danzo's eyes flickered.

"This guy must have washed his marrow, took a bunch of No. 2 Bingliang Pills... maybe No. 3 Bingliang Pills and all kinds of weird drugs are also arranged..... .Hiss~~~~."

Danzo started scratching his head.

The profession of alchemist is NB~.

I don't have enough physique, so I can make it up by refining medicine.

Cultivation is not enough, taking drugs is fine.

"Now, Hiruzaru Sarutobi may be really miserable."

In the next instant, a change occurred in the field.

Qianshou Angxing stepped forward, and his whole body shot out like a rocket.

He is extremely fast!

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't have time to seal it!

The speed that Tsunade used Baihao's technique to make up for, Qianshou Aung Xing completed it directly with his normal state!

At this point, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gave a low shout, and the electric arc in his body flickered again.

But this time, the arc directly filled the body surface!

Obviously, it directly entered the "Thunder Chakra Mode·Second Stage"!

This change caused another exclamation in the field.

Even Qianshoubeijian didn't think of it.

"That boy Danzo... he even got the practice method of the "second stage"..."

At the beginning, Danzang defeated Ai, handed in the first stage of practice methods, and kept a copy for himself.

Later, the entrusted Jiao got the practice method of the second stage.

However, he did not mention this matter to his teacher.

After all, the development of things is too simple... Who the hell knew that Master Kadotsu would have brought the second stage of the method so simply.

It is not good to say it~~, it will cause many consequences.

And at this moment, the second stage of Sarutobi Hiruzen's display has already reached a great achievement!

The whole body is almost connected by electric arcs.


Under the stimulation of the electric arc, the original body of tendons swelled even more exaggeratedly!

"That's what makes it interesting..."

However, Qianshou Angxing just said something casually.

It was as if Hiruzen Sarutobi in this form was qualified to make him serious.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi kept his mouth shut, just stared at the opponent who was flying towards him, and then punched suddenly.

Ninja duels, at some point, will eventually return to hand-to-hand combat and physical combat.

Because as long as the opponent closes the distance fast enough, there will be no time to seal!

Sarutobi Hiruzai's punch was thunderous with sparks, and the thick little fist seemed to be able to shake the world.

This punch, let alone a rock, even a thin steel plate, can directly punch through.

As for Hinata Shuichi, who was watching the battle on the stage with the attitude of a loser, his expression changed again.

If Hiruzaru Sarutobi had used this move in the last match, he might not be able to resist it even at once.

Qianshou Angxing didn't even change his eyes.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's resistance, he directly punched out the same.


Qianshou Angxing let out a low shout, concentrating his will, spirit, body energy, chakra, strange power... into his fist.


Two fists collide.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze for an instant.

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