In fact, in the official novel "The True Story of Itachi".

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are brothers and sisters.

There is no right to speak in the clan.

According to Danzo's personal guess, it is possible that the two people are considered by the "high IQ" clansmen to belong to the low IQ Uchiha.

Although the members of the Uchiha clan admitted that Uchiha Shisui was the strongest Uchiha at that time.

But they do not recognize Uchiha Shisui's political status.

Uchiha Shisui... Among the Uchiha clan, he is just a gold medal fighter.

Empty strength, no status.

Even the three salted fish who were looking for trouble with Uchiha Itachi could call and drink Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Itachi, on the other hand, was forced to kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake even after beating three salted fish.


The situation of these two brothers and sisters is very embarrassing.

I have to say, it is indeed overkill.

Of course, Danzo is not interested in meddling in other people's family affairs.

As long as the Uchiha clan does not die.

of course.

It's not okay to embarrass the secretary.

Danzo will not let Uchiha Yoko suffer a little bit.

"After all, I wrote "正" on the secretary's PP, and the secretary is mine! "

Danzo's heart swelled again.

"Danzo, you smile so wretchedly..." Yoko Uchiha looked at Danzo with disgust.

"Cough cough."

Danzo cleared his throat and poured Yoko Uchiha a glass of juice.

In this special Jnin selection, more than half of the 40 people in the third round became special Jnin.

Hiruzasarutobi, Koharu, Mitomon, Ikumi, Mayfly...

What a joy.

No, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan, two shameless people, must have gone through the back door relationship.


And every department needs to employ people, and there is a shortage of people everywhere.

Konoha has developed year by year, from the age of 9 in Danzo to the age of 15 now, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

It is said that this year there is another plan to excavate, reclaim and build a housing estate in the suburbs.

All good things.

Yoko Uchiha picked up the glass and took a sip.

After that, his gaze turned to the desktop.

A dark object was placed there.

The ring of Aung Star of Thousand Hands.

Danzo still did not forget to pick it up.

This ring, of course, has no effect, at least Qianshoubeijian has studied it for a long time and found no abnormality.

In the end, I threw it to Danzo and asked him to say death... Oh Zuidun Qianshou Angxing.

"You still keep this shit."

Uchiha Yoko also knew about this matter after Danzo's description.

The ring interfered with Qianshou Angxing's character.

Something... ran from the ring into Qianshou Angxing's brain.

Might be a memory.

It may be a piece of chakra, just like Namikaze Minato seals a part of his own chakra into Uzumaki Naruto's body with a gossip seal.

"This thing..."

Danzo picked it up and observed it.

The simple ring has no characteristics, it is broken, and the broken one cannot be broken again.

The kind that no one wants to give away.

"I always might have something to do with my sister Shimura Kyuto..."

When Danzo mentioned that name, Uchiha Yoko's eyes froze for a moment.

In fact, it is more than that.

Naoto, Qianshou Angxing, sister who came back from the dead...

Could a series of things be connected?


There will be no results just guessing. Danzo intends to go to the land of winds after getting the special Jōnin qualification certificate in a few days.

Sand hidden village made zombies.

There, there might be clues.

Chapter 251. Danzo's Practice Research Report

"My next step is to practice the form change of the fire attribute."

Uchiha Yoko suddenly spoke.

Perhaps it was because of Danzo's stimulation and a certain blow in the selection of the special jounin, and he felt the gap with Danzo and Senju Aung Xing.

Whether it's Uchiha Yoko, Sarutobi Hiruzen, or others.

They all began to explore their next practice plan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen tried the practice method of the next stage of the Lightning Chakra Mode by himself.

This is not difficult.

During the Chunin exam, Hiruzen Sarutobi had personally fought against Ai, and believed that he could use his observation ability to comprehend the third stage, which required the training method of releasing Thunder Dun from the acupuncture points of the whole body.

As for the practice of changing the form of the fire attribute that Uchiha Yoko said...

"It's a good idea. It's better to practice the form change as soon as possible."

Danzo tapped his fingers.

If Uchiha Yoko can really do it, I'm afraid it will be No.1.

Because neither Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Quanna, nor Uchiha Itachi have practiced similarly.

This does not explain the above three dishes.

But too strong.

So much so that there is no need to practice the form change of Huo Dun at all.


Uchiha Yoko hesitated a little.

She has some ideas about fire attribute practice, but...

"Is there a "Fire Attribute Chakra Mode"? "

Uchiha Yoko's question stunned Danzo for a moment.

Wind escape, Danzo developed the wind escape chakra mode.

Thunder escape, Yunyin Village has a Thunder escape chakra mode.


Where is the fire?

"Hello, yes."

Danzo said.

"Four Tails Jinchuriki."

Danzo mentioned an example, a sample.

The Four-Tails Jinchuriki has the limit of melting and escape blood successor... This is a benefit from the Four-Tails.

Just like Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has a strong self-healing ability, as well as a unique perfect Jinchuriki mode.

As long as you gradually control the four-tailed chakra, you will slowly learn to melt away.

"Four-tailed Jinchuriki, the whole body is entwined with high-temperature lava, combined with physical skills, the effect is outstanding, and everything it touches will melt.

"At the same time, it can enhance the defense. The melting armor is both lethal and defensive."

"It's called..."Molten Chakra Mode". "

In this mode, even Naruto's Spiral Pill cannot easily destroy Lao Zi, and once burned Naruto's skin.

"But flames are too dangerous after all... Secretary, I suggest you start with ordinary form changes."

Danzo said.

Lei Dun would hurt at most, and Feng Dun would cut himself.

Fire escape...disfigured but broken.

"It's okay to take a peek at Uchiha mirror's practice, he may have completed the form change of the C-level fire escape · fireball technique, and turned it into "pants escape · pants-cutting dance". "

That is... Fire Escape·Bangfeng Luanwu.

Acquisition Difficulty for Beginners...Should have a B.

Why B, not A? ?

Because, in the Naruto official formula book.

All fire escapes, the highest is only B level.

Uchiha Madara's Great Fire Extinction and Great Fire Extinction are both B-level.

This is from page 239 of "Book of Formation". Danzang has read it, so don't argue.

If we talk about the Naruto video game.

The official created a move called "Fire Escape·Haoyan Helix Pill", which has at least A level in the first step.


Another problem arose.

That is: the question of whether Sharingan can be replicated.

Kakashi once said that he can only copy up to the A-level spiral pill.

Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto comprehended the A-level Wind Dun and Helix Maru by himself in the process of practicing the S-rank Wind Dun and Helix Shuriken.

Wind escape·helix pill simply adds the basic wind attribute into the helix pill.

can be considered as the first stage.

Going a step further, it is the second stage S-level wind escape spiral shuriken.

Uzumaki Naruto once used the A-level "Wind Escape - Spiral Maru" and Captain Yamato's "Water Escape - Breaking Torrent" to form a compound ninjutsu.

Withstood Jiaodu's fire escape · head hard work + wind escape · oppression.

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