At some point, I saw townspeople with hoes, shovels, and crossbows surrounding them...

The four grass ninja retreated.

Like countless villains, they threw down harsh words and prepared to escape.

"Leave the meal money!" Qianshou Angxing scolded again.

"Yes, damn it!"

After throwing down the money, the four of them ran away in a hurry.

This scene reminded Qianshou Aung Xing of the previous mission with Shimura Danzo.

I remembered what Shimura Danzo said.

The Land of Waves, the story of Inari and Kesha.

It's just... that doesn't answer his doubts.

"You saved me again." Long Lan patted the dust off her body.

Qianshou Angxing didn't deny it, he just asked: "Why do the weak fight?"


Ku Wu let go and threw it on the ground, Qianshou Ang Xing lowered his eyelids.

"I'm not qualified to fight..."

"Ang Star..."

Long Lan murmured softly, staring at the boy's shaky cheeks.

The conversation on the road let him know the name of Qianshou Ang Xing... the name "Ang Xing".

"I'm...a coward!" Qianshou Ang Xing clenched his fists.

Long Lan stepped forward and stared at him, "I don't understand why you call yourself a coward."

"I lost."

Qianshou Angxing took a step back.

"I lost to an opponent stronger than myself. I am... a coward who can only fight against opponents weaker than myself."

"So... you just gave up? Didn't you... fight until now?"

"I'm not qualified to fight." Qianshou Angxing turned his head and turned his back to Longlan.

"But you saved us yesterday...and just now."

Long Lan watched the back of Qianshou Angxing leaving.

" are weak." Qianshou Ang Xing said without looking back.

The figure gradually recedes.

Long Lan's words still sounded: "That's right! We are weak, but we will not give up! It is precisely because we are weak that we should increase our companions!"

Facing Long Lan's invitation.

Qianshou Angxing just shook his head lonely, "I'm not fight."

Chapter 257. Studying medicine can't save grassland people

two days later...

A certain base of Grass Reality.

"According to intelligence, this is a supply location for Grass Flower."

A special Jōnin pointed at the sandbox map of the Kingdom of Grass.

After continuous searching by the subordinates, they finally found a supply location for the Flower of Grass.

"So... is it hidden behind the Kannabi Bridge? No wonder I haven't found it..."

"However, although I caught Kusanagi Hana's tail, I didn't expect Konoha's Ninja Darkness Shimura Danzo to be there!"

"His strength is very strong, and he can kill an elite Chunin with one blow. According to the latest information... Shimura Danzo has won the first place in the special Jōnin selection a few days ago, Even the Sarutobi Hiruzen of the Sarutobi clan has been defeated!"

"It is said that the bounty has reached 1500 million taels!"

In fact...

Danzo's estimate is still a little less.

The last member of the Shimura clan, this name is really bluffing.

In addition, there are many people who hate Danzang so much.

He is a special ninja...

The bounty is as high as 1500 million taels...

If you follow this trend.

When Danzo becomes an elite Jonin, the bounty will definitely exceed the 3500 million taels of Sarutobi Asma in the future.

"If Konoha really intends to support Grass Flower, but we still attack, there will be heavy casualties!"

The upper level of Grass Reality talked with each other, discussing the next course of action.

"What about the opinions of the four cadres?"

On the upper layer of Grass Fruit, Bitterwood opened its mouth.

In the country of grass, there is no shadow, and there is no village chief.

Some are just four cadres with four high-level officials as the core.

The four cadres jointly lead the Country of Grass, with Anbu under their command, and belong to the same grasshopper as the Lord of Ghost Lamp City.


The subordinates stand at attention and stand still.

"The four cadres and the Anbu of the village are still neutral."

These bastards...

Kumu cursed inwardly.

The fruit of grass and the flower of grass are fighting to the death.

Those four old things are alone in the ghost lamp city, thinking that they can sit back and enjoy their success.


Think you can hide it from me?

Kumu's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his 30-year-old face: "At this time, how about using the ninja forces of Guyin Village?"

Valley Hidden Village.

Under his arrangement, a large number of ninjas have been sent to this country.

"I object!" A colleague immediately objected. "That would give the Daimyo of Kawa no Kuni a reason to intervene in his own country!"

Guyin Village belongs to the country of Sichuan.

Maybe many people in this country feel very strange.

In fact, many classic battles took place there.

The secret base of the Akatsuki organization...the place where the tailed beast was sealed, and the later location of the heretic in the secret cave in the southern part of the country of Sichuan.

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion died in battle, also in that country.

"Me too! What about autonomy?"

"Me too! If we don't fight on our own, we will feel sorry for Cao Zhimin's subordinates!"

Kumu pretended to think for a moment, and said: "Well, what you said makes sense."

"That's right! The problems of the motherland should be solved by ourselves! This is Kusanomi's ninja!

The firm voices of colleagues and subordinates came and went.

"it is good!"

Kumu stood up and looked around at the crowd.

"Everyone! Then we will attack with the whole army immediately! Destroy the supply base of Grass Flower! For the Grass Reality!"


Looking at the colleagues and subordinates who are united as one, a sneer flashed in Kumu's heart.

These fools...


At night, Long Lan drove the carriage and transported the last supply of this mission back to the supply base.

The supply mission, which was divided into multiple and multi-stage, is temporarily declared over.

"Long Lan, thank you for your hard work."

The companion greeted Long Lan.

"Speaking of... I haven't seen that kid these two days, isn't he with you?"

He was referring to Qianshou Angxing.

"There's something wrong with him..." Long Lan picked up the box, a little helplessness appeared on her soft face.

"is it?"

After a pause, the companion asked again: "Will he not fight with us?"

Long Lan shook his head, "Now, no one can force him to fight."

"Why?" The companion was puzzled.

"He's confused..."

Looking into the distance, Long Lan seemed to be able to see the figure of Qianshou Angxing.

"He had expectations of himself ... and couldn't respond. He thought he was disqualified."

The companion nodded, "You must be right in saying that. After all, you are not only a medical ninja, but also... a psychiatrist."


An unpopular profession.

In this world, some people think that the mind is extremely important.

Many people, when they have problems with their hearts, will report to the office, go to extremes, or fall into depression, causing people to do irrational or bad things.

"Ha, it used to be..."

Long Lan smiled lightly.

There is nothing wrong with the psychiatrist's theory.

In this world, the root cause of many villains lies in their distorted minds.


The human mind is not so simple to be healed.

After returning to her motherland, Long Lan realized that studying medicine could not save the grasslanders.

Take up arms and fight.

This is helpless and realistic.


While the two were talking, the roar of flames resounded through the night sky.


"what happened?!"

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