"Don't hesitate, your hesitation will create further flames of war."

"Fight! Fight! Ang Xing!"

"You...are justice!"


The explosion completely destroyed the hiding place of Yi Clan, and the spiritual mysteries in their minds were also disconnected.

"Uh...uh uh...uh uh..."

Qianshou Angxing's body was shaking and tears were streaming down his face.

He turned his head away and closed his eyes.


The next moment, he turned around and met the thousands of Datongmu clan descending from the sky!


This is the origin of the memory in Qianshou Angxing's mind.

Facing the thousands of Otsutsuki clan, even gods cannot fight against them.

That was also the final end of the boy named Ang Xing in the future.

And just as Shimura Danzo said, did Senshou Aung Xing swallow the soul of the future, or did the soul of the future swallow Senshou Aung Xing?

None of this matters.

The scene in front of him completely awakened the memory...and Qianshou Angxing's anger.

"I...is justice!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Qianshou Angxing rushed towards the bitter tree...


As the sun rises, the aftermath of the battle brings not only pain but also new life.

Qianshou Angxing sat alone on the ruined wall, with his head bowed.

The survivors of Flower of Grass looked at him with a trace of awe in their eyes.

Long Lan stepped forward, came to Qianshou Ang Xing, and sat down.

Qianshou Angxing raised his head, "Are you going to continue fighting?"


Long Lan watched the sunrise, the sunrise was particularly beautiful.

"I also have my justice." Long Lan said with a smile.

Qianshou Angxing lowered his head again, "A righteous person...must be the strong, and the weak...are not qualified to fight."

"Your mentality is wrong."

Long Lan said softly.

"Your heart...is stronger than before. Is strength necessary without a heart? Ang Xing..."

Long Lan stood up.

"When you have finished your work, please help us again."

Qianshou Angxing was a little surprised, "As a weak person, do you still want to fight?"

"Of course." Long Lan smiled and said, "Because...my heart is strong."


The corners of Qianshou Angxing's mouth curled up and he smiled.

Probably, this was the first time he showed a smile.

Chapter 261. I, Danzo, Uzumaki Mito make money

A few days later, the qualification certificate for the special Jonin was sent to Danzo.

At the same time, Qianshou Angxing, who had run away from home, returned at the same time.

He looked different, but he didn't seem to be any different.

After getting the special Jnin qualification certificate, the day came to the seventh day.

Senju Aung Xing did not attend the lecture on the persecution of Uchiha in the Senju Banmai.

Perhaps, such things as brainwashing have no effect on Qianshou Angxing.

After all, his willpower is already quite firm!

Danzo feels that even the "Bietenshin" of Uchiha Shisui's later generations may not be able to affect Senju Angxing! !

Don't ask, asking is the power of a firm will.

The ones that were distributed to Danzo together were the Chakra Armor Core of the Snow Country.

Danzo bought an old-fashioned samurai shoulder armor for this, and spent a few hundred taels.

Then fix the armor core on the samurai shoulder armor.

Finally, bind the arms with ribbons.

The power of my thinking, waaagh~~~! !The force field starts to work.

Yes, you read that right, a shoulder armor can constitute the concept of "armor".

After the magical core is automatically recognized, it can play a protective role.

So, Danzo wore this strange shoulder armor and was going to go to the country of wind.

In fact, this is also the request of Qianshou Feijian.

"Danzo, the task of making zombies in Shayin Village is entrusted to you, go to Kangkang."

This is also the first mission that Danzo was assigned after he was promoted to Special Jonin.

A-level tasks.

Before that, Danzo went to Uzumaki Mito again.

As soon as he entered the compound, Danzo saw Ikumi beating Sister Li.

The half-tailed Ikumi is covered in scarlet chakra.

She, who has been eroded by the tailed beast chakra, revealed two tails, and she obviously went berserk.

Mayfly's training program is to keep putting seals on Ikumi's body.

In this process, it is inevitable that Ikumi, who is like a big cat, will catch one after another.

"Sure enough, mastering the power of the tailed beast is not an easy task..."

Danzo observed for a few seconds and came to a conclusion.

It has been several years since Ikumi came to Konoha, but it is still difficult to control a large number of tailed beast chakras.

An orange-red tail fur coat is fine.

But scarlet half-tailed beasts won't work.

"This kind of tailed beast chakra should not be fully fused into Ikumi's body, so the "normal blue chakra" and "orange red or scarlet tailed beast chakra" are separated..."

In other words, the eaten flesh and blood of the tailed beast was not completely digested by the body.

If you use a pool to describe a ninja's Chakra.

Ordinary people only have one pool.This pool is your own chakra.

Inchuriki has two pools.One belongs to himself, and the other belongs to the tailed beast.

As for Ikumi, the fake Jinchuriki, the situation is different.

It is equivalent to a pool of water, which has been put into two kinds of liquids.

The two liquids were not fully fused.

It may even be like Tai Chi, showing two poles of Yin and Yang, at most only a little blended with each other.

"Yes, the description of you using a pool is very appropriate and easy to understand."

Mrs. Uzumaki Mito, the mother of the world, is still responsible for her beautiful appearance today.

Time didn't seem to leave any traces on her body.

It is completely different from the old figure at the end of the manga.

Danzo thought about it again, the theatrical version, "Road to the Ninja", the world where the whirlpool is numb.

In that world, Uzumaki Kushina was 40 years old, but she looked no different from when she was 24 years old.

And Nagato, who died at the age of 35 and exhausted his vitality, still looked old after he was reincarnated in the dirt, but when he absorbed the power of the eight-tailed Kirabi, he returned to his youthful appearance in his 20s.

Referring to these two cases, it is easy to draw a conclusion.

Perhaps, if Senju Bashirama is immortal, Uzumaki Mito's heart will not die.

If the heart is not dead, the appearance will not grow old.

The vitality of the Uzumaki clan will continue to burst out in this body.

"Danzo, what good idea do you have?"

Uzumaki Mito looked over slowly, with a calm face and a dignified demeanor.

It's completely different from those coquettish junkies in the outside world.

As Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Mito has a preference for Ikumi.

Although Ikumi is just a fake Jinchuriki...

"Oh~! Little red guy~, you're pretty cool~!" Mayfly was punched into an emoji by the violent Ikumi.

The other side of the face was swollen again.


Danzo wiped the waterfall sweat.

"Mito-sama, why don't you try the A-level five-element seal?"

"Five elements seal?"

The usual way to use the A-level five-element seal is to print it directly on the stomach.

What is the belly?

It's Jingmen!

There are eight doors in the human body, and most of the movement of chakra has to pass through the abdomen.

If the five-element seal interferes with this channel, there will be problems with the chakra running path of the human body.

This sealing technique can not only target Renzhuli.

It can even target ordinary people!

This is Danzo's idea.

Ikumi doesn't have a little tailed beast in her belly.

But she has unfused Tailed Beast Chakra in her body.

"The Five Elements Seal, although there is a problem that interferes with Chakra, making it impossible for the ninja to control the Chakra in the body...but in fact..."

in the original.

Orochimaru printed a five-element seal on the prince's stomach.

Interfering with the function of the gossip seal.

From then on, the prince couldn't control Chakra well.

Even the skill of "treading water" can't be done well.

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