What is he writing.

Although the speed wasn't fast, it didn't stop for too long. Basically, it was writing intermittently, more or less quickly.

After a little hesitation, Jiaodu came to him and sat down.

"Xiaoer, I want a plate of sliced ​​raw beef liver."

Kakudo greeted the clerk.

"Eh? Are you talking about me?" The clerk was stunned, "Okay~~."

In a flash, he ran to the back kitchen.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Danzo waved his hand, but still did not raise his head.

"Ah, that's right~!"

The next moment, Shimura Danzo jumped up from his seat and stopped writing.

"Master Jiaodu, I thought of a bad joke just now, listen to it..."


Jiaodu hasn't said the word yet.

Shimura Danzo began to mutter, and began to recite the cold jokes that must be told when meeting.


Danzo smiled.

"Say, there's a stool over there."

He pointed towards the bar.

Several Konoha ninjas and civilians were sitting there, drinking wine.

bar stool.

As the name suggests, the lower stool legs are very long, usually, it is a three-legged structure.

"Excuse me, three men sat on a high stool at the same time, and it didn't look crowded. Excuse me...why?"

Jiaodu thought for a while, "Because they used the transformation technique."


Danzo's expression froze for a moment, with a little disappointment on his face.

"Master Jiaodu, your level of cold jokes has regressed..."

Danzo sighed.

"The real reason..."

The tone of voice suddenly increased.

"It's because they turned the stool upside down! One person sits on one stool leg, and the three of them are gay! Hahahahahahaha~!!!"

Shimura Danzo was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach, kicking his legs and rolling.


And Jiaodu watched the sand sculpture boy entertaining himself with indifference.

That bad joke wasn't funny.

But this silly effort to tell a joke amused him.

"Ho ho."

Jiao Du sneered, expressing his appreciation.

After laughing enough, Danzo got up from under the table.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes and noticed something.

There was something extra on Shimura Danzo's shoulder.

Old-fashioned samurai armor...and round objects that look like glass and jewels.


Could it be... that is his reward for being promoted to a special jounin, the chakra armor core from the land of snow?

and also.

"What are you writing about? New jutsu?"

Jiaodu took the plate and picked up a slice of raw beef liver.

"No no no~."

Danzo picked up the pen again and waved his hand.

He solemnly picked up the scroll and put it in front of Kakuto.

"Actually, I'm writing a novel." Danzo said proudly.


Jiao has been to many places and entered many bookstores.

Occasionally buy a newspaper.

Therefore, he has read some novels.

"what type is it?"

Jiaodu asked casually, and then looked at the scroll.

The words written on it are crooked, like a chicken crawling.

"It's about ninjas, and the title of the book is... "Fighting Hokage"!"

Fight against Hokage?

Do you mean to defeat Hokage?

Well, Kakuzu had seen those silly kids before.

In the five major countries, every ninja village has something happening every day.

Those who are close to the shadows.

For example, Raikage.

Raikage's younger brothers often go to provoke Raikage.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn.

Then Raikage would use his philosophical ♂ muscles to wrestle with Jin Horn and Silver Horn ♂.

It is said that the Jinjiao and Yinjiao brothers have always wanted to usurp the throne and replace the second generation of Raikage.

The two brothers yelled about defeating Lei Ying or something.

Probably...it has the same meaning as Dou Po Huo Ying.


It wasn't until Jiaodu began to mutter that it wasn't the case.

"Chapter 1, The Fallen Genius..."

"Forbearance! Three paragraphs!...Looking at the shiny and even dazzling characters on the chakra test tablet, the blond boy has no expression on his face, with a hint of self-mockery on the corner of his lips..."

The corners stopped and looked at Danzo.

"What is the Chakra Stele? What is the third stage of Ninja Power?"

"Oh, the chakra stele can be understood as the same type of chakra test paper, but it can easily test the strength of chakra...showing the strength of that ninja."

Danzo raised his finger and nodded.

He seemed to be in high spirits.

"Three ranks of Ninja Power probably have the same meaning as Genin and Elite Genin... but the division is more detailed."

After Danzo's explanation, Kakuto understood.

While staring at Danzo, Kakuzu continued to look at the scroll and read Shimura Danzo's "Masterpiece".

The protagonist of this book is a blond boy.

The name is Namikaze Minato.

Minato Namikaze was a genius in the beginning.

But then I don't know what happened, and turned into a waste wood.

Then he was ridiculed by the people of the Bofeng clan.

Of course, the key is that Minato Namikaze is handsome, very handsome.

There are countless adjectives and modifications in it, chattering endlessly, just to say how handsome Namikaze Minato is.

"Since he is so handsome, at least he can rely on his face to make a living. It's fine for those teenagers to mock him. Why do the girls in the family also mock him?"

Angle does not understand.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Jiaodu, don't worry, keep reading."

The corner hesitated for a moment, and continued to look down.

Sure enough, a new character popped up next to Minato Namikaze.

That character is called Kushina.

Kushina is very beautiful and belongs to the Uzumaki family.

The book specifically emphasizes her red hair.

And how beautiful Uzumaki Kushina is, I used a long paragraph to describe it.

"It's not logical."

Corners are down the scroll.

"This little girl named Jiu Xinnai is obviously very beautiful. Why do people call her "Blood Red Pepper" and laugh at her red hair? Don't these young people see Jiu Xinna's beautiful appearance? "

How the hell do I know! !

How the hell do I know! ! !

Kishimoto painted like this, you ask me, who do I ask? !

"Do not care of details......"

Danzo took a deep breath, resisting the desire to complain.

"In short, this is the heroine."

Kakudo was dubious and continued to read.

Everyone is not optimistic about Namikaze Minato, and neither is Kushina, and even calls him a sissy.

But the problem is that Kushina doesn't like him, but he never beats Namikaze Minato like he did with other children.

Instead, he often interacts with Namikaze Minato.

"Kushinai said: Namikaze Minato, you sissy, I'm afraid I'm the only one who can sit at the same table with you and still not vomit!"

Jiaodu raised his head again, doubts evident in his green eyes.

This behavior is very illogical.

Since you hate him, why are you with him again.

"This is called Tsundere! Tsundere!"

Danzo patted the table.

Chapter 265. Danzo's plan, write a novel to save the world

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