Maybe they thought the Rye Four would succeed.

Or maybe, this is just the independent decision of the four people in the rye, and the others don't know it at all.

But it doesn't matter.

Danzo walked resolutely towards the western border of the country of Kawasaki. A few hours later, the wind and sand began to rise.

Danzo knows that he has reached the border of the Kingdom of Wind....

"It's... so hot here."

Danzo began to undress.

After arriving in the Land of Winds, the climate is another extreme.

It was unbelievably hot during the day.

After gathering the clothes and wearing only a pair of tight short sleeves on the upper body, Danzo put on the cloak, sun hat, and simple goggles prepared in advance, and started to move on.

The vast sea of ​​sand, looking around, except for rocks, is sand, and occasionally there may be a few cacti.

Danzo took out a compass and a map, and positioned himself as he walked.

If you want to stay in this environment, you can only rely on a compass...and some luck.

Even more disturbing.

The air distortion effect caused by the high temperature made the sky and the earth tremble violently.

It seems to be involved in some dimensional maze.

Small lizards and poisonous snakes occasionally emerge from the gravel and rocks.

Or when blown by the wind and sand, the bones of the dead traveler will appear from the surface of the sand layer.

Right now is the hottest time of the day.

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the scorching sun shines on the earth, as if it wants to cook everything.

The official novel "The Secret of Gaara" once mentioned that the country of the the country where Otsutsuki Kaguya reigns over this world.

As for why it turned into a big desert later.

Maybe Otsutsuki Kaguya wasted too much water resources, it's funny.

In addition, Danzo is not sure about Otsutsuki Kaguya in his own world.

After all, it was Kaguya Otsutsuki who arranged for the emperor of the motherland to be her husband by the brainless TV animation crew.

It's still the original Kishimoto manga, Kaguya Otsuki, the ascetic, was "blessed" by everyone to give birth to the Sage of the Six Paths, Kaguya Otsuki, and his younger brother Kaguya Otsuki.

if the latter one.

Well, the problem is coming.

How did everyone "bless" Otsuki Kaguya so that Otsutsuki Kaguya gave birth to two sons?

The third son, Hei Jue, is not black, and does he have an inexplicable relationship with Africa... oh, the black millets in the Land of Thunder?


Thinking of this, Danzo smiled, very wretchedly.

" laugh so disgustingly, you must be thinking about something obscene..."

Behind him, the footprints of the second train of travelers.

Shimura is far away.

Since the early morning, she has been following in step, not far behind Danzo.

"What do you know, I'm a bit stupid."

Danzo immediately put on a serious face.

"This is a sincere smile from my heart after seeing the vast sea of ​​sand. The sea of ​​sand is a magical natural phenomenon. Ahhh, I praise you, Dasha——"


A gust of wind blew with sand wrapped in it, filling Tuanzang with a mouthful of sand.


Shimura Jiuyuan put his hands on his pink lips and smiled lightly.

"Retribution in this world often comes so quickly..."

Shimura Jiuyuan said gloatingly, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Her bad character is exactly the same as in Danzang's memory.

Today is the second step of cultivating immortals.

As usual, ten more.

Wait for me to cultivate for a while, and update after 1:00.

The first step in cultivating immortality is to refine the body.

Now comes the second step.

Practice Qi.

drink ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Chapter 270. Shimura Belgris, Eating Outdoor Teppanyaki with His Sister

"Bah ah ah!!"

Danzo spit out a lot of sand, took a few sips of water, and rinsed his mouth.

This stopped.

But ah...

Although the environment is so harsh, there are also quite good aspects.

for example......

Danzo glanced at the sun, walked quickly to a stone, and stopped.

what are you going to do?

Shimura Kyuwon blinked his eyes.


Danzo put his finger to his mouth, turned around and made a shh gesture.

Then squatted down, and with a little effort, he turned a piece of weather-beaten rock over.

Lift a piece of rock with your hands.

Under the rock, there is a scorpion wielding its claws.

It moved its body in a daze, not knowing what happened

"Hi! I'm Shimura Belgris, look, what have I found?"


Shimura looked around for a long time, but found no one else.

And what is Belgris?

"Here is a lone scorpion, we can try to catch it, a scorpion can provide us with energy for several days, they are rich in a lot of protein, but scorpions are not easy to deal with. We slowly approach it from behind, be careful Don't make any noise."

Danzo leaned over cautiously.

Then, with the speed of his hands breaking the sky, he pinned down the scorpion.

"Hey, I caught it, it struggled a lot! We cut off its head, remove the tail, and the rest can be eaten raw, it has 6 times the protein content of beef, of course, if time is not urgent, we can Roast it first, it will be more delicious."

Danzo shook the scorpion in his hand.

Shimura Jiuyuan had already put on an indifferent face.

Moreover, she has a bad feeling.

Chances are, what's about to happen next will open the door to a new world for her.


Danzo opened his mouth wide and put the protein into his mouth.

"Crack! Chick!"

I don't know what color juice is splashing, and there is the sound of chewing hard.


Danzo widened his eyes, satisfied.

"It's crunchy and tastes like chicken."

Shimura Kuto: "..."

After eating one, it seemed that it was not satisfying, so Danzo turned over the stones next to him and found one.

After a simple treatment, this one was also put into his mouth, but his brows immediately frowned.

"This tastes like your friend stuffed shit in a sausage, emmmmmmm~~~"

Danzo suddenly began to foam at the mouth and roll his eyes, his body trembled, obviously poisoned.


Shimura Kyuwon sighed.

"Brother idiot, scorpions cannot be eaten raw."

"You, what do you know...!"

Seeing that his Beiye cosplay did not scare Shimura Jiuyuan, Danzo panicked.


Then he spat out a mouthful of foam, turned around and vomited again.

"I'm fighting poison with poison! I was injured a few days ago and was poisoned. I'll be fine after eating this!"

Seeing his brother's serious and foolish appearance, Shimura Jiuyuan suddenly covered his mouth and laughed.


After a while, Danzo found a shadow and honestly fried eggs.

Tofu slices, cabbage skewers, mushroom skewers, small cakes, squid skewers, meatballs...

After taking it out of the sealed scroll, a teppanyaki with the flavor of the land of wind and sand sea began.

It's better than what's off, what's east, what's cooked duo~!

"Hmm, um, that's the smell, I really miss it..."

Danzo rolled the skewers at the scene and remembered some interesting memories from the past.

Whether it is summer or winter, it is extremely beautiful to be able to eat teppanyaki.

Maybe, when I retire in the future, I can open a barbecue shop in my own small shop and have a teppanyaki grill.

Shimura Jiuyuan's food looks more like a lady, and she doesn't see her bad character as it should be displayed at all.

According to what Danzo thinks.

Shimura Kuwon should be like Hiruzaru Sarutobi, holding the big basin and pulling it with chopsticks half a meter long and with thick fingers.

There will also be an admiration for the food struggle on the face.

"I always feel... Brother, you seem to be thinking about something very rude..."

"Don't feel confused, am I that kind of person?"

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