Silence, the bare silence.

At this moment, it seemed that even the wind outside the base had stopped.

There was no movement in the entire underground laboratory.


Yes, their companion, a Shinobi from Sand Hidden Village!It was eaten by the ancient man Santana thousands of years ago! !

The next moment, everyone suddenly found out!Something has changed in Santana's body!

He got bigger and stronger!

That is to say...

"He, he regards Terai as nourishment!!"

"Terai was eaten by him~~!"

The sound of panic spread in the underground secret research base of Shayin Village.

"Don't panic~!!"

Heim let out a shriek, abruptly interrupting the words of his subordinates.


The next moment, Santana moved!

Seeing him leaping suddenly, he rushed directly to a sand ninja who was in a state of panic!


The sand ninja let out a horrified howl.



Just like a fish in the river got into a hole, Santana... got into that sand ninja's body!

Like a snake!Drilled down his ear! is this possible! !

Santana's figure is taller than that sand ninja!

" something wrong? It's pitch black...can't see anything..."

The sand ninja who was invaded actually spoke at this moment.

His body swelled strangely, like a human being propped up by a balloon!

Become fat and abnormal!

Then, he walked towards Haim and the others with the same pace as those mass-produced zombies!

Beads of sweat appeared on Haim's face: "If this guy is allowed to run outside, he will definitely become the enemy of the motherland... He must be killed!!"

Thinking of this, Haim clenched his fists.

"I give permission! Puppeteer! Use puppetry! I give permission, destroy him!!"

The puppeteer obeyed.

Manipulating the floating wooden puppet stepped forward.

"Ka Ka Ka...!"

The organ rang, and the three wooden puppets opened their mouths.

"Black Secret Skill · Mouth Poisoning Needle!"


The sound of mechanism operation sounded, and dense poisonous needles were shot from the puppet's mouth, all flying towards the sand ninja whose body was occupied!

Soon, that sand ninja was shot into a hedgehog by the poisonous needle!

However, the next moment, the poisonous needle inserted into his body began to shake.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Then, all the poisonous needles inserted into the body were separated from the body, and instead flew towards Haim and the others! !

All of a sudden, the screams became one piece!

"He, he bounced the ninja back~~!!!" Haim shouted.

However... none of the subordinates responded.

Heim looked around in horror.

Only then did he realize that all his subordinates had been killed except himself!

"Kuyi~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! I can't figure it out~!!"

A shriek of despair.

Haim, the ninja of this hidden sand village, the elite of the elite, is terrified.

Then, the second wave of attacks came.

All the remaining poisonous needles were fired by the sand ninja possessed by Santana!

The next one to die is Haim!


Just when Heim thought he was going to die...

A figure suddenly flashed.

Danzo, who has been hiding aside all this time, has made a move at this time! !

He grabbed Heim's broom head and... yanked!

"It hurts, hurts~!! Who are you?!"

"Hehe, the pain is only for a moment. As for who I am...I'm just a masked ninja passing by, remember it for me."


Danzo pulled out a handful of hair and held it in his hand.


With Danzo's inhalation, Ripple Qigong began to work.

Golden ripples rose from Danzo's body surface.

Stretching out his hands, he made a gesture, facing Santana's poisonous needle shot.

"It's called... Ripple Hair Shot!!"

Chapter 287. The Shimura clan has been gentlemen for generations

"Who are you......?!"

Wagen, who was in the wheelchair, saw Danzo for a moment, his eyes blurred for a moment.

That look... that familiar look...!

"Horse, Masaka...?!"


The hair in his hand was standing straight up, and was pinched by Danzo with his index and middle fingers.

The golden streamer spread over the hair, looking like golden needles! !

Wagen's old cheeks trembled, and he finally recognized the person who came: "You, you are the grandson of Shimura Maruzou! Shimura Danzo!!"

The Shimura clan has been gentlemen for generations.

Whether it is grandfather Shimura Maruzou, father Shimura Saizo, or... Shimura Danzo, they are all gentlemen.


Danzo didn't have time to complain, what kind of meeting is this.

What is going on with this old man who looks like a commentator, and his cheap grandfather Shimura Maruzou who has already received a lunch box.

Now, the most important thing is...!

The crackling sound has arrived.

With a flash, Danzo stopped in front of Haim and Wagen, and flicked his hair in his hand, like throwing a handful of golden needles into the air.

"protecting mask!"

The golden needles spread to the front of the body, and each strand of hair formed a radiant golden shield wall! !


Like hitting glass.

Danzo spread his hands to maintain the protective shield, although the poisonous needle roared, but...!

In front of the golden shield produced by Ripple Qigong, it is still useless!

At last.

The faint golden light gradually dissipated, ending the first round of confrontation between Danzo and Zhu Zhongren!

Walking between hair and hair, shining like stars!

"This hair..."

Danzo looked at the strand of hair left in his hand.

"It seems that there is not enough moisture. If you don't take good care of it, you will be bald in the future...Ou Sang, the broom~!"

Danzo shook his hand lightly, shaking off the hair in his hand.

Wagen looked at Danzo in surprise: "You, how do you know I'm here, Shimura Danzo."

"Yo, old man."

Danzo turned his head and greeted Wagen.

In fact, Wagen is the informant of Qianshoubeijian, that is, the real connector.

Between Shimuramaruzo, Wagan, and Senshoubei, it was a past event in the Warring States Period, ahem.

After Wagen discovered the underground ruins of the Kingdom of Wind, he directly sent the news to Qianshoubeijian as quickly as possible.

Even before Kakudo spread the rumor that "the hidden sand village made zombies".


Danzo's evil taste, Shayin Village created zombies, and it was wrong.

Therefore, it appeared later that Jiaodu's informant discovered that Shayin Village was really creating zombies.

As for why I know Wagen is here.

Of course, it was the news provided by his sister Shimura Jiuyuan.


Flesh exploded, and Santana's body was born from the minced flesh.

The reappearing Santana squatted on the ground and picked up a lock of hair.

"With hair..."

"Hey, the commander of Hidden Sand Village, Shutterheim."

Ignored Santana who was studying the hair.

Danzo turned around and faced Heim.

Sand hidden village made zombies.

And the commander in charge of this research base is the burly and coquettish Heim with a broom head in front of him.

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