
Ripple Qigong · Arhat Fist · Rock Attack!

"Bang bang!"

Ripple Qigong · Arhat Fist · High Five!


It has changed many times, but every move is different!

Danzo began to combine the taijutsu he had learned. Although no new taijutsu was born, it was enough to make people overwhelmed.

This kind of hodgepodge attack completely blinded Santana.

Or fist or palm, or leg or foot.

For a while, Danzo had the demeanor of a physical master.

The only pity is that when running Ripple Qigong, the Lightning Chakra Mode and Wind Chakra Mode cannot be used at the same time.

At least not for the time being.

But so what?

"My cheat... is much better than yours!!"

With Danzo's roar, the blood is bursting.

The ability of Ripple Qigong is to use the special chakra transformed by the yang attribute chakra.

Breathing with added blood.

A large amount of medicine refined by Qianshou Angxing made Danzo's blood start to burn.

Just ask, what else can make blood spurt?

the answer is......


Extreme anger filled Danzo's mind.

Danzo, with red eyes, finally awakened the true ability of Naoto's body training golden finger!


One big character after another, vast and powerful, appeared in Danzo's retina.





At this moment, an unyielding flame burned in Danzo's eyes.

The red light is spreading.

That is the bursting force of life.


Chakra exploded.

With Danzo's body as the center, the crimson power ignited.

Mixed with the red Ripple Qigong, at this moment... it turned into pure gold!

Under the light of red gold, the dust dissipated like snowflakes.

The overflowing red-gold ripple energy produced arcs of electric arcs, which kept ringing like a night of lightning.

Chapter 294. Proof of Friendship & The End of the Man in the Pillar


Santana's expression froze.

The next moment, Danzo raised his head.

The black eyeballs turned into a wonderful color under the red-gold radiance.

The same goes for skin and clothing.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a vast voice filled the scene, covering the sound of the wind and blocking the swaying of the flames.

"San! Ta! Na!"

The desert, which was already hot, became even hotter.

The atmosphere twisted crazily, chakra burst out, tearing apart the dust.

It was like a substantial flame oscillating back and forth, like stars, and like thunder.

Even the stones on the ground were pushed aside because of this force.

Facing the man in the pillar thousands of years ago, Danzo did not dodge or evade.


A loud drink.

Accompanied by the roar that tore through the air, Danzo's body suddenly turned into an afterimage, appearing directly in front of Santana.

Under the gaze full of unyielding flames, Santana had no time to react, and was directly hit by Danzo's fist.


The defense that could not be broken by relying on external forces, at this moment... was finally torn apart.

The tyrannical force punched Santana's head.

Blood splattered, and red and white objects flew in all directions.

Santana's body leaned back irresistibly.

The current state of Danzo is like the big move of the wandering swordsman in DOTA, the power of God.

——Wandering cun swordsman zang is now NB.

This is pure physical power.

Rely on chakra and body.

Chakra acts as internal force.

Just like Akai opened the Eight Gates Dunjia, what the violent Chakra brings is an absolute increase in strength and speed.

Xianshu attack is to Liudaoban, and ripple qigong is to Santana.

After wearing the special attack effect of breaking the defense, even the person in the pillar will only end up being blown up!

However, even if his head explodes, Santana is not dead.

He moved his limbs, trying to fight back.

That's right.

Santana's special ability is even stronger than that of the left and right brothers.

It can break up its own cells and then combine them.

This proves that he is no longer a monster that cannot be deduced by common sense.

The key to such a thing does not exist in Santana's body!

"How dare you not die?!"

Danzo, who had almost doubled his strength, let out a low cry, and was not surprised at this scene.

In the next moment, Danzo hit like a steamroller.

Santana, who had not yet recovered his body, suddenly flew upside down, his bones were broken, and his body was twisted.

A force as violent as Bamen Dunjia raged on the spot.

Danzo reproduced the scene where Xiao Li violently beat Gaara in the Chunin exam.

Taking the ruins everywhere as footholds, Danzo's figure kept flashing and moving.

After each attack, another appears.

10 seconds!

The time came to the 10th second.

All I could hear was the vibration of the air, the painful sounds of bone fractures and crumbling flesh and blood one after another.

Relying on his own fist, Danzo smashed all parts of Santana's body abruptly.

All of a sudden, flesh and blood flew everywhere!

One punch can't solve it, just two punches!

If two punches are not enough, then 200 punches!

Santana's body was beaten into a sieve.

At this moment, Danzo also realized the true meaning of Naoto's golden finger.

That is the power that comes from the intense emotion that comes from the positive.

The reason why Naoto has not exploded with matching strength is because he always blames others.

Danzo is different.

Fate added to the body.

Danzo never chose to hate.

He just wants to walk freely in the sky and the earth.

"This is... an era of positive energy!!"

Now, Danzo with positive energy is invincible!

At least, it's okay to beat up Santana!

15 seconds!

The time came to 15 seconds.

Scarlet golden shards of light danced like embers of a flame.

Danzo is holding a Taidao, and the golden radiance spreads on it.

A blurry stream of light flashed past, leaving several afterimages in the air immediately.

A burst of blood mist erupted from Santana's body, which was cut into more than ten pieces, and the thought of repairing was interrupted again!

20 seconds!

The smoke cleared and the sun came out.

The harsh yet soft light shone on the ground, shining into the ruins of the huge circular pit created by Helm's self-detonation.

At the same time, it also irradiated on the body of the man in the pillar, Santana.


Santana screamed.

The unwilling roar shook the desert.

What the sun brings is not only physical pain, but also the pain in memory, and... the unreconciledness in front of me.

a primitive man...

I actually lost to a hateful primitive man! !

Not reconciled!

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